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Reed Street Productions, creators of the zombie-infested 5K adventure race, Run for Your Lives, announced today that the race will expand beyond its inaugural location outside of Baltimore into 12 cities across the country, starting with the Atlanta area on March 3, 2012. The inaugural race launched in Darlington, Md., last October with more than 10,000 participants and spectators. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Games 
Added: 4786 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m26s | Views: 5407 | Comments: 1



Ihre Teenie-Tochter überschüttet Sie ständig mit Neuigkeiten über Justin Bieber? Sie können mit der Musik dieses Herrn aber nicht viel anfangen und Ihre Tochter ist deshalb enttäuscht? Wie wäre es denn mit einem Gespräch über die automobilen Vorlieben des 19-Jährigen? Justin Bieber besitzt trotz seines jugendlichen Alters eine stattliche Sportwagen-Sammlung. Er besitzt auch einen Audi R8. Für welches exakte Modell er sich entschieden hat, ist kaum bekannt. Schließlich gibt es drei verschiedene R8-Versionen. Zum einen den 430 PS starken Achtzylinder. Außerdem gibt es einen betörend klingenden 525 PS leistenden V10. Die Speerspitze hört auf den Namen Audi R8 V10 plus. Das „Plus“ zeigt sich zum einen im Leistungszuwachs. 550 PS sorgen für ordentlich Vortrieb. Dieser endet erst bei stattlichen 317 Km/h. Damit die Leistung beim Standartsprint nicht in hilflos durchdrehenden Reifen verraucht, ist der quattro-Antrieb bei allen R8 an Bord. Dank dieser unerlässlichen Traktionshilfe und einer serienmäßigen Launch-Control lässt sich der R8 V10 plus in 3,5 Sekunden auf Tempo 100 beschleunigen – katapultieren umschreibt den Vorgang treffender... Da dem Justin Bieber die Farbauswahl aber anscheinend zu langweilig war, hat der Supersportwagen des Musikers eine sehr individuelle Farbgebung – ihn ziert der Leopardenlook…
Tags // audi  v10  leistung  antrieb  motor 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 4277 days ago by unitedpictures
Runtime: 1m43s | Views: 2803 | Comments: 2



Laughing to the Bank. One of the best black comedies of 2013. Comedic actor Brian Hooks known for his roles in blockbuster Hollywood films such as Fool's Gold, Soul Plane, and Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me as well as the star of classic black comedy films such as 3 strikes, Phat Beach, and High School High brings you the funniest comedy of 2013. Find out how to watch by visiting Also check for Brian on  Facebook Twitter Youtube
Tags // laughing  to  the  bank 
Categories // Funny  Comedy 
Added: 4265 days ago by drdocus
Runtime: 2m24s | Views: 966 | Comments: 2



Die ersten reinen Golf-Stromer sind Im Volkswagen Werk Wolfsburg vor einigen Tagen von der Montagelinie gerollt, im Sommer werden wir die ersten e-Golf dann auf unseren Straßen sehen. VW schließt damit als erster Autohersteller einen Kreis, der - innerhalb einer Baureihe - alle heute relevanten Antriebssysteme - Benziner und Diesel, Erdgas-Variante, Plug-in-Hybrid (GTE) und reiner Elektroantrieb - beinhaltet. Der potentielle Käufer hat also die Qual der Wahl, wobei der neue Stromer es am schwersten haben dürfte. 34.900 Euro sind schließlich ein Wort und auch die noch mangelhafte Ladestationen-Infrastruktur dürfte sich auf die Verkaufslust auswirken. Daran ändert auch nichts, dass der Stromer mit seinem niedrigen Verbrauchswert von 12,7 kWh/100 km mit den Energiekosten knausert und damit im Alltag den Geldbeutel schont - pro 100 Kilometer fallen lediglich 3,28 Euro an. Nach VW-Angaben ist der e-Golf damit auch dank eines besonders...
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 4018 days ago by unitedpictures
Runtime: 3m11s | Views: 1183 | Comments: 2



