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This video shows how to make a large stencil. Your home printer, a stencil image, a huge stencil designer (I used RonyaSoft Poster Printer software (, scissors and glue is all you need. You can try to design your own stencil or use a photo or an image you like and turn it into the big stencil. I used RonyaSoft Poster Printer software because it is the best software for creating a large poster, funny sign, colourful banner or advertisement at home. And believe or not, no special poster size plotters are required to make a poster; and a standard home or office printer will suit perfectly.
Added: 4421 days ago by posteressa1
Runtime: 1m33s | Views: 1164 | Comments: 2



FOLLOW!! @Miss_Erica FREE DOWNLOAD . Lyrics: Ya girl Done took of on em YeP! I done up & Done it . Start investigating I'm the worlds most wanted . But the world I don't want it No it can't do nothing 4 me . So im not eatin what they tryna feed me like'Yummy? ' Like Dummy, Life is more than stackin money . its not a contradiction Its a true statement Honey! Blind 2 the world -i'm Spirit led- Unlike these anorexic Christians I'm spirit Fed . So u can call me Sara Lee I'm in the Bakery . Breakin Bread I got my own Recipe . The Word of God cures sin - its a sad Disease . I can't be around it,excuse me, Bad Allergies . I'm all natural call me organic Lemme break it down so that you can understand it .Born again, New in my own skin, dipped in the blood Im a transfusion ::HOOK:: Make the funeral arrangements my flesh already dead Flesh already dead,Flesh already dead, how did i die It was suicide The Obituary said i killed my flesh & my pride
Tags // erica  diamonds  christian  rap 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4420 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 2m58s | Views: 5358 | Comments: 2



Big brands break new commercials at DAYTONA 500®, and NASCAR is no exception. NASCAR will reveal a brand new creative vision – a campaign featuring more than two dozen drivers, with nine original spots in both English and Spanish. The drama-filled campaign will premiere during NASCAR’s crown-jewel event, the Daytona 500. The race will broadcast live on FOX and FOX Deportes on Feb. 24 beginning at 1 pm ET. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Funny  Event and Party  Sport 
Added: 4405 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 1196 | Comments: 2



One of the most important questions people ask is, how large of a picture light do I need? It's important to remember that there are general guidelines but no hard and fast rules. The general guideline for traditional picture lights that have a two inch diameter shade, such as these House of Troy antique brass picture lights, is that the light should be at least half the width of the image you are trying to illuminate. Meaning that if you have a 20 inch wide image, you need at least a 10 inch wide picture light.
Categories // Business 
Added: 4279 days ago by picturelights1
Runtime: 2m41s | Views: 2067 | Comments: 1



Josh Lyon\\\'s method of training & riding horses is very explanatory and unique. At MyHorseWorld, Josh will work side by side with you and your horse on whatever your goals may be. Some people call on Josh when starting their horses; some need help with problems, others strive for performance. No matter your riding level, you will benefit from this one of a kind experience.
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4240 days ago by iankirkham
Runtime: 3m57s | Views: 770 | Comments: 0



Continuous improvement is the way of all industry – and the metalworking industry is no exception. Production processes are getting smarter all the time, machines faster, and tools more accurate. EMO Hannover is all about metal, and over the next few days, all manner of solutions for machining and working it will be on show right here at the Hannover Exhibition Center, Germany.
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 4197 days ago by mhoch4
Runtime: 1m52s | Views: 1802 | Comments: 0



Pretty much the kitchen sink with everything that I've been learning since listening to Electronic, Ambient and Dub-step music to put together my home made Electronic stew with just a pinch of paprika. If you don't like it, I won't force feed you like I do my goldfish. They can just float on their backs and play dead like my hamsters do. All the more fish food for me. However, if you do like this, I would recommend it with sushi or a can of high grade pork and beans. This song contains no automation, digital by-products or artificial flavors. Everything was made here from scratch...even the scratching. Alright, It's now baked, brewed, simmered and ready to serve. "Bon Appétit ...Oui, oui"....That's french for...???....Oui, oui.
Categories // Music 
Added: 3831 days ago by Herfortz
Runtime: 9m7s | Views: 1571 | Comments: 1



