Research led by the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital – Washington University Pediatric Cancer Genome Project has identified a fusion gene responsible for almost 30 percent of a rare subtype of childhood leukemia with an extremely poor prognosis.
The finding offers the first evidence of a mistake that gives rise to a significant percentage of acute megakaryoblastic leukemia (AMKL) cases in children. AMKL accounts for about 10 percent of pediatric acute myeloid leukemia (AML). The discovery paves the way for desperately needed treatment advances.
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Approximately 1.5 million women and girls in the United States have epilepsy, of which nearly 500,000 are women of childbearing age. Treating women with epilepsy, especially women of childbearing age, presents significant challenges to physicians. [], Upsher-Smith Laboratories, Inc’s [] epilepsy-focused educational website, discusses these challenges and provides professional insight by some of the epilepsy community’s most respected physicians including Dr. Cynthia Harden, Chief of the Comprehensive Epilepsy Care Center, North Shore University Hospital and Long Island Jewish Medical Center, and Dr. Christopher Skidmore, Director of Neurology Residency/Assistant Professor of Neurology, at Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University.
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leading composer at the Interdisciplinary Centre for Computer Music Research at Plymouth University , and Dr Greg B Davies, Head of Behavioural and Quantitative Finance at Barclays, have taken reality performances to another level by partnering with Barclays to produce a reality opera. The performance, which was held on the 15th November 2012 at Egyptian Hall, Mansion House, focused on the drama unfolding on an “open outcry” stock trading floor, the type of trading floor on which traditionally traders shout and use hand-signals.
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Upsher-Smith Laboratories, Inc. [] today announced that its epilepsy-focused educational website, [], now features a panel discussion of leading experts on the role of rational polytherapy in the treatment of patients with epilepsy, led by Dr. Barry Gidal, Professor of Pharmacy and Neurology/Division Chair, University of Wisconsin. Dr. Gidal also brings forward discussion on the mechanism of action of specific antiepileptic drugs (AEDs). Additional topics include: AED pharmacokinetics; patient adherence and AEDs; and drug interactions.
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With women comprising half the U.S. workforce, 57 percent of household breadwinners, and 50 percent of business owners, the economic recovery depends largely on women’s productivity and innovation. Now a new book by Apollo Research Institute —the research arm of Apollo Group, which owns University of Phoenix and other education providers—presents groundbreaking research to show how women are redefining career paths and helping organizations emerge stronger out of the recession.
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The Lin Wu Chronicles: Senior Year follows the life of Lin Wu, an Asian American senior, with all the usual hopes and dreams of making into a prestigous university someday. But it won’t be easy, especially with all of these ghosts, monsters and villains standing in her way. Learn more about this book and author Fiction/General/Mystery/Suspense
Fifteen internships in four years sounds like a pretty demanding exercise. Yet Lauren Berger did just that while at the University of Central Florida, and learned how to be a leader and a successful entrepreneur in the process. And now Berger, founder of Intern Queen Inc., is offering students a similar opportunity through the 2013 Ford College Ambassador Challenge.
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Unilever’s Stacie Bright, a veteran marketing and communications leader, will deliver the keynote presentation about how brands connect with audiences through content marketing. The conference will be held on April 17, 2013 at the Graduate Center of The City University of New York and is produced by Business Development Institute and PR Newswire.
“I am looking forward to the BDI Summit on April 17th, where I will share the unique Dove Men+Care approach to hyper-relevant yet relatable storytelling, and leveraging well-known sports notables to create content that connects with men on a surprisingly personal level.”
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Ein völlig neues Konzept für einen Mehrzweck-Roller stellen Wissenschaftler von TUM CREATE auf der 3. Taiwan International Electric Vehicle Show (EV Taiwan) vor: Das Zwei-Rad-Konzept-Fahrzeug VOI hat seinen Namen von dem vietnamesischen Wort für Elefant? ein Symbol für sicheren und intelligenten Transport. Studierende der Technischen Universität München (TUM) und Singapurs Nanyang Technological University (NTU) entwickelten und bauten es gemeinsam in Singapur. Mit dem Konzept VOI verfolgen die Studierenden das Ziel, einen agilen und erschwinglichen Zwei-Rad-Transporter zu entwickeln, der die Sicherheit eines Autos bietet. Kompakt und manövrierfähig ist der Elektroroller das ideale Vehikel für dicht besiedelte Megastädte, in denen Staus ein permanentes Problem darstellen. Eine geschlossene Passagierkabine verleiht dem Chassis zusätzliche Steifigkeit und schützt den Insassen. Der Fahrer sitzt hinten erhöht und überblickt das Verkehrsgeschehen. Mit dem VOI kommt der Passagier schnell und sicher von Ort zu Ort, selbst wenn sich der Autoverkehr staut. Damit ist der Elektroroller auch eine ideale Ergänzung zum öffentlichen Nahverkehr, indem er die Wege zwischen den Stationen bedient. Doch der VOI ist nicht nur auf den Personentransport begrenzt: Sein Vorbau kann auch Güter transportieren oder eine mobile Küche. Das effiziente Elektrofahrzeug entlastet die städtische Umwelt, da es selbst keine Abgase erzeugt. Dank seiner Leichtbaukonstruktion besitzt es eine Reichweite von 80 Kilometern. Seine Höchstgeschwindigkeit liegt bei 45 Kilometern pro Stunde.
The Preeclampsia Foundation today released the Illustrated Preeclampsia Symptoms Tear Pad, a patient education tool that was developed in collaboration with health services researchers at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago, Ill. The tool effectively informs pregnant women, even those with potentially poor literacy, about preeclampsia. Because preeclampsia is a disorder that can have grave consequences for a mother and her unborn baby, the goal is for the tool to offer information in a way that allows women to assimilate and retain knowledge related to preeclampsia, leading them to promptly seek medical attention should they have symptoms related to preeclampsia.
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