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ITC is one of India’s foremost multi-business conglomerate and has been ranked amongst the world’s largest sustainable value creators in the consumer goods industry. On Children’s Day, ITC’s leading hygiene brand, Savlon India, unveils its unique Hygiene & Health programme - Savlon Swasth India Mission. The programme is designed to encourage behavioural change towards washing hands amongst children through various engaging and entertaining educational initiatives in schools. On Children’s day, Savlon India introduces an innovative engagement with Savlon Healthy Hands Chalk Sticks - a set of unique chalk sticks infused with cleansers like soap. The chalk sticks are designed to engage children in primary schools and emphasise the importance of washing hands before eating. Education in some schools in rural India is still through chalk and slate. The genesis of this idea stems from the observation of everyday habits of these school children. Most of them use their hands to write as well as erase their slates. Their hands are usually full of chalk powder at the end of their lessons. The lessons are followed by a meal break and washing hands is sometimes limited to a quick water wash under a tap. Access to basic hygiene may at times be a challenge and washing hands with cleansers like soap before a meal is yet to become a widespread habit. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 3051 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m26s | Views: 730 | Comments: 1
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Bilim Karşısındaki Engelleri Aşmak (Break the Science Barrier) - Bölüm 1 Richard Dawkins bilim alanında tanıdık bir isim. Çok satan bir dizi kitabı, Gen Bencildir, Kör Saatçi ve Olasılıksızlık Dağına Tırmanmak (Kuzey Yayınları tarafından Türkçe'ye çevriliyor) ile evrim hakkındaki bakışımızı değiştirdi. Bu yıl (1995) Bilimin Halkça Anlaşılması kürsüsünün ilk Oxford'lı profesörü oldu. Şimdi de bilime bakışımızı değiştirmek istiyor. Bu çok ağır bir top. Gerçek bir gülleden daha ağır çünkü dayanıklı kurşundan yapıldı. İnsan kafasından on kat daha ağır. Şimdi sizden istediğim bu noktaya doğru gitmeniz, topu burnunuza doğru tutmanız. Topu bırakın ve aynı noktada durun. Newton'ın enerji korunumu kanunu nedeniyle bu topun burnunuzun ucunda aniden durup size zarar vermeyeceğinden emin olabilirsiniz. Şu anda bu deneye katılmak isteyen gönüllü var mı? O halde kendim yapmak durumundayım. Asıl sorun bilimin doğal hayatımızın bir parçası olmamasıdır. Hepimiz bu deneyde bir tehlike olmadığını bilmeliyiz. Bilimin bize böyle söylediğini bilmeliyiz. Ancak belli ki hepimiz böyle yapmıyoruz. Benim bu programdaki amacım ise bilimin hayatımızda neden önemli bir yer tutması gerektiğini göstermek. Bilime sırtımızı döndüğümüz ve bilim karşıtlığını kucakladığımız an, yüzyüze kalacağımız tehlikeleri göstermeyi umuyorum. Ve bilimin ne yapabileceğini anlamadan alacağımız riskleri... Başlamak için en uygun yer her şeyin başlangıcına gitmek olacak. Evrenin kökeni hakkında bilmediğimiz çok şey var ve araştırmaya devam etmeliyiz. Fakat evrimsel yaşamın büyük resmi hiç şüpheye yer bırakmayacak şekilde ortaya çıkmıştır. Dünya yaklaşık 4.5 milyar yaşında. Ve kısa bir süre sonra, ilk bir milyar yılda ilk canlı hücreler ortaya çıktı ve bunun ardından hepimiz türedik, tüm bitkiler, tüm hayvanlar, tüm insanlar... Bu kanıtlanmış bir olgudur. Tüm canlılar hepimiz kuzeniz. Bilim insanları bunu, dünyanın düz değil, yuvarlak olması veya Dünya'nın diğer şekilde değil de Güneş'in etrafında dönmesi gibi kabul ederler. Buna inanmamak gülünç olur.