Chocoladefabriken Lindt & Sprüngli (Schweiz) AG today celebrated the official opening of LINDT SWISS CHOCOLATE HEAVEN at the Jungfraujoch “Top of Europe,” 3,454 meters above sea level, together with the Jungfrau Railway and LINDT brand ambassador Roger Federer. The themed chocolate shop offers a wide range of the finest LINDT chocolate, and the adjacent Master Chocolatiers parlor gives visitors a fascinating insight into how chocolate is made. However, the highlight of the official opening was the tennis exhibition match between LINDT brand ambassador and tennis champion Roger Federer and American ski racer Lindsey Vonn, which was played on the Aletsch Glacier against the backdrop of the Alps. Roger Federer said: “I never cease to be amazed by the great ideas LINDT comes up with. Today on the Jungfraujoch was a real highlight for me.” To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 3888 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m5s | Views: 1538 | Comments: 3



This truly is one of the best demos ever of our Overhead line of travel guitars guitars, and worth a watch if not simply to hear Maneli play. If you’re considering buying a new travel guitar, or are easily swayed to make an impulse purchase – be careful – watching Maneli play the OF420 may just make you pull the trigger on a new Journey Overhead… next thing you know you’ll be on holiday picking away in a lounge chair overlooking some splendid view! One of the greatest things about my job is the people I get to meet. Before we even launched Journey Instruments, I saw Maneli Jamal’s “Movement III” from his Ziur album on Youtube and I was totally floored. I immediately bought his album and then sought him out for private lessons on Skype (And learned a bastardized version of his ”Most Glorious Day” song from the same album. Ha!). Though I had to quit lessons due to the demands of running two companies and having my second child, I kept in touch and have just loved watching him perform and grow as an artist. Here we are 3 years later, and I’m humbled to have Maneli make such an awesome demo video of our Overhead OF420 travel guitar
Categories // Music 
Added: 3403 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m41s | Views: 797 | Comments: 0



For nearly 20 years, the Green River Killer haunted Washington State with a series of shocking murders. The LMN miniseries The Capture of the Green River Kille is told through the eyes of one young runaway, whose fate, bad luck and unwise choices lead to her encounter with the notorious serial killer. Premieres Sunday March 30th at 8pm EST on LMN.
Categories // Family 
Added: 6194 days ago by fusevids
Runtime: 2m47s | Views: 9947 | Comments: 1



The 2010 GMAC Insurance National Drivers Test released today found that nearly 1 in 5 licensed drivers – roughly 38 million Americans – would not pass a written drivers test exam if taken today. Kansas drivers ranked first in the nation (82.3 percent average score); New York drivers ranked last (70 percent average score). Full results can be found at To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 5401 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m46s | Views: 9134 | Comments: 1



Learn Importance Of the Islamic Month of Muharram,Hijrah,and the Islamic New Year
Tags // islamic  new  year  hijrah  muharram  islam  lecture 
Added: 4485 days ago by Warda
Runtime: 9m57s | Views: 2526 | Comments: 1



New Release From Al-Nakshabandiya Army Shows Some New Sniper Attacks Against The U.S Occupation Soldiers In Iraq From 1\1\2010 To 7\3\2010
Tags // iraq  baghdad  insurgent  ied  mortar  terrorest 
Added: 5476 days ago by saifc4
Runtime: 9m27s | Views: 11460 | Comments: 2



Big Deal contest 3
Tags // imvu  manofwarz  contest  big  deal  3 
Categories // Event and Party  People and Blog 
Added: 6208 days ago by ManOfWarZ
Runtime: 1m40s | Views: 12459 | Comments: 1
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GO3 Omega-3 and multivitamin supplements are designed to fuel active minds and bodies
Tags // kids  health  go3  david  beckham  omega-3  multivitamins  omega  3 
Categories // Family  Sport 
Added: 6137 days ago by go3omega3
Runtime: 1m21s | Views: 8159 | Comments: 0
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