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I got bored yesterday so I made a video on myself. Quite 'narcissistic' huh? Not really. Just a bored person doing boring things. Lol. Well, have fun. And oh yeah. The song that I used was from The Click Five, 'Just A Girl'. If you don't enjoy the video, at least enjoy the song. :D
Tags // vivi 
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 5751 days ago by siadh
Runtime: 3m55s | Views: 3895 | Comments: 0



Zanny Greek chef Andreas Yiasimi from Constantia Cottage Restaurant and front man for The Constantia Brothers will attempt to cook a seafood extravaganza to music! Andreas is Hoping to add a little Mediterranean flare to Cromer and Sheringham's first ever Crab and Lobster Festival. The dish called 'Lobster Kapama' is a family recipe that Andreas's grandmother use to cook for the family years ago, it will certainly be a challenge to prepare this complex dish in half an hour but Andreas insists he will relish the challange
Added: 5403 days ago by fuoco45
Runtime: 1m27s | Views: 7248 | Comments: 1



Use your skills and precision to control the RAINDROP down the window, it\\\\\\\'s easy to play just tilt your device left or right. *****How far can you get before the time runs out???***** Collect the different power-ups for extra speed along the way or for additional time, but make sure you avoid the bugs!!! FEATURES Use the accelerometer to control the raindrop Fun and addictive, keep playing until you beat your score!! Leaderboard of highest scores Challenge your friends, who\\\\\\\'s the best? Share your score on Twitter, Facebook, e-mail and have a boast to everyone! Background rain sound effect will keep you nice and relaxed use these promo codes for free download 9KAYJPPXRHEX KXALEAFT3PJY JJYXNMJWMAMT WNLLE3P6AFLX PRELL9PKPTPR MP3HT39ATTRM 93WHMAKPYTXE 7NAFEF3XYJAR 7WAJTK43JHLR ARJ7W3AA637R EK3RP6RL6466 FMYAMETNANN3 FW3XW9NERNAR HKYTPWYKNLAL 74KFH7LRH3PE KJLXMPFLP9P4 EXHJJHJEPY4L FH446XLTM3NM 4KY47AMW7WPL WPT9HJ39EMJX APP Store :=
Tags // raindrop  rush  running 
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 4334 days ago by raindroprush
Runtime: 0m32s | Views: 3394 | Comments: 0
      (Conspiracy) New World Order (Top Secret)(MUST WATCH) I uploaded this on youtube but it was removed within seconds saying that it was against terms and conditions even though it isn\'t it any way, they just want to keep you from the truth. The fact that they remove things like this just backs up the theory\'s. Just remember they can screw with you any time they want and we can\'t do anything about it, we have no control! Even the president has no control, he is just a puppet. The banks and people with money control the world. I would also like to add that i have no involvement in the making of this video nor to i have contact with the creator, so no questions please.
Tags // nwo  new  world  order  president  bush  george  secret  education  conspiracy  america  9  11  911  all  watching  eye  geometry  the  end 
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 6065 days ago by jeznorth
Runtime: 9m21s | Views: 11138 | Comments: 1



A short Clip from: BBC's Horizon Special Psychedelic Experience One would not expect Britain's traditionally conservative and oft-staid BBC to screen a 50 minute film on the new wave of psychedelic research in humans. Yet, astonishingly enough, such a state of affairs recently came to pass. Before it aired on February 27th, 1997, Psychedelic Science was heavily featured in the media, even getting elaborate treatment in the Radio Times, a mass publication as institutionalised as the BBC itself. The Times, the Guardian, and the Independent, Britain's three leading broadsheets, all carried major pieces announcing the film. Dr. Deborah Mash and her research with ibogaine was also treated in depth in the film. Mash explains how ibogaine can be used to break cocaine habits although, as with ayahuasca, we do not not learn much about the actual phenomenology induced by ibogaine - suffice it to say that patients experience transformative insights into themselves which can break their patterns of addiction. Some addicts may have a long history of ADHD btw The history of ADHD is not so new... and many addicts seems to have some of it...
Added: 6476 days ago by CocaCola Jesus
Runtime: 5m23s | Views: 9835 | Comments: 1



