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Results 145-156 of 265 for ' away ' (0 seconds) you have the energy and creativity to compete with top designing firms in the country and make the world's next best commercial? Can you work all-digitally, without the use of any live actors, to communicate ideas clearly? If so, join our 2012 contest, at - we're giving away an iPad 2 and multiple job offers!
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Added: 4711 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 0m40s | Views: 5063 | Comments: 1
Not yet rated Music lovers devote their life to music. There are many others who wish to compose and make beats of their own but given the complexity, they fail to take such initiatives. The time investment and devotion comes in their way and they are never really able to learn how to make a beat or learn music. If you are still a beginner, trying to learn the basics with an aim to make your own rap beat, then Making Beats Guide Ebook is the source you need to vouch for. It is a revolutionary product and there are guaranteed results, else you can ask for refund. There is no need to spend thousands of bucks on expert classes for learning how to make a beat. Most of us never really understand where we are heading and we end up whiling away time in such classes. The best part of making beats guide is that it lets you have a first hand experience to make your own beats. As you make beats, you keep learning and gaining knowledge.
Tags // how  to  make  a  beat  how  to  make  beats  how  to  make  rap  beats  how  to  make  hip  hop  beats  how  to  make  beats  make  a  beat  make  beats  make  your  own  beats  make  my  own  beats  make  your  own  rap  beats  make  your  own  rap  beat  make  your  own  hip  hop  beats  make  your  own  hip  hop  beat  make  rap  beats  make  hip  hop  beats  produce  beats  beat  maker  how  to  use  fl  studio  fl  studio  tutorial  fl  studio  manual  fl  studio  ebook  fl  studio  manualfl  studio  bible  fl  studio  guide 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4705 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 2m53s | Views: 6660 | Comments: 0
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Charissa Cobb explains what it takes to get ready for Level 5 Motorsport races as we are one day away from Rolex 24
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 4699 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 2m33s | Views: 4998 | Comments: 2
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A pill designed to zero in on abnormal genes that drive specific cancers has produced encouraging early results in children with an uncommon but aggressive type of lymphoma, as well as in children with a rare form of neuroblastoma. A phase 1 clinical trial of the drug crizotinib achieved remissions, with minimal side effects, for 10 of the children participating in a clinical study carried out by the multicenter Children’s Oncology Group (COG). The results were “an exciting proof-of-principle” for the targeted treatment, said the study leader, Yaël P. Mossé, M.D., a pediatric oncologist at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. “We are entering a new era of cancer therapy, in which we use knowledge of basic biology to design very specific drugs that target cancer cells with potentially less side effects on healthy tissue,” said Mossé. “In addition, as we concentrate on targets in molecular pathways, we move away from an exclusive focus on one form of cancer to customizing treatments according to biological activity. Abnormal ALK activity occurs in subtypes of neuroblastoma and subtypes of lymphoma, so identifying ALK activity in individual patients may enable us to provide the most effective care.” To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 4670 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 4m41s | Views: 4649 | Comments: 0
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Morning after morning, countless adults stare morosely at a boring breakfast table. Faced with a humdrum meal and a routine breakfast, they ask themselves if there’s any fun in sight. Who can save their day? Behold, The Crunchy Nut™! No, he can’t leap over tall buildings in a single bound. But he can sweep away boring breakfasts and spread fun with a single bowl – of Kellogg’s® Crunchy Nut™ cereal. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Funny  Family 
Added: 4642 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 0m32s | Views: 6013 | Comments: 0
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Antonio Esfandiari earned a place in the record books last night by outlasting a field of multi-millionaires and billionaires to earn the richest payday in poker tournament history. Esfandiari, a 33-year-old poker pro and magician from Las Vegas, put up a cool $1 million to enter the BIG ONE for ONE DROP and walked away with a massive return on his investment: $18,346,673 million. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Tags // wsop  big  one  drop  world  series  poker  tournament  winner  gaming  multivu  57103 
Categories // Sport  Business  News and Politics 
Added: 4621 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 5m1s | Views: 3730 | Comments: 2
Not yet rated The best inflatable rentals in New Jersey are only a phone call away. Circus Time has inflatables and a whole lot more! For more info:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4620 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 0m29s | Views: 5610 | Comments: 0
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Illinois State Treasurer Dan Rutherford today announced that the state’s Cash Dash unclaimed property program has a new name, I-Cash, and has added 780,000 new names to the public web database. The Illinois State Treasurer’s Office is making this effort to connect even more Illinois residents with their cash and assets. I-Cash, part of the Illinois State Treasurer’s Unclaimed Property Division, connects state residents with their unclaimed property. The program was established in 1999 with the goal of helping Illinois residents through the process of reclaiming money or assets. It’s common for people to lose track of their assets when they move or when loved ones pass away, and businesses and banks are required to turn over unclaimed accounts to the treasurer’s office. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4617 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m50s | Views: 2812 | Comments: 1
Not yet rated For ten years Ros James has stayed away from Tempest Beach. She had vowed never to return to her childhood hometown. A phone call informing her that her sister is missing changes all that. On return to the town, she finds that the local police have not even begun to investigate her sisters disappearance and she demands that action is taken immediately. Instant attraction sparks between Ros and Mac, Tempest Beach's sole detective, as they set about discovering what happened to her sister. The investigation brings Ros into contact with someone unpleasant from her past which brings up some very unpleasant memories for her.
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4616 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m3s | Views: 4108 | Comments: 0
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Tired of all of the negative news? From taxes to unemployment to the upcoming election, Princess Cruises is stepping in to help people get away from it all with “The Campaign to Escape Completely.” Now through November 6, the cruise line is focusing on what it does best - offering consumers the chance to escape completely by giving away FREE Caribbean and West Coast Getaway cruises, plus a chance to win a cruise on the new Royal Princess through games and sweepstakes. The “anti-negativity” campaign will also feature a sequence of videos supporting the theme, all of which are cast entirely with Princess Cruises employees. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business  Travel and Holiday 
Added: 4546 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 2736 | Comments: 1
Not yet rated Where love rules there is no will power and where power dominates love is lacking. The one is the shadow of the other. Livinin Love is a reality video of life. KC Jockey has to go away to fight for his country and he is sacrificing his life not just for 1 human but for many including his relationship. He leaves to fight war for people to live in love and successfully makes it back home. Wherein his girl who left him because he left for war returns to Live once again with him in love and harmony.
Categories // Music 
Added: 4545 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 5m6s | Views: 7143 | Comments: 0
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Voiceover:Here is how it usually starts... “At the repair shop, it just gets worse. Pressure to make a decision? Not sure of how things work? Or who to trust? We are automotive repair consultants, only a phone call away. You talk. We listen. We analyze. We advise. We interpret. We assist. We clarify. You can now make an informed decision. and communicate with confidence. Get the repair you need at a price that is fair. Peace of Mind. And drive off happy.” youtube:
Tags // auto  repair  mechanic  advice 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 4517 days ago by MechanicSpeak
Runtime: 1m40s | Views: 1182 | Comments: 2
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