Added: 2990 days ago by superbilimsel
Runtime: 3m38s | Views: 778 | Comments: 2
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Promotor Rent a Car S.R.L. est une société locale, avec le siège principal à Bucarest, Roumanie et dont le principal domaine d’activité est le fournissement de services de locations de voitures par la signature d’un contrat . Afin d’améliorer nos services, nous avons établi un système de formation professionnelle pour tous les employés, nous avons mis en œuvre une série de règles d’ordre intérieur pour l’efficacité et le professionnalisme des employés de Promotor Rent a Car. Les meilleurs prix de location de voiture garantis à Bucarest Otopeni Aéroport, réservez des véhicules familles, de luxe, ou économique rapidement. Le service de location de voiture à Bucarest vous offre la possibilité de parcourir librement la capitale roumaine et les provinces de ce mystérieux pays. Pas de Coûts Cachés · Protection contre le vol · Modification gratuite · Assurance Collision Types: Economique, Mini, Compacte, Monospace, Intermédiaire, Premium, 4x4, Break, SUV Location Voiture avec Promotor Rent a Car Roumanie: | Location Voiture à Bucarest - Les Meilleurs Prix Garantis -
Added: 2970 days ago by promotorrentacar
Runtime: 0m40s | Views: 847 | Comments: 3
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For most people, spring break means sun, fun, and a long-awaited break from winter. However, spring break also means dealing with big crowds and high prices. International travel expert and Editor-In-Chief of Travelgirl Magazine, Stephanie Oswald, understands how easy it is to experience a travel mishap. Whether you’re traveling as a family or a beach bound college student, Stephanie will offer up her best tips to ensure your spring travel plans go smoothly.
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Added: 2915 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m35s | Views: 645 | Comments: 0
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Summertime means vacation time – but, with unpredictable weather patterns, fluctuating gas prices and increasing costs, Americans nationwide are concerned about getting away. Our national travel expert has some great trips on how to survive summer travel – he/she will cover everything from how to get the best deals to planning a vacation suitable for the whole family. Some of the unique and useful tips Amy can offer are: • Travel trends: Travelling to destinations during their peak seasons can drive prices up. Visiting during off-peak times can help save money and you’ll have easier access to activities than at busier times of the year. • Get organized: Planning a fun and successful trip means, setting a budget, researching, and booking early! Shop around to find transportation and accommodations that suit your needs and your budget. • Get Your Ride Ready: If you’re hitting the open road, make sure any maintenance you need to have done on your vehicle is taken care of including checking your vital fluids, tires, and headlights and break lights. • First Aid Kit: Make a little room in your luggage for a travel first aid kit. It won’t cost much, and it won’t take up much space but it can certainly come in handy.
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Added: 2845 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m51s | Views: 752 | Comments: 1
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New home shoppers can now use augmented reality to visualize what their potential new home may look like on their land before they break ground thanks to the release of an innovative new app. Clayton, a Berkshire Hathaway company and one of America’s largest homebuilders, announces the release of Home Previewer®, an iPhone® compatible app that allows shoppers to envision what a home may look like in 3D on their future home site. The free app is available for download from the App Store®. “We’re pleased to be one of the first builders to introduce augmented reality to the digital home buying journey,” said Kevin Clayton, CEO of Clayton Homes. “Our homes now offer custom designs, innovative features and energy efficient upgrades. We are committed to being a leader in innovation for the home building community and will continue to develop the kind of technology that will support our customers throughout the experience.” To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2821 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m17s | Views: 657 | Comments: 1
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On your next shopping trip, you might meet a 18th-century British convict in the wine aisle! Don’t worry, there hasn’t been a prison break. In fact, 19 Crimes wines is bringing their band of rogues, depicted on the wine labels, to life with the launch of the first-ever wine Augmented Reality (AR) app. Available now via the Apple App Store and Google Play Store, the new app will animate three of 19 Crimes’ convicts-turned-colonists, who each tell their own infamous story. 19 crimes turned convicts into colonists. In 18th-century Britain, criminals guilty of at least one of the 19 crimes, were sentenced to live in Australia, rather than death. For the rough-hewn prisoners who made it to shore, a new world awaited. As pioneers in a frontier penal colony, they forged a new country and new lives, brick by brick. Today, 19 Crimes wines celebrate the rebellious spirit of the more than 160,000 exiled men and women, the rule breakers and law defying citizens that forged a new culture and national spirit in Australia. To view the multimedia release go to:
Tags // crimes  wines  john  o  reilly  alcohol  style  convict  old  app  phone  animation  multivu  8159151 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2784 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m14s | Views: 829 | Comments: 1
