Me at the organ at Short Heath Methodist Church in Willenhall, West Midlands. The organ is a 2 manual (keyboard) instrument that was originally built by Nicholson & Lord of Walsall for Walsall Street Methodist Church, Willenhall. It was removed from there when that church closed in 1964 and reinstalled here. Im playing the wartime ballad "That lovely weekend" as originally sung by one of my favourite all time singers - Dame Vera Lynn!
Me at the 2 manual Nicholson and Lord organ at Reedswood Methodist Church in Walsall, West Midlands. Im giving this little instrument the theatre organ treatment with "Peanut vendor". Reedswood was one of the churches in the former Bloxwich and Willenhall Circuit that I used to play at in the evenings when I was organist at Allens Rough Methodist Church, Willenhall.
Another of the churches I used to help out at in the evenings in the Bloxwich and Willenhall circuit was Lane Head Methodist Church in Willenhall, West Midlands. The organ here was originally built by Henry Hewins for a Methodist Church in Halesowen. It came here in the 1980s where it replaced an electronic! Im in classical mode here playing Handels "Art thou troubled" from Rodelinda giving an opportunity to demonstrate some of the smooth sounds on the organ.
Me playing the 2 manual Peter Conacher & Co pipe organ at Richmond Methodist Church in Penzance, Cornwall. Im playing the hymn "City of God" to the aptly named tune "Richmond". The organ features a beautiful Trumpet stop which I use in the 3rd verse.
Me on the organ at the beautiful Mousehole Methodist Church just outside Penzance, Cornwall. Im playing "If" which demonstrates the soft sounds on this fine organ. Mousehole (pronounced "Mouzel") is a very picturesque seaside village and well worth a visit! The organ here was originally built by Heard & Co of Truro in about 1903 and rebuilt in the 1940s by Hele & Co. It was overhauled in the 1980s by Lance Foy and electric action installed.
In einer geheimen Session im legendären Trainingslager von Malente bereitet sich ein DFB-Allstar-Team mit Deutschen Weltmeistern von 54, 74, 90 wie Sepp Maier, Andy Brehme, Jürgen Kohler und Horst Eckel auf ein Comeback vor. Neben Medizinballübungen kommen auch modernste Trainingsmethoden zum Einsatz.
Die Frage: Für was bereiten Sie sich vor?
Me at the organ of Ombersley Road Methodist Church in Barbourne, Worcester where I was organist at during 2004 and 2005 before moving to Manchester. Im playing the hymn
Jenny steht für den Großteil der jungen Mädchen in Deutschland - täglich haben die Kid´s mit schwierigen Situationen zu kämpfen und scheitern häufig, was man an dem mit dem sich im Alter entwickelnden Charakter bemerkt. Jenny ist hier ein leicht übertriebenes Synonym, jedoch eine sehr deutlich vermittelnde Botschaft: KÜMMER DICH UM DEIN KIND!!!
Kirk (Jay Baruchel, 'Beim ersten Mal' und 'Tropic Thunder'), ein Durchschnittstyp, kann sein Glück nicht fassen, als sich Molly (Alice Eve), eine erfolgreiche und überaus attraktive Traumfrau, in ihn verliebt. Jetzt ist es an ihm, diese Frau zu halten, denn sie ist 'Zu scharf, um wahr zu sein'. Ab 29. April im Kino.
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