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Power and construction partners Westinghouse and CB&I joined community leaders and project workers at a special event to mark a year of progress at the historic expansion of Plant Vogtle near Waynesboro, Ga. Against the backdrop of the nearly complete 600 foot-tall Unit 3 cooling tower, attendees came together to commemorate the efforts of the more than 5,000 workers currently onsite building two of the country’s first new nuclear units in three decades. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to:
Categories // Business  News and Politics 
Added: 3734 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m50s | Views: 1051 | Comments: 2



A short Clip from: BBC's Horizon Special Psychedelic Experience One would not expect Britain's traditionally conservative and oft-staid BBC to screen a 50 minute film on the new wave of psychedelic research in humans. Yet, astonishingly enough, such a state of affairs recently came to pass. Before it aired on February 27th, 1997, Psychedelic Science was heavily featured in the media, even getting elaborate treatment in the Radio Times, a mass publication as institutionalised as the BBC itself. The Times, the Guardian, and the Independent, Britain's three leading broadsheets, all carried major pieces announcing the film. Dr. Deborah Mash and her research with ibogaine was also treated in depth in the film. Mash explains how ibogaine can be used to break cocaine habits although, as with ayahuasca, we do not not learn much about the actual phenomenology induced by ibogaine - suffice it to say that patients experience transformative insights into themselves which can break their patterns of addiction. Some addicts may have a long history of ADHD btw The history of ADHD is not so new... and many addicts seems to have some of it...
Added: 6474 days ago by CocaCola Jesus
Runtime: 5m23s | Views: 9833 | Comments: 1



A massive storm produced hail the size of peas and the size of quarters, and a few were golf ball size. We took some pictures as the hail came down and our high speed camera caught the hailstone in the air as well as on the ground. Short but neat!
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 5042 days ago by pabear48
Runtime: 1m20s | Views: 11174 | Comments: 0



The crime is inhumanly cruel with horrific consequences both unthinkable and inevitable. During a service at a cathedral in Cologne, Germany, a band of armed intruders dressed in monk’s robes unleashes a nightmare of blood and terror, ruthlessly gunning down worshippers and clergy alike. The killers haven’t come for the church’s gold and valuable artwork, but for a priceless treasure secreted within: the preserved bones of the Three Magi who once came to pay homage to a newborn savior. As they flee the carnage they have wrought, they carry a prize that could reshape the world. Learn about the book here Learn about the author here Thriller, Suspense, Mystery
Categories // Miscellaneous  Business 
Added: 4835 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m1s | Views: 6322 | Comments: 1



Sensei Titus Jansen from the Netherlands explains here the background of his Koga Ryu Ninjutsu system. He uses a short description to the public that came to watch the demonstration in his Kage Ryu Dojo ninja school in the Netherlands. Sensei Titus Mathijn Jansen is one of the few Koga Ryu Ninja masters in Europe
Categories // Sport 
Added: 4678 days ago by Hojobudo
Runtime: 3m37s | Views: 4900 | Comments: 1



Software just changed the way of our work. First, computer came and changes the technology. Then, Internet changed our way to look for anything and now, hundreds of software launched each day to make our work easier on computers. Number of IT companies from all over the world just keep on developing kind of software which human beings had dream last night and what he got next day. In latest software release news, the software already available on Internet and many of users already gone through all its working. Advanced technology and much explore of human brains made this thing look very easy. Software somehow makes our work much easier on our working machines. Internet becomes the source to get any software instant if available. Most of the software on the Internet available without any cost and some of them want you to pay before use. Among most of the categories, we mostly come up with two kinds, Commercial and Open Source software. Now, what these kind of software? Let me to explain about these software types:- Open Source Software:- Open Source software are those kind of software which requires no cost to use them and anyone seek any kind of improvement software need can improve it and again, launch with its improved version on Internet. Again, another user can add some extra features to that software and launch on the Internet. Programming code for open source software easily available on Internet. Commercial Software: - Open Source software can also be commercial software. Commercial software used as commercial purposes. Some of this software is available on the Internet for free, while some named software you can also get for free but on a trial period maximum of 30 days. After 30 days of use, you have to purchase the software license. Microsoft, Adobe etc all among these commercial software production companies. Some of the best commercial software made by these multinational companies are MS Office, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Flash player etc. Take Linux as most appropriate example. Linux was first launched in 1991 and now, a number of improved versions available on the Internet. Linux is completely open source operating system software. If you have some knowledge about software and want to add some extra features, you can easily do it. Most of the companies currently have Linux as there operating system rather than Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7 because Linux is much easier to operate and occupied less space, light in use. Now, take a look on Adobe Photoshop. You want to make an image, website, background image with some special effects etc, you need to have knowledge about Adobe Photoshop and its various features. This commercial software somehow available without any cost on Internet but you just cannot go for all its features. You want to use all its features, go and purchase a license. But you do not need to pay for open source software.
Added: 4614 days ago by michealmellis
Runtime: 1m23s | Views: 4291 | Comments: 1



