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The official video for Superheaven's single "I've Been Bored"
Tags // rive  video  been  bored  superheaven  rock 
Categories // Music 
Added: 3623 days ago by rivevideo
Runtime: 3m23s | Views: 571 | Comments: 0
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I had the pleasure of directing, editing and choreographing this piece. I just wanted to get a little creative and have some fun. A few of us got together for 5 hours one day and shot it the next while doing just one continuous shot of the dance. I just wanted to share some of my passion with anyone out there who uses dance as their way of communicating. If you get a chance check out my companies 2012 Summer Tour and come dance with us!!! Thanks a lot ! A big shout out to Revolution Dance Studio in Plainfield, Illinois for letting us rehearse there!
Categories // Music 
Added: 4637 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m0s | Views: 4410 | Comments: 0
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Nine West, the go-to destination for fashionistas, has teamed up with Kelly Cutrone, newly appointed brand Ambassador of Culture and Noise, CEO and Founder of public relations firm People’s Revolution, New York Times Best Selling author, judge on America’s Next Top Model and widely recognized TV personality, and Elizabeth Arden Red Door Spa to support young women through the power of transformation. Taking into consideration the current economic environment and using the formidable social media platform of Facebook, Nine West created the You’ve Been Prom’d program as a way to give back to the community and offer one lucky high school a prom experience of a lifetime. Contestants entered to win a full prom makeover from Kelly Cutrone with some surprises along the way. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle 
Added: 4644 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 0m24s | Views: 8172 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated “It will never happen to me!” These words have often been spoken moments before a business owner’s site gets hacked – as if the hackers were listening in on their conversations. The fact that 20 WordPress sites get hacked every minute (1 hack every 3 seconds) should wake up most people to the fact that their website could get compromised if they aren’t protecting it with PCI compliant security scans and killer passwords. Need a free scan to see how you’re doing? Visit
Added: 2953 days ago by gmsarticles
Runtime: 3m5s | Views: 671 | Comments: 2
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Glasgow Celtic Getting Hammered From Utrecht In A Europa Qualifying Match Lmao
Categories // Funny 
Added: 5301 days ago by StevanHogg
Runtime: 1m14s | Views: 10250 | Comments: 1
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just when you thought getting a sun tan at the beach under the sun couldnt get any better....the boss calls in and says his vacation IS CANCELLED
Categories // Miscellaneous  Funny  Comedy 
Added: 4421 days ago by InfiniteVoiceovers87
Runtime: 1m12s | Views: 1259 | Comments: 3
Not yet rated DCPP has investigated and deemed your child abuse claim is unfounded. Allison Williams explains. You can find out more about the subject or get legal help at: or call: (908) 810-1083 Williams Law Group, LLC 830 Morris Turnpike, #206 Short Hills, NJ 07078 Questions about DCPP? Attorneys from the Williams Law Group can help you.
Tags // dcpp 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 1768 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m5s | Views: 699 | Comments: 0
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love Rihanna & I love this song! So, I decided to make a music video to it! Follow me on Twitter @JennessaRose
Tags // jennessa  rose  where  have  you  been  rihanna  music  video 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4582 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m5s | Views: 4207 | Comments: 0
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I have found this video on YouTube. It\'s from amyl2701. Madeleine McCann has been missing 3rd May 2007. For more informtion on the search or for the police lines check out The song is called \'somewhere\' and is by Within Temptation.
Tags // madeleine  mccann  missing  child 
Added: 6486 days ago by find Madeleine
Runtime: 4m13s | Views: 9186 | Comments: 1
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Mr Momsen is just the way his name sounds: a little bit mulish, a bit old-fashioned and quite a bit frustrated. What gets to him most is all this chit-chat about the Internet. Mr Momsen has been the successful manager of his publishing house since the year dot - without ever spending even a single cent on the web. Nevertheless, there are nights when Mr Momsen awakes, gripped by fears for the future. Could it be that this whole Internet malarkey might be more exciting than he had thought? In order to find out, Mr Momsen embarks on a journey of discovery.
Tags // herr  momsen  internet  web  director  fun  weird  hydroponic  blog  chat  news 
Categories // Funny 
Added: 6261 days ago by MRFCato
Runtime: 2m21s | Views: 16614 | Comments: 0
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The Columbine Cause by Evan Long raises questions about the April 20 1999 attack on Columbine High School which have gone unaddressed or unanswered by corporate and state media including Why do counts of the ballistics evidence charts yield totals far greater than the three hundred odd shots officially stated by law enforcement officials to have been fired Why did students and teachers inside the school during the attack describe up to a dozen distinct shooters some of whom some of them were able to identify by name as neither Eric Harris nor Dylan Klebold Why were the people of the world told that the attack was a wake up call when some Columbine students knew it to have been the big rumor for up to two years in advance There is much more to the story of the attack on Columbine than has been widely made known
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 6199 days ago by evanlong
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 9376 | Comments: 1
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The Columbine Cause by Evan Long raises questions about the April 20 1999 attack on Columbine High School which have gone unaddressed or unanswered by corporate and state media including Why do counts of the ballistics evidence charts yield totals far greater than the three hundred odd shots officially stated by law enforcement officials to have been fired Why did students and teachers inside the school during the attack describe up to a dozen distinct shooters some of whom some of them were able to identify by name as neither Eric Harris nor Dylan Klebold Why were the people of the world told that the attack was a wake up call when some Columbine students knew it to have been the big rumor for up to two years in advance There is much more to the story of the attack on Columbine than has been widely made known
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 6199 days ago by evanlong
Runtime: 0m56s | Views: 9622 | Comments: 1
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