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He lost her once. Is this their second chance? Transforming Belle Cove Resorts’ image will take Dakota Carson’s company to the next level, but it means working with the man who broke her heart. Years ago, Logan Montague walked away from everything, including the woman he loved. Now he’s back, and won’t risk losing Dakota again. Find out more at African American/Romance
Tags // love  by  design  lisa  watson  romance  second  chance  luxury  resort  book  trailer 
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Added: 3822 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m0s | Views: 698 | Comments: 0
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The story: Innocent debutante Madison Archer has hit the headlines for a scandal not of her making. Now, marriage to the unscrupulous Viktor Beck is the only way to save what’s left of her reputation!The contract: Maddie has always featured in Viktor’s plans to take over her father’s company and expand his empire. The intense attraction between them only sweetens the deal he’s offered….The secret: Though love doesn’t beat in Viktor’s heart, he’ll show Maddie just how hot their chemistry can be. But even this corporate shark is in for a shock—his wild socialite is still a virgin! Find out more at Romance
Tags // harlequin  lucy  monroe  heiress  for  his  empire  romance 
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Added: 3807 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m1s | Views: 1175 | Comments: 0
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Three little lost lords, cast to the winds of fate… So begins CHERYL HOLT’S breathtaking new trilogy, The Lost Lords of Radcliffe. A beautiful and epic historical romance that will stay with you long after the last page is read. Join CHERYL HOLT as she once again weaves a beloved tale of family, loyalty, love, and loss. As the truth about the “lost” lords is gradually revealed, readers will be cheering. Find out more at Romance
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Added: 3701 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m8s | Views: 887 | Comments: 1
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No matter how fast you run, your can’t outrun your past. Cat Benoit escaped the man who would claim her as his own, a man who showed her something terrifying awaited her. She re-made her life, hidden away. But a new threat, one of the heart, one that called to her in a way she’d never imagined, came to help her, claim her. Two men would do anything to keep her. And as Cat fights to own herself, she finds another world open to her. A world of leopards and men who become them. Find out more at Paranormal romance
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Added: 3628 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m8s | Views: 1041 | Comments: 1
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Nothing heats up Alaska more than second chances and Wild Heat. The quaint town of Cailkirn, Alaska welcomes back Kitty Grant even though she has a secret. But it’s Tack MacKinnon who is willing to look past their history, his heartbreak and her secrets to keep her protected and make her his own. Welcome to The Northern Fire Series by Lucy Monroe. #WildHeatNovel Romance
Tags // wild  heat  lucy  monroe  alaska  romance  hot  fiction  small  town  book  trailer 
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Added: 3597 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m1s | Views: 973 | Comments: 0
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When her father is killed by the notorious Rose Riders for a mysterious journal that reveals the secret location of a gold mine, eighteen year-old Kate Thompson disguises herself as a boy and takes to the gritty plains looking for answers—and justice. In the spirit of True Grit, acclaimed young adult novelist Erin Bowman brings to life the unpredictable and cutthroat days of the Wild West. Find out more at and #VengeanceRoad historical romance/YA
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Added: 3529 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m7s | Views: 744 | Comments: 0
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Hard working cruise staffer Meg Antille has no time for romance. Former Special Forces soldier Red Thomsill hopes a stopover on a nature preserve planet will change her mind. But the ranger station is deserted, the defensive perimeters are down…and the shuttle abandons them. Will their lives end before anything can begin? Find out more at – #StarCruise SciFi/romance
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Added: 3516 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m0s | Views: 1018 | Comments: 0
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Her wedding day turned into a nightmare. She followed Gary to a remote and dangerous monastery. But what they find there will test their bond and their fate. From #1 NY Times bestselling author Christine Feehan comes a tale of vampire hunters, adventure and romance. Paranormal Romance
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Added: 3304 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m0s | Views: 1072 | Comments: 0
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Match, the world's largest relationship company, today released findings from its eighth annual Singles in America study – the nation’s largest, most comprehensive annual survey of 5,000+ single people living in the U.S. The 2017 survey captures surprising data and trends on shifting gender norms, the evolving rules of casual dating, the complications presented by technology and social media, as well as attitudes about love, sex, and relationships across generations. “Singles are fundamentally redefining courtship in healthy and creative ways,” says Dr. Helen Fisher, biological anthropologist and Chief Scientific Advisor to Match. “Some hang out for months before they kiss; some hop into bed immediately; and many begin with the traditional first date. Courtship is expanding--and all these tactics are proving successful for launching love. Moreover, the first date is taking on important new significance: where it used to be just a casual look-see, now the first date often signals the official beginning of a romance. And singles want to define every step toward love--with a host of new rules on social media. Most exciting to me, 72% of singles would date ‘across the aisle.’ For most singles, romance is more important than politics. I’m not surprised. The human brain is built to love.” To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2589 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m43s | Views: 790 | Comments: 4
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It was a suicide mission to save a woman they weren't sure they could trust, but Gino Mazza had seen her photo and couldn't stop thinking about her. He would save her or die trying. So, when he finds her, tortured and afraid, his instincts kick in. Zara Hightower is an expert in Artificial Intelligence with a special ability that has Whitney sending her to China to covertly take back the stolen Ghostwalker information. Her chance to escape the men torturing her, and Whitney comes in the form of a scarred man she finds she can't be without. Danger is following them home and everyone wants what Zara has downloaded into her brain. Find out more at Thriller/romance
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Added: 2560 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m26s | Views: 839 | Comments: 2
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A weaponized deadly virus brings the GhostWalkers to Sumutra in the hope they can save the doctors trying to identify it and stop the spread of the virus. As the team exits Draden is shot with a dart full of the deadly virus and must stay die. Shylah is out to stop the dangerous men making the virus when she sees Draden. In her attempt to save him, she is exposed as well. When you have only days to live, you live them unlike any that you've ever known. You fight harder. You love easier. And you hope to go out with integrity and honor. But, Draden's team has other plans. Their biggest enemy is now time. Find out more at Military romance/paranormal romance
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Added: 2189 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m30s | Views: 988 | Comments: 0
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A weaponized deadly virus brings the GhostWalkers to Sumutra in the hope they can save the doctors trying to identify it and stop the spread of the virus. As the team exits Draden is shot with a dart full of the deadly virus and must stay die. Shylah is out to stop the dangerous men making the virus when she sees Draden. In her attempt to save him, she is exposed as well. When you have only days to live, you live them unlike any that you've ever known. You fight harder. You love easier. And you hope to go out with integrity and honor. But, Draden's team has other plans. Their biggest enemy is now time. Find out more at Military romance/paranormal romance
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Added: 2189 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m30s | Views: 977 | Comments: 0
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