This is PinkleTank\'s Music Video for their new song Cool To Be Cool. Look for PinkleTank\'s new EP to be released soon! PinkleTank released Get Tankled last year and it is available on and in your favorite music store. PinkleTank is now filming a new pilot show in Nashville, TN, and it will be release early next year. Eight-year-old Pinkle\'s two favorite colors were pink and purple, so she combined the two to create her stage name. Tank has been called Tank since birth, so it is easy to see how this band came up with its name.
Tags // pinkletank  cool  to  be  cool  live  kids  band  music  video  concert  pop  rock  rap 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4595 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m29s | Views: 7177 | Comments: 0



For a long time, Thailand, as well as many countries in the world, had have the perception that women’s place is in the home, or rather, in the kitchen. But when it came to national or international achievements regarding gastronomic art and skills, women chefs always played second fiddle to men ones. The fact, which was and is still true, seems to be proved by the smaller number of acclaimed Thai female chefs when compared to males. However, there is an emerging trend that female chefs are rising to the top, claiming their management position in and out of the kingdom. Take this lady as a sample Ms. Navamas Lakanankoon
Added: 4450 days ago by kade6337
Runtime: 2m4s | Views: 3067 | Comments: 2



Well, my friend Jenni has been sad lately and has had a lot of problems and so I came up with this magic cover song that is going to make all her woes melt like ice. If that doesn't work, I guess I can always buy her flowers and candy.
Categories // Music  Miscellaneous  Funny 
Added: 3601 days ago by Herfortz
Runtime: 4m55s | Views: 1100 | Comments: 0



A wonderful musician and friend of mine has recently departed from our world and is now starting his new life under God's great care and guidance. Nikos will do very well in Heaven and will even delight the angels with his goodwill and music. "I am reaching out to you now from this world Nikos to present you with my gift of this song for you. The melody came to me immediate in my grief. Now with great joy, I embrace you as my eternal friend. There is no end for you now my friend Nikos. Only eternal bliss and fulfillment..... I suppose that I will have to behave myself a little bit more if we are to meet again and go fishing as I have promised. PS my friend. I do not own a flute, nor did I have any simulated flute sounds that I could use for this song and so I came up with the idea of recording the sound of the timer from my microwave and by stretching it out, I believe that I now have a most beautiful flute sound. You always did call me your crazy artist friend. I suppose that this proves it. Take good care of yourself Nikos. Eternally your crazy artist friend.. Steve.
Categories // Music  Miscellaneous 
Added: 3455 days ago by Herfortz
Runtime: 4m4s | Views: 1354 | Comments: 2



ok uploading it was a idea i had when the song came on in the car today. sorry the copyright DKP is over some clips i had it on i used what i had on the pc... forgive me daughter in arms right now
Tags // vampire  diaries  stefan  damon  two  princes  elena 
Categories // Funny  Comedy 
Added: 5601 days ago by Aphrodite
Runtime: 4m13s | Views: 11944 | Comments: 1



When the Kat came to town
Tags // katja  nate 
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 5539 days ago by stinkybob
Runtime: 4m22s | Views: 4493 | Comments: 0



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