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Now, THE ONLY APP TO CALCULATE YOUR OFFICAL USGA HANDICAP can be yours! myGolfstats helps you keep easy track of driving, GIR, scramble, sand saves, putts, score, handicap, just like the pros do! In mere seconds, you can input your score then check your season progress on the US handicap site and get a real USGA handicap. Click “...More” to learn why you should download this App today!
Tags // golf  scorecard  handicap  usga  sports  iphone 
Categories // Games  Sport 
Added: 4160 days ago by paul_anderson
Runtime: 1m20s | Views: 1205 | Comments: 2



Close Your Eyes is available on iTunes: "Close Your Eyes" takes you on a personal journey of an empathetic story, with her accompanied music video. Featuring a minimal backdrop, the direction perfectly fits with the dramatic storyline and emotional lyrics. Proving that this single can already be a classic ballad, Roxanna's heartfelt message is strongly emphasized by the elegance of her beautiful vocals. Just from the first few bars of music, you'll be mystified by the music inviting you to continue to listen to this story she is singing to you. "I believe "Close Your Eyes" can relate to many people who have lost loved ones or losing their hope. When people are listening to the lyrics I'd like them to know they are not alone. I wish to heal them with this song." - RoXanna Special Thank-You to Director: Samuel Gonzalez Jr.
Categories // Music 
Added: 3968 days ago by RoxannaMusic
Runtime: 3m59s | Views: 1332 | Comments: 1



THE HALL OF INSIDES 2: The Wizard vs. The Hairy Willets. THE HALL OF INSIDES, A Story From The PULSE OF POWER WORLD. The Wizard wants to control the Hairy Willet Clan. Little does he realize that THE HALL OF INSIDES is part of VIVANT, the sentient supernatural store. The store doesn’t appreciate it when deception and corruption are used to control others. But, can the Wizard outsmart the Hall and the Hairy Willet? Find out more at Fantasy/Comic Book
Tags // hall  of  insides  2  anne  elizabeth  wizard  creatures  magic  comic  book  hariy  willets  book  trailer 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3833 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 0m50s | Views: 1109 | Comments: 0



Click:  Country Music has been around for a long time, but the Country way of life has been around a lot longer. When I think of “Country”, I think of holding onto things passed down, going to Grandma and Grandpa’s on Sundays to watch TV and socialize as a family, playing Kick the Can with anyone who could still run, picking a guitar under an old oak tree surrounded by farm land, but more importantly ~ family. If you are a country music fan, it has more than likely influenced your life and to many, a large part of it. Country music to me is about the good stuff, telling stories, and life in general. Not making a political statement, but I would like to see Country Music take a step closer to its roots… even if only a small step.
Tags // cody  joe  hodges  getting  back  to  country 
Categories // Music 
Added: 3764 days ago by drdocus
Runtime: 4m34s | Views: 1111 | Comments: 1



If diagnosed early enough 90% of melanoma cases can be treated effectively. An exclusive study carried out by Ipsos for La Roche-Posay in 23 countries across all continents looks into the different attitudes to the sun and general knowledge of the risks associated with exposure. A massive 88% of those questioned are aware of the risks of developing skin cancer when exposed without protection to the sun. However, just 1 in 2 of those questioned have ever consulted a dermatologist for a mole screening and 1 in 4 of them have never even checked their own moles on their body. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3638 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m2s | Views: 991 | Comments: 0



Well, my friend Jenni has been sad lately and has had a lot of problems and so I came up with this magic cover song that is going to make all her woes melt like ice. If that doesn't work, I guess I can always buy her flowers and candy.
Categories // Music  Miscellaneous  Funny 
Added: 3603 days ago by Herfortz
Runtime: 4m55s | Views: 1100 | Comments: 0



When Daisy is called to a fire scene, she knows that work comes first and socializing with fire fighters comes second. It can be tough for her, especially when everyone tells her she is so beautiful and talented but thankfully her partner keeps her focused on her job. She is a fire investigator´s dream and an arsonist´s worst nightmare. Daisy is an accelerant detection canine and along with her partner, John Peters, work for the Westchester County Police Department in New York. Both were trained through the State Farm Arson Dog Program to locate trace amounts of ignitable liquids such as gasoline or kerosene that may have been used to start a fire. That is why Daisy and many other accelerant detection canine teams are being recognized during National Arson Awareness Week, May 3–9, 2015. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Pets and Animals 
Added: 3597 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m4s | Views: 1072 | Comments: 1



Well, this certainly break's my 1 song per month rule. I can't help it. Halloween's got me by the Candy Apples. Normally, I create the music first and then I make a video for it later but I didn't want to go through my video madness routine at the very end and so I did a little bit of this and a little bit of that and got it all wrapped up together at the same time. I didn't have the opportunity to take the song out for a test drive as I always take a cruise with my bro and we listen to it in his car and then later I make some adjustments at home. It sound's fine to me through my laptop and the video look's okay and so I'm just gonna upload it as is.
Categories // Music  Miscellaneous  Funny 
Added: 3420 days ago by Herfortz
Runtime: 6m24s | Views: 1202 | Comments: 2



