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Let’s find our love with new iPhone game “Find My Love”.Love birds often try their love luck with flower petals. Along with fun, its thrill, emotions, feelings, test of love and all for them. So why not try our new game “Find My Love”. Its a fun game, through which user will check compatibility with their loved once by plucking out the petals of flower and can get the love percentage with your loved partner. It will work on iOS version 5 onwards. For more info:-
Tags // iphone  game  applications 
Categories // Games  Business 
Added: 4413 days ago by findmylovemidi
Runtime: 2m34s | Views: 733 | Comments: 1
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Local theatre company, North Shore Players, presents Ben Elton\\\'s first West End success and 2nd play sandwiched between his other stage work \\\'Gasping\\\' and \\\'Popcorn\\\'. Although first performed in 1991 at London\\\'s Haymarket Theatre, Silly Cow, is still very relevant in today\\\'s celebrity obsessed culture and will keep you either laughing or on the edge of your seat throughout. This is the first production staged by North Shore Players and is an ideal summer\\\'s evening of entertainment providing the very best of Elton\\\'s comic stage work. Come along, support some local new talent and indulge in some of the funniest theatre you\\\'ll experience this year! Cast: • Sidney - Jonathan Callinan • Doris - Claire Buckley • Peggy - Claire Wingfield • Douglas - Matt MacDougall • Eduardo - Dane Dawson Director - Lynne Davis Dates & times: Thursday 7th - Saturday 16th March, 8pm at The Rose Centre, Belmont. Matinee: Sunday 10th March at 2pm. No Mon performances. Tickets: $25 adults, $20 seniors and students. Group discounts (10+ seats) available. Bookings: Ph. Richard at The Rose Centre on 445 9900 or email Visit for more information.
Tags // silly  cow  ben  elton  jonathan  callinan  claire  buckley 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4408 days ago by petersalina702
Runtime: 1m0s | Views: 2258 | Comments: 0
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Looking for a Goa Holidays, and confuse what to see? Well. We bring you some of the best places to visit in Goa Visit:-
Tags // things  do  in  goa 
Categories // Travel and Holiday 
Added: 4388 days ago by abhishektch
Runtime: 1m3s | Views: 1895 | Comments: 0
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The new extended version of the E-Lites Electronic Cigarette TV advert. Visit for more info! E-Lites is the number 1 brand of electronic cigarette in the UK.
Categories // Miscellaneous  Funny 
Added: 4372 days ago by ChrisKeys
Runtime: 0m52s | Views: 823 | Comments: 2
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Erfrischende Cocktail Rezeptideen rund um Berliner Kindl Weisse präsentiert die Webseite Vielfältige Rezepte findest du hier ebenso wie einen Online Shop mit Berliner Kindl Weisse Bier, MIXCups, Gläsern und Accessoires. Die Webseite und die Musik machen Lust auf Sommer und mehr. Am besten selbst probieren!
Tags // cocktail  rezepte  zutaten 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4353 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m40s | Views: 865 | Comments: 0
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Travel Guide about Siem Reap in Cambodia.The Siem Reap is a tourist place where you can find many places to Travel.This is adventurous and beautiful place in Cambodia.