The best of our city in summer is back with a vengeance as Sydney Festival returns in its 39th year. 2015 will see a spectacular program of free and ticketed events spanning contemporary and classical music, theatre, dance, visual arts, circus, cabaret and much more. There’s no better way to get into the swing of summer in Sydney than by enjoying a free outdoor concert in the heart of the city, with 60,000 of your closest friends. The Domain concert series return with four large-scale concerts including a special Summer Sounds in The Domain headlined by South American superstar Seu Jorge whose samba sounds will kick-start summer in Brazilian style. Sydney Festival 2015 will see 18 world premiere performances including Masquerade based on the iconic children’s book by Kit Williams, and 11 Australian premiere works including Quebec’s Cirque Alfonse in Timber!, Roysten Abel’s newest work The Kitchen, and a taste of Belgian theatrical flair in Kiss & Cry a dance work for a duo of hands.
Added: 3790 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m56s | Views: 1366 | Comments: 2



The Modern Mughal Mentality transforms hardships and difficulties into success stories by introducing the Jugaad Management Principle Business Model, which can be applied to any business, anywhere. For the purpose of this book, the term Jugaad will be defined as obtaining your objectives by maximizing resources through thinking out of the box. Following this new business model will inspire all types of companies around the world, no matter how big or small, to create innovative mentalities, products, and strategies. The Modern Mughal Mentality reveals ways in which companies everywhere can benefit from this new business model. It also reveals ways in which western companies can learn to be successful in India. Executives of multi-national corporations, government officials, and even American and global small business owners who have no plans to do business in India will benefit from the innovative and revolutionary approach to maximizing resources that The Modern Mughal Mentality delivers. ISBN: 978-1-63192-931-1(’Paperback) eISBN: 978-1-48355-574-4 Find out more at and #MughalMentality Non-Fiction/Business
Categories // Miscellaneous  Business 
Added: 3549 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m-0s | Views: 724 | Comments: 1



Summer is upon us, which means pedestrians, pets, bicycles and motorcycles are out in force, requiring drivers to be even more cautious. No matter where you’re headed, the park close by or family vacation to the beach, it’s important to think about everyone who'll be traveling with you, especially children and pets. As a driver, your responsibility is to know the law and protect those in your vehicle. Infants and toddlers need special care and safety seats are required by law in all 50 states. Some states even have laws that require your furry friends to be restrained. New Jersey, for example, requires pets to be in a restraint or a carrier in the car. The fine for this violation is anywhere from $250 to $1000. Check with your department of motor vehicles or veterinary office for information on pet restraint in your state. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Tags // state  farm  dog  cat  car  travel  summer  vacation  road  trip  pet  safety  multivu  7493131 
Added: 3545 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m26s | Views: 881 | Comments: 3



Desde el momento en que nacen, cada uno de los animales de nuestro planeta comienza la misma travesía con un objetivo final: sobrevivir y asegurar la descendencia. Al igual que los humanos, los animales tienen que enfrentar difíciles obstáculos en cada etapa de sus vidas, ya sea el medioambiente, sus enemigos o hasta la propia familia. Esta cautivadora y visualmente espectacular serie muestra el comportamiento de varias especies y los desafíos a los que se enfrentan. SOBREVIVIR (#Sobrevivir) se estrena en Discovery en Español el 18 de octubre a las 8PM E/ 5PM P, y se transmitirá los domingos a esa misma hora. Narrada por el actor mexicano Enrique Rocha, la serie captura las historias individuales de varios animales, desde su perspectiva y en su hábitat natural, mostrando en cámara cómo dan sus primeros pasos, aprenden a adaptarse a la vida sin sus padres, se refugian de sus enemigos, ganan una posición de poder en su mundo, encuentran pareja y procrean una nueva generación. “No había tenido la fortuna de narrar una serie y ha sido una gran experiencia poder contar esta increíble historia sobre la vida con la visión y credibilidad de Discovery en Español. ‘Sobrevivir’ le da acceso exclusivo a los televidentes y les ofrece ser testigos del maravilloso y muchas veces difícil ciclo de la vida”, comentó Enrique Rocha. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3448 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 1015 | Comments: 0



After a highly successful inaugural event in 2014, Red Bull Straight Rhythm will return for a second consecutive year at Fairplex at Pomona, CA. An evolution of the sport of supercross, the event features head-to-head racing on an “unwound” track, where there are no turns, just a 1/2 mile-long straight track complete with 75 jumps and a 400-foot long whoops section, likely having riders spend more time airborne than on the ground. The event will be broadcast live and on demand beginning October 10th at 12:30pm PT on Red Bull TV as part of the Red Bull Signature Series, a collection of the most innovative and progressive events in action sports. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Cars and Vehicles  Sport 
Added: 3444 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m46s | Views: 890 | Comments: 3



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