I've had the idea for this song since the day of the terrorist attacks in Paris but I couldn't find the time to actually work on it until recently as I've limited my amount of video watching here temporarily on Youtube. It was the only way for me to get this done. I wanted to have this song and video uploaded well before Christmas and so I had to rush this composition more so than with any other previous song I've ever written. I haven't even tested it out in my friend's car to hear it through his stereo as my main concern is always in the vocal quality here. The instrumental sections were very complex and I was making up those parts as I was going and they all seem to be fine as far as composition goes. I wish to especially thank Bethany Ann Meyer who gave me that little extra incentive that I needed to get this song finished. She's a gifted singer and a real sweetheart. You can check out her channel "Melody Meyer" at this link LYRICS: Live in peace. Share the Land. All good brothers, take my hand. Come good shepherd, heed my call. Peace on Earth, Goodwill to all. Star above. Star so bright. Guard us safely through the night. Father's love. Brother's hand, guiding peace throughout this land.
Categories // Music 
Added: 3376 days ago by Herfortz
Runtime: 3m39s | Views: 1149 | Comments: 2



I've been told that some of my songs in the past have a David Bowie quality to them and so I started thinking 2005 when I first started practicing how to sing sing. I would practice at the factory where I used to work at as no one could hear me with all the stamping presses running. That was until one day when I was practicing in a quieter welding area and not knowing that the idiot maintenance electrician was doing something on my welder until then popped his head out and uttered "Don't quit your daytime job." ..... Very original line ..... Well, I didn't exactly quit my job but the doors did close down there and since that time, I've been working hard to make this my daytime job. As always, hopefully this song will catch on and I'll acquire an audience who will just appreciate this song without asking for something in return ..... A guy can dream can't he? ... Maybe David can help me out on this one.
Categories // Music 
Added: 3315 days ago by Herfortz
Runtime: 4m50s | Views: 1991 | Comments: 1



I'm trying to think of something to say in behalf of this song but nothing come's to mind .... It was a really hard song to work on as with all of my other songs .... I had to save each new version of it on my external hard drive because I was working this song to the maximum capability of my musical program ... A couple of times, it froze up my computer and I wasn't able to save the changes ... I had to perform some extra research through forums on how to deal with the tech problems that I was faced with but in the end, I just took out my trusty hammer and I then had another conversation with my 2007 Intel quad-core computer about who run's this household and who is the boss and who is the bitch in this relationship ..... I first demonstrated my hammer on my coffee cup .... which I always hated the color of anyway .... and then with the most sinister glare that I could muster up, I then turned to my computer and said "If I don't have this song completed and on Youtube before the rise of the new moon .... you will be watching the rise of the new moon from outside .... all crammed up in the recycle bin while wearing this coffee cup on top of whatever is left of your circuitry .... You BUBBLY HEADED BOOBY !!!!! ...... Computers always heed to the voice of reason ..... The song is now done .... and I also now drink my coffee from a beer can.
Categories // Music  Miscellaneous  Cartoon 
Added: 3156 days ago by Herfortz
Runtime: 4m10s | Views: 880 | Comments: 3



What do I know about Pokemon? ..... About as much as I know about anything else that I write .... Self taught lessons in song writing A: Don't write anything about your life that pertains to no one else but yourself ... They only want to know about you after you're dead and famous ... so write songs about other people who you know nothing about who are already dead and famous so that you don't feel inclined to kill yourself in the hopes of making it big in the afterlife ... B: Never write about anything that you actually know about because then people who do not know a thing about the subject matter will want to debate your point of view endlessly whereas those who are wiser than yourself will soon discover that there really isn't too much that you actually do know about and thus ... so end's your "How to do and live your life" song writing career ... C: If someone ever approaches me to ask "Hey Steve .... Do you really know all about Pokemon, bro?" ... I then reply back with "Oh yeah man ... That's why I wrote the song ... Every time I see that someone is playing POKEMON ... I know then that it's time for me to GO !!!!" Lyrics There's a new dance that's going around. Everyone's starting to talk. There's no doubt about it, you can scream and shout it. It's the hottest rock on the block. You can do it anywhere, over here, over there cuz "because" everyone is hopping to the Pokemon Rock. Shake your head and spin it around. Add a little BE to your BOP. You don't need to worry if you're in no hurry. You can try again and start from the top. You can do it anywhere, over here, over there cuz everyone is hopping t the Pokemon Rock. Wave your hands and fling them around. Take a little spin and then stop. You don't need to snooze on if you've got no shoes on, you can bare your feet and dance in one sock. You can do it anywhere, over here, over there cuz everyone is hopping to the Pokemon Rock.
Categories // Music  Miscellaneous  Funny 
Added: 3130 days ago by Herfortz
Runtime: 3m3s | Views: 1163 | Comments: 3



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