Tags // siem  reap 
Categories // Travel and Holiday 
Added: 4351 days ago by siemreap
Runtime: 0m41s | Views: 665 | Comments: 2
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Music video by Revo Zmf feat. Nephew performing Goonz in Jacksonville, Florida. Filmed & Edited by: @TPVarr (PrayProductions) Follow On Twitter: @RevoZmf @TheRealNephew @TPVarr . Instagram: @zoemusic1804 @TheRealNephew904 @TPVarr . For Music Videos & all video work contact Pray Productions. Email: with your contact info & songs. [Download On] Nephew: Sticks & Stones Vol.1 Revo Zmf: Streets Owe Me Back Pay & Hood Forever
Tags // revo  zmf  ft  nephew 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4348 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 5m50s | Views: 813 | Comments: 0
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Luxury Yachting Pty Ltd provides best Whitsunday Luxury Sailing for tourist. In This video Fish is amazing swimming in the Sea. You can also Enjoy and Entertainment with us at Whitsunday Island. For More Info:
Tags // whitsunday  luxury  sailing 
Categories // Travel and Holiday 
Added: 4318 days ago by Williamsyok
Runtime: 0m37s | Views: 1539 | Comments: 1
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Cuban Link stops by Tuff City and spits a freestyle with Tuff City Styles/SBM Nations own Night. Facebook - Twitter - Instagram - NightTCS FOR BOOKING OR INFO CONTACT MED at OR JAY L REY at
Tags // tuff  city  night  cuban  link  waiting  for  the  body  bag  freestyle  music  video 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4318 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 6m31s | Views: 2597 | Comments: 0
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Carat Lane Presents Most Beautiful Summer collection Latest Arrivals at reasonable price. For more info visit:
Tags // buy  jewellery  online 
Categories // Business 
Added: 4317 days ago by Andycoper
Runtime: 1m5s | Views: 2111 | Comments: 2
Not yet rated Looking for a work from home online job? Like booty shaking? Ever thought of webcam/stripper modeling? All you have to do is sign up. No background check, and no work history or references to submit. If you can afford to get the necessary equipment to webcam chat you\'re good to go. You can get a good webcam for as little as $60 bucks. Lighting can also be purchased for pretty cheap if you need it. You can be a cam girl or guy, it doesn\'t matter. Adult modeling can bring in weekly paychecks of up to $2000. Model and strip from the comfort of your own home. No need for bouncers or security guards. You\'re safe from stalkers and other crazies. All you have to do is put in a minimum of 20 hours a week and you\'ll be successful. If you want to you can also cam with someone as a couple or whatever. Want to block you\'re profile from being seen in certain states and/or countries? No problem. You\'ll set your own hours and post your schedule for your customers to see. Some of the benefits you\'ll receive are: - Earn from $1.00/minute for private shows weekly with no minimums. - Be seen on the highest traffic webcam network with plenty of paying customers. - Advanced HD streaming technology with the best video and audio quality available. - The ability to work any hours you choose from any location with high speed Internet. - Models can block visitors by Country, City, and State to protect their identity. - No background check or prior work experience required. - This is the highest paying internet modeling agency on the net. -  As a webcam model, you will be seen on over 200+ different adult sites simultaneously. Want an idea of how much money you could make?  Well, let\'s say you have 10 customers taking you into private chat ( from the 200+ cam sites you\'ll be seen on simultaneously ); at $1.00/minute per customer that\'s $10 dollars a minute!  The job requirements are simple:  -You will need a desktop pc, or laptop (Mac will also work). -an HD webcam and a high speed internet connection with an upload speed above .65 MB/s. You can test your speed at . We recommend an HD webcam capable of streaming in 720P. The Logitech c910 is a great webcam for this. There are openings for: - Straight Female Webcam Models - Lesbian Webcam Models - Straight Male Webcam Models - Gay Male Webcam Models - Crossdressing Male Webcam Models - Transgender Webcam Models         - Plus Size Female Webcam Models - Over 40 Female Webcam Models  - Over 40 Male Webcam Models - Fetish Webcam Models (both female and male)                                 - Couples (both straight and gay) - Groups 3 or more (both straight and gay)
Tags // webcam  modeling  models  wanted  booty  modeling  work  from  home  cam  girl  guy  online  job  webcam  chat  stripper 
Categories // Howto and DIY 
Added: 4313 days ago by dgtracksmil
Runtime: 0m52s | Views: 2094 | Comments: 2
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This is Ryan Pyle's promo. If you have any questions about this content please contact Ryan Pyle directly. Also, if you like these clips be sure to subscribe to my production companies page, there will be a stream of regularly published content there for everyone to check out:
Tags // ryan  pyle 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4312 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 6m28s | Views: 664 | Comments: 0
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