California News on Ibogaine Treatment 20 Feb, 2004 - BAY AREA (KRON 4) - Drug addiction has been the plague of modern America. But that could now change forever. What started as a rumor may now actually be an incredible breakthrough in the battle against addictions of all kinds. Features Dr. Deborah Mash who says she is going to submit to FDA her data gathered in her St. Kitts clinic. Some addicts may have a long history of ADHD btw. The history of ADHD is often said to start with George Still 1902. Actually it starts already 1798 with George Crichton:
Added: 6469 days ago by CocaCola Jesus
Runtime: 9m21s | Views: 11565 | Comments: 1



Hosted by Carson Kressley (Queer Eye For The Straight Guy) How To Look Good Naked teaches women of all shapes and sizes how to go from self loathing to self loving without resorting to interventions like extreme dieting or cosmetic surgery. Premieres Friday, January 4th at 9pm EST.
Tags // lifetime  tv  premier  new  how  to  look  good  naked  carson  kressley  queer  gay  reality  queer  eye  body  image  naked  self 
Added: 6298 days ago by lifetimepd
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 10874 | Comments: 3



I wish Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all my friends
Added: 6291 days ago by elegantchikova
Runtime: 2m3s | Views: 9802 | Comments: 2



We're a group of dj's and italian musicians. We work in all Italy from more 20 year's old, and play all style music. Our entertainemnt for wedding and party is absolutely personalized. We accept your playlist. Available also for events request by Company. info (at)
Added: 6137 days ago by romadj
Runtime: 1m20s | Views: 9185 | Comments: 1



The Interview for It's all about keeping your social and business life separate.
Categories // Pets and Animals  Funny  Comedy 
Added: 6137 days ago by jennyfrommoli
Runtime: 0m51s | Views: 9396 | Comments: 2



Butta Verses, a Bronx-bred rapper who now calls Fort Lauderdale, Florida home, made his debut appearance on De La Soul’s 2004 release The Grind Date spitting back to back with Posdonus on the song “No.” Butta’s name was bestowed upon him by fellow MCs at local ciphers but once his mixtape reached the ears of DJ Maseo from De La Soul, his rhymes started reaching neighborhoods around the world. Maseo signed Butta to his Bear Mountain Entertainment label and he began touring with De La Soul to promote The Grind Date. Butta released several mixtapes while playing over 200 shows on De La Soul’s international tour and began recording with his crew GCD (Glee Club Detention) as well as Seattle’s Vitamin D and Bean One for his Bear Mountain debut, Brand Spankin. Having completed his term with Bear Mountain, Butta focused on live performances, sharing the stage with such veterans as Wu Tang Clan, KRS-One, Boot Camp Click and many others. Though no longer signed with Maseo, Butta was heard in late 2006 on De La Soul’s old-school flavored track, “You Got It” from Impossible Mission. All along, Butta has seen a great deal of his catalog licensed for television (NBC’s Saturday Night Live and A&E’s Dog The Bounty Hunter, to name a couple) and ringtones through his partnership with NYC-based licensing company, Beats and Rhymes. Today, Butta is wrapping up his follow-up album, Six Minutes To Ten, with such guests as CL Smooth, and A-Butta of Natural Elements with production help from The Mighty V.I.C. and Tzarizm among others. March of 2007 will see the release of an exclusive Butta V track produced by Marco Polo on hip-hop upstart label Audio Clutch. The label's debut release will be available in record stores and online everywhere. Expect more from this rising star in 2007. Courtesy of Butta Verses on
Categories // Music  People and Blog 
Added: 6137 days ago by jennyfrommoli
Runtime: 3m2s | Views: 8915 | Comments: 1



B-ball for the China earthquake victims was played steet style and raised over 80,000 HKD last week in an all out exhibition match between AND1 U.S.A and local celebrities team which included Jaycee Chan. Jaycee made major cash by catching nothing but air 8 times in a row in a free throw contest. 24 Herbs, SIR JBS MC'd the game and the whole band kept the fans out of their seats during halftime. The final score didn't matter because everyone won on this night. Look for the next Streetball event -- it should not be missed.
Categories // Sport 
Added: 6124 days ago by soutv
Runtime: 4m58s | Views: 11571 | Comments: 0



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