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“I want my baby back, baby back, baby back, I want by baby back, baby back, baby back…Chiliii’s baby back ribs….” Yes, the jingle is back, but now it’s bigger than ribs to reflect Chili’s® Grill & Bar new “less is more” menu that focuses on core menu items that first made the brand famous – Bigger Big Mouth Burgers, Bigger Baby Back Ribs and Full-On Fajitas. The iconic jingle, introduced to the world 31 years ago and awarded the number-one song “Most Likely to Get Stuck in Your Head” by Ad Age in 2004, has been turned upside down to let people know that ‘Chili’s Is Back, Baby’ and focused on one thing only – quality burgers, ribs and fajitas. “We admit that as a brand, we lost our way a bit and needed to take a step back to successfully move forward, which for us, included going back to our roots and revisiting our iconic jingle that was once on everyone’s lips,” said Steve Provost, chief marketing and innovation officer of Chili’s. “But we didn’t just want to revive the original jingle, we wanted to break out of the casual dining ‘sea-of-sameness’ rut and let our Guests know that Chili’s Is Back, Baby and better at what we’ve always done best – serving quality burgers, ribs and fajitas, washed down with a cold margarita.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Tags // chilis  jingle  food  burgers  ribs  fajitas  new  return  menu  multivu  8187851 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2734 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m15s | Views: 983 | Comments: 3
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Today, Absolut Vodka® celebrates its latest global campaign – Create a Better Tomorrow, Tonight – with the launch of The Open Mic Project. This collaborative initiative, designed in partnership with singer songwriter and actress Rita Ora, provides a platform for amplifying, and uniting, voices across the nation to refresh the talk. As a brand known for collaborating with creative forces big and small – from artists to musicians to mixologists – The Open Mic Project aligns to Absolut’s larger mission of using creativity as a force for positive change and inspiring action. For nearly 40 years, Absolut has used nightlife, quality cocktails and creative collaborations to break down traditional barriers and forge unique connections. Now, with The Open Mic Project, Absolut is fusing these platforms together to spark a much-needed change in today’s conversation, by giving all people – regardless of background, belief or border – a voice. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2727 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 925 | Comments: 3
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Schick Hydro announced today the next step in its quest to foster innovation by spotlighting and investing in a community that continues to transform the industry – independent game developers. The brand’s efforts include a new, fan-choice award for The Game Awards 2017 (“The Best Debut Indie Game – Presented by Schick Hydro”), a consumer giveaway that puts break-out indie games in fans’ hands, an exclusive indie game jam in partnership with Playcrafting and a custom arcade experience at The Game Awards. “From the launch of the Schick Hydro 3 to the evolution of Schick Hydro 5, Schick Hydro is a challenger brand that’s constantly evolving to enhance the men’s grooming experience and bring innovation to the category,” said Anastasia Tobias, Senior Brand Manager of Schick Hydro at Edgewell Personal Care. “Innovation is about challenging the status quo to create something that enhances people’s lives. As innovators, it’s important that we support other innovators, which is why we’re extending our mission to “protect and defend” to indie game developers – creating opportunities for these rising-stars to continue to hone their craft and advance their industry.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2677 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m14s | Views: 943 | Comments: 2
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Former MLB All-Star Cliff Floyd today was crowned Snapple’s “Flip for Flavor” champion in the first-ever Snapple All-Star Bottle Flip Challenge at GEICO All-Star FanFest. Snapple – the Official Tea and Juice Drink of Major League Baseball – added its own playful pop of fruit flavor to the worldwide bottle-flipping craze by pitting Floyd against Baseball Hall of Famer and 19-time MLB All-Star Cal Ripken Jr. in a fast-paced competition to determine the most accurate flipper. Floyd accurately hit all four fruit bases on the baseball field-inspired game board and was presented with a custom designed Peach Tea Snapple bottle trophy. “There is nothing like bringing together love for baseball and summer with the accurate fruit flavor of Snapple,” said Brent Chism, Senior Director of Brand Marketing, Snapple. “We are thrilled to have added our own flavor to FanFest through our new partnership with Major League Baseball and remind everyone of their right to take a flavorful break while enjoying our national pastime. Having greats like Cal and Cliff bring so much energy to our activation made this a fun and memorable moment, and we look forward to what’s next.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Tags // snapple  bottle  flip  challenge  cliff  floyd  cal  ripken  jr  winner  mlb  multivu  8361051 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2447 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m9s | Views: 989 | Comments: 2
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A recent study found that only 47% of Americans are currently taking steps to prevent bone loss1, despite considering it to be of high importance. In an effort to educate the public about the importance of bone health, Sunsweet Growers has partnered with the International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) to support their annual World Osteoporosis Day (WOD) campaign. WOD is globally celebrated on October 20 and serves to create awareness for bone health and the steps that can be taken to protect bones including incorporating bone-building habits – like eating prunes – into a regular lifestyle routine. Bones need the right nutrients to stay strong and healthy and research suggests that eating just 5-6 prunes (the Feel Good Fruit!) each day may help to prevent bone loss. However, many do not think about bone health until after a fracture or break occurs. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2357 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m31s | Views: 856 | Comments: 3
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