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Search // interactive
Results 133-144 of 209 for ' interactive ' (0 seconds)
Bruno is just as adventurous as your child, and they can watch his story unfold - just as their story does. Aimed at children from 3-7 years of age, Gaudi Bruno is a fast-paced, exciting and interactive storybook... a beautiful introduction into nature, friendships and discovery. Unlike physical storybooks, Gaudi Bruno is fabulously interactive, allowing your child to feel as if they are exploring the world with Bruno, not just watching him. Other features: •Available in English, Spanish and Italian •Over 100 animation effects, numerous controlled by the user •Over 50 sounds that play throughoust the storybook •Lovable characters in a lovable story •Soundtrack featuring four original tunes •Suitable for younger and older children, no matter of their reading ability. •Interactive games are scattered throughout the story
Tags // books  story 
Categories // Cartoon 
Added: 4365 days ago by paul_anderson
Runtime: 1m48s | Views: 2784 | Comments: 3
Not yet rated Galaxy America, makers of the Galaxy Multi Ride Mechanical Bull, has developed a new interactive motion simulator, that will be a sure hit wherever it goes. The new ride, Incredible Adventures will combine green screen synchronized motion with the live action to develop a movie where
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4352 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m55s | Views: 1743 | Comments: 0
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Approximately one-third of teens may be missing annual checkups according to data from the US Department of Health and Human Services and the US Census. Teens often encounter social, emotional, and physical issues that may include eating disorders and obesity, substance abuse, and sexually transmitted infections. While experts agree that teens should get annual medical checkups to be screened for health risks and discuss important health-related matters, perceptions exist that may contribute to millions of teens missing out on yearly visits. To better understand perceptions about teen health, the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases (NFID), in collaboration with, and with support from Pfizer Inc, conducted a national survey, fielded by Harris Interactive, of more than 2,000 parents of teens, teens, and healthcare professionals. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4350 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m23s | Views: 2155 | Comments: 2
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Marriott International, Inc. (NYSE: MAR) helps travelers ‘see the world’ by showcasing each of its four high-performing regions — The Americas, Asia Pacific, Europe and the Middle East and Africa — in its just-issued interactive 2012 Annual Report online at To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business  Travel and Holiday 
Added: 4334 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 5m10s | Views: 2307 | Comments: 1
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Netflix, Inc. (Nasdaq: NFLX) has unveiled revealing, new information that confirms a sneaking suspicion— more than half (51%) of couples are likely to “cheat”1—but don’t start grilling your significant other or giving them the evil eye just yet. A recent survey conducted by Harris Interactive on behalf of Netflix2 revealed 51% of those in a relationship would “cheat” on their spouse/partner/significant other by streaming a TV program(s) they agreed to watch together before their partner had a chance to watch it. More specifically, more than 28 million3 U.S. adults (12%) confessed they had already cheated and 10% admitted they had been “cheated on4.” It seems as though sometimes that next episode of your favorite series is just too tempting to wait for your partner. Sneaking around with that addictive little show may seem like a minor form of infidelity—but don’t be surprised if it leads to a few slamming doors and a bit of the silent treatment. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4320 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 2494 | Comments: 2
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The Air National Guard is proud to announce the new, interactive Air National Guard Mobile Experience. The hands-on, immersive experience takes attendees on a fast-paced journey through life in the Air Guard by letting them participate in simulated challenges that replicate the real-life experiences of Air Guard men and women during basic military training, technical school and on drill weekend. Through simulation, attendees will learn how they can serve their country part time while maintaining a fulfilling civilian life, by serving one weekend a month and two weeks a year near their home. The interactive experience, which will tour state to state until December, highlights the traditional career path of a guardsman, and is designed to educate Americans about Air Guard’s dual role in serving our nation and local communities. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4314 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m6s | Views: 1705 | Comments: 1
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New Jersey’s Six Flags Great Adventure and Safari today previews its massive, new themed attraction, Safari Off Road Adventure. The highly-anticipated and innovative experience will open to the general public May 25. Boasting 1,200 animals from six continents including elephants, rhinos, tigers, giraffes and lions, Safari Off Road Adventure takes explorers on an exhilarating, interactive animal adventure. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Travel and Holiday 
Added: 4312 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m5s | Views: 3046 | Comments: 1
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Art Academy is the only organization in UK providing unique one-to-one music lessons in London, in the comfort of your own home. Their specialist method combines talent and interactive technology, allow pupils to reach the highest of standards and most importantly they have fun learning music.
Categories // Music  Business 
Added: 4297 days ago by Artsacademy
Runtime: 2m1s | Views: 812 | Comments: 1
Not yet rated - A recent report highlights the need to strengthen Social Security's finances. A new, interactive tool allows you to make the choices to preserve it for future generations.
Tags // fixthedebt 
Categories // People and Blog  Business 
Added: 4292 days ago by HaroldToryShaw
Runtime: 0m42s | Views: 787 | Comments: 1
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When Dwell on Design (, America’s largest modern design event, returns to the Los Angeles Convention Center, June 21-23, 2013, attendees will have more opportunities than ever to interact with and learn more about Blu® Homes, Inc. (“Blu”), the leading builder of precision-engineered, green prefab homes. Dwell on Designs’ 43,000 attendees will have the opportunity to mingle with Blu Homes’ architects and designers, executives and sales representatives at informative seminars and Tweetups as well as at two dedicated Blu Homes destinations: a gorgeous, interactive booth on the main floor (Booth #131) and the “Blu Homes Oasis” at Dwell Outdoor. More information about Blu Homes at Dwell on Design can be found at To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business  Science and Technology 
Added: 4288 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m46s | Views: 941 | Comments: 1
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This weekend, more than twenty celebrated emerging contemporary artists transformed ordinary features of North 6th street in Brooklyn (Williamsburg), New York, into an extraordinary immersive and participative experience as part of ABSOLUT’s Open Canvas initiative. From wind art to crocheted fence tapestries and digital projections, the co-created interactive art exhibition celebrates the first iteration of ABSOLUT’s TRANSFORM TODAY™ global campaign, a movement inspiring creative risk-taking amongst today’s creative class. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4281 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m40s | Views: 3878 | Comments: 2
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LeapFrog Enterprises, Inc. (NYSE:LF), the leader in children’s learning tablets, today announced the launch of the ultimate kids’ learning tablet, LeapPad Ultra. The new LeapPad Ultra is kid-tough and works with LeapFrog’s unique library of more than 800 life-changing content experiences designed or approved by LeapFrog’s learning experts. LeapPad Ultra is kid-ready right out of the box with LeapSearch™ by Zui™, a proprietary kid-safe web browser that parents can trust. Unique to LeapPad Ultra, the seven-inch DUO TECH™ high-resolution screen is designed to help children learn to write using a stylus while supporting interactive touch experiences. Additionally, LeapPad Ultra features a sleek new look, a long-lasting rechargeable battery, and front and back cameras and video recorders plus 8 GB of storage for photos, apps, videos and more. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business  Science and Technology 
Added: 4280 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m20s | Views: 2343 | Comments: 1
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