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Search // 3d
Results 133-144 of 154 for ' 3d ' (0 seconds)
The School of Animation providing top level 2d, 3d, special effects, visual effect and web designing courses with top level faculty support in Kolkata.
Tags // career  in  animation  industry 
Categories // Cartoon 
Added: 4303 days ago by harrywilliam
Runtime: 0m35s | Views: 1081 | Comments: 2
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The New Adventures of Peter Pan, a 26 × 22’ 3D HD Stereoscopic TV series, is coproduced with ZDF Group and Method Animation and supported by France Television, De Agostini Group, ATV, B Channel-Indonesia, JCCTV and Noga. Initial ratings are proving this new series to be very popular! The Jungle Book toys launch globally The Jungle Book CGI animated series has over 100 licensees across a variety of industries worldwide. Following the success of the TV series, The Jungle Book Toy Line, consisting of action figures, play sets and walkie talkies; outdoor adventure, electronic and summer toys has now launched in key global territories. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Cartoon  Business 
Added: 4261 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m4s | Views: 2825 | Comments: 2
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From transparent 3D televisions to bicycles you ride standing up, innovation was the name of the game at this year’s spring installment of the Canton Fair. Now, with the introduction of the new Canton Fair Design Awards (CF Awards), China’s most prestigious trade show is really driving cutting edge design to the next level. “Made in China” is about to become “Created in China
Added: 4158 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m16s | Views: 905 | Comments: 2
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A l’occasion du lancement de sa dernière innovation, le dentifrice soin 3D blancheur Oral-B 3D White, Oral-B révèle le visage de sa nouvelle égérie mondiale : Shakira. La personnalité lumineuse de l’artiste, son sourire et sa fraîcheur constants représenteront les valeurs défendues par la marque. Oral-B, l’expert de l’hygiène bucco-dentaire ne cesse de mettre l’innovation au cœur de ses préoccupations et lance un tout nouveau dentifrice ; Oral-B 3D White. Un soin dentaire blanchissant, dont la composition mousseuse enveloppe la dent et traite en profondeur et en 3D toutes ses faces, apportant une protection complète de l’émail ; pour des dents significativement plus blanches et pas seulement en surface. Pour accéder au Multimedia Nouvelles de presse, allez à
Categories // Music  Business 
Added: 4128 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m26s | Views: 2452 | Comments: 0
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A l’occasion du lancement de sa dernière innovation, le dentifrice soin 3D blancheur Oral-B 3D White, Oral-B révèle le visage de sa nouvelle égérie mondiale : Shakira. La personnalité lumineuse de l’artiste, son sourire et sa fraîcheur constants représenteront les valeurs défendues par la marque. Oral-B, l’expert de l’hygiène bucco-dentaire ne cesse de mettre l’innovation au cœur de ses préoccupations et lance un tout nouveau dentifrice ; Oral-B 3D White. Un soin dentaire blanchissant, dont la composition mousseuse enveloppe la dent et traite en profondeur et en 3D toutes ses faces, apportant une protection complète de l’émail ; pour des dents significativement plus blanches et pas seulement en surface. Pour accéder au Multimedia Nouvelles de presse, allez à
Categories // Music  Business 
Added: 4128 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m9s | Views: 2555 | Comments: 0
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Crytek and DeNA have partnered together to release The Collectables, a tactical action game with revolutionary visuals that is now available on the App Store for iPhone and iPad. Players assemble a squad of misfit mercenaries in The Collectables and command each soldier through fast-paced third-person tactical combat scenarios. As the action intensifies, they’ll upgrade their crews using a collecting card system that unlocks new ways to wipe out the varied enemy types and negotiate the game’s immersive 3D environments. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Games 
Added: 3997 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m26s | Views: 1398 | Comments: 3
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 See pictures in an entire new manner with the Sony DSC-Tx55 Polaroid. Seeing vivid shades on the 3.3-inch OLED touch screen brings photographs to life. With 3d still picture, astonishing Intelligent Sweep Panorama HR mode, brilliant low light capacity and full HD feature, seeing your portraits simply got a considerable measure additionally energizing.
Tags // camera  touch  screen  camera  review  sony  dsc-tx55 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3903 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m37s | Views: 868 | Comments: 0
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Flownex SE has increased the ability of engineers to accurately model their fluid–thermal with the release of version of Flownex 2014 on June 19th, 2014. The program is known for its in ease of use, breadth of capability, and depth of functionality. With enhancements in turbomachinery modeling, support for 3D networks, GIS data import, heat transfer and a myriad of additional new features impacting efficiency, integration, and automation, this release expands the industries that can take advantage of it, and will help current users model their systems more accurately with greater ease. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business  Science and Technology 
Added: 3884 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 5m22s | Views: 1087 | Comments: 1
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Erreà 3DWear is proud to join forces with Stade Toulousain and its players in the most important time of the season. Erreà 3DWear technical base layer line features the most sophisticated and innovative fabrics. Stade Toulousain's players wear it to improve their performance during matches, when each single molecule of energy is needed to confront the hardest adversaries and fight fatigue. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous  Sport 
Added: 3737 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m10s | Views: 1161 | Comments: 3
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The National Inventors Hall of Fame (NIHF), in partnership with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), announced today the 2015 Hall of Fame Inductees, all of whom have changed the world through human, social and/or economic progress. Among this year’s class of Inductees is Nobel Prize winner Shuji Nakamura, responsible for the blue light-emitting diode (LED) which enabled the white LED, and the blue laser diode; Jaap Haartsen, the inventor of Bluetooth® technology, now used in 2.7 billion devices and growing; George Alcorn, who furthered deep space exploration with his X-ray spectrometer; Kristina M. Johnson and Gary Sharp, pioneers in display technology related to rear projection television and 3D applications; and duo Ioannis Yannas and John Burke, who have saved the lives of many burn victims with their invention of Artificial Skin. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 3686 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m27s | Views: 1019 | Comments: 2
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“Experience Day of Beautiful China” global tour event, hosted by China Intercontinental Communication Center, jointly guided by the State Council Information Office of the People’s Republic of China, China National Tourism Administration and Chinese Consulate General in New York, has begun in the Thomson Reuters building in Times Square, NYC on Sep 14th, 2015. As the partner of the event, Thomson Reuters gave strong support. Riordan William, Thomson Reuters’ director of global Internet, said: I deem it an honor that you came to Reuters to organize the event. I have been to China, and it is a very attractive country. And I’m so glad to see the combination of advanced technology and culture. We’re looking forward to more cooperation with China. The Deputy Director of the China Intercontinental Communication Center Jing Shuiqing said in his speech: “Experience Day of Beautiful China” event is our first 3D virtual technology applied to the field of tourism and cultural dissemination. We hope to share the beautiful China by new technology and new means, thus achieving cross-cultural, cross-regional, cross-media communication, and creating a new model of cooperation of tourism and cultural exchanges between China and the US. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Travel and Holiday 
Added: 3454 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m53s | Views: 856 | Comments: 1
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The Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities is pleased to announce the launch of an egyptian – international Project using non-invasive and non-destructive surveying techniques for the scanning of Egyptian Pyramids under the title “ScanPyramids” project. Just because a mystery is 4500 years old doesn’t mean it can’t be solved…” This could be the motto of the exceptional scientific mission launched October 25, 2015, under the authority of the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities, initiated, designed and coordinated by the Faculty of Engineering of Cairo and the French HIP.Institute (Heritage, Innovation and Preservation). Radiographic muons, aka cosmic particles, infrared thermography, photogrammetry, scanner and 3D reconstruction: the most innovative technologies will be used by researchers of international renown and three major universities: the Faculty of Engineering of Cairo University, Université Laval of Quebec and Nagoya University of Japan. Their goal: to probe the heart of the largest pyramids of Egypt, without drilling the slightest opening. Four millennia after their construction, these ancient giants are far from having yielded their secrets. The first mystery concerns their construction, especially Khufu, the last of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World still existing: it is still impossible to describe with certainty how this stone monument, the largest ever built by humans, was erected. The “ScanPyramids” project has already been approved by the permanent committee of the Ministry of Antiquities and has obtained all necessary permissions from concerned authorities. With a base of more than 5 hectares, its original height of almost 150 meters and a mass of 5 million tons, how was it possible to construct such a wonder in only 25 years? To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3416 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m6s | Views: 910 | Comments: 0
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