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3 FREE& EASY Solutions for all unwanted sites You are just a victim Did you know... * Pornography is a $57 billion a year industry. In comparison, the combined revenues of all teams in the NBA, NHL, MLB, and NFL is $12 billion, and the combined revenues of ABC, CBS, and NBC is a mere $6.2 billion. # 45 percent of 1,000 surveyed teens admitted parents are the biggest influence in deciding whether or not to have sex # 88 percent of teens say it would be easier to postpone sex if they could have more open, honest conversations with their parents # Two-thirds of U.S. teenagers who have had sexual relations wish they had waited longer. 1 in 4 youth have unwanted exposure to inappropriate pictures each year Nine of 10 kids aged 8-16 have viewed pornography on the Internet, often in the process of doing homework Students were most at risk for cybersex compulsions due to a combination of increased access to computers, more private leisure time, & developmental stage characterized by increased sexual awareness & experimentation. Both computer classes & colleges might need to recognize this increased vulnerability and institute new primary prevention strategies. One in five children ages 10-17 have received a sexual solicitation over the Internet
Added: 5949 days ago by Sharkawy
Runtime: 3m38s | Views: 5476 | Comments: 1
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The Times of India “A Day in the Life of Chennai” advertisement won the historic first Cannes Golden Lion for a film from India. It was produced by Good Morning films ( The main crew that set out to shoot this film was not unlike a task force from the UN. UP-ite, Bengali, Punjabi, Parsi, Malayalee, Hyderabadi, Englishman from Australia and Germany and of course Tamilians of Chennai all comprised the backgrounds of the chief technicians of this film. Jason West (of “Rock on” fame) was entrusted with shooting the Times Of India film and the music was produced by Vijay Anthony and sung by the renowned female folk singer Chinnaponnu. The location used was Kasimedu - Chennai’s Dharavi, Dongri and Kamatipura all rolled into one. Surprisingly this underbelly of Chennai proved to be not only the most exciting but also the most cooperative and accommodating for our shoot. The cutouts from the ad ranged from 12 to 50 feet! With the monstrous size of 50 feet also came the nightmarish logistics that were minor issues compared to the fact that all cut outs (except those of the ruling party) were banned from being put up in the city of Chennai! Some swift maneuvering so in some cases, we had to just had to sneak in, get our shots and get out without disrupting normal activity and attract unwanted attention! The official permission letter for shooting on the various public locations across Chennai reached us only on Day 2 of the shoot and that too with allotted time slots which were the complete opposite of what was requested in the shooting plan submitted to the cops! Brilliant maneuvering by the production team and some kamikaze shooting techniques adapted by director Bob and DOP Jason resulted in some of the memorable shots and moments of the film.
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 5669 days ago by goodmorningfilms
Runtime: 1m32s | Views: 11076 | Comments: 1
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Palestinian children aspire to death as Martyrs PA TV June 2002 Host: You described Shahada as something beautiful. Do you think it is beautiful? Walla age 11: Shahada (martyrdom) is a very, very beautiful thing. Everyone yearns for Shahada. What could be sweeter than going to paradise? Host: What is better, peace and full rights For the Palestinian people or Shahada? Walla: Shahada. I will achieve my rights after becoming a Shaid (martyr). Host: OK Yussra, would you agree with that? Yussra age 11: Of course Shahada is sweet. We don't want this world, we want the Afterlife. We benefit not from this life, but from the Afterlife. Host: Do you actually love death? Yussra: Death is not Shahada Host: No, I mean the absence after death Yussra: No child loves death. The children of Palestine adopted the concept that Shahada is very good. Every Palestinian child, say someone aged 12, says: O Lord, I would like to become a Shahid. Host: We've got a call, Sabrine from Ramallah. Sabrine: Ayyat Al-Akhras was 17 when she blew herself up. Host: Sabrine, are you for it or against it? Sabrine: Of course I support blowing up, it is our right. Host: Sabrine; now is it natural That Ayyat Al-Akhras blows herself up? Sabrine: Of course it's natural. (more)(
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5667 days ago by scinova
Runtime: 1m25s | Views: 13206 | Comments: 1
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Moderator: Du beschreibst die Shahada als etwas Schönes. Glaubst du, es ist schön? Walla, 11 Jahre:Shahada (das Märtyrertum) ist etwas sehr sehr schönes. Jeder sehnt sich nach der Shahada. Was gibt es denn Schöneres, als ins Paradies zu kommen? Moderator: Was ist besser, Frieden und volle Rechte für das palästinensische Volk oder Shahada? Walla: Shahada. Ich werde meine Rechte erzielen, nachdem ich ein Shaid (Märtyrer) bin. Moderator: OK Yussra, bist du auch dieser Meinung? Yussra, 11 Jahre: Sicher, die Shahada ist süss. Wir wollen nicht diese Welt, wir wollen das Leben im Paradies. Moderator: Liebst du etwa den Tod? Yussra: Der Tod ist keine Shahada. Moderator: Nein, ich meine die Leere nach dem Tod. Yussra: Kein Kind liebt den Tod. Die Kinder von Palästina akzeptieren es, dass die Shahada etwas Gutes ist. Jedes palästinensische Kind, etwa ab 12, sagt: Oh Gott, ich möchte ein Shahid werden. Moderator: Wir haben einen Anrufer, Sabrine aus Ramallah. Sabrine: Ayyat Al-Akhras war 17 als sich sich in die Luft sprengte. Moderator: Sabrine, bist du dafür oder dagegen? Sabrine: Sicher bin ich für Anschläge, das ist unser gutes Recht. Moderator: Sabrine, findest du es natürlich, dass Ayyat Al-Akhras sich in die Luft sprengt? Sabrine: Sicher ist das natürlich.
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5665 days ago by scinova
Runtime: 1m25s | Views: 6045 | Comments: 0
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This new picture book, from author Liz Garton Scanlon and Caldecott Honor recipient and New York Times bestselling illustrator Marla Frazee, follows a circle of family and friends through the course of a day from morning till night, affirming the importance of all things great and small in our world. All The World Liz Garton Scanlon Marla Frazee Book Trailer Find out more about this author here Find out more about this book Children’s, Illustration Ages 9-12
Tags // earth  garden  tree  ocean  family  friends  vide  liz  garton  scanlon  marla  frazee 
Categories // Cartoon  Family 
Added: 5599 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 0m37s | Views: 7910 | Comments: 2
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Jesus Came To Save You And I Not To Condem Us. John Chapter 12 esus shouted to the crowds, if you trust me, you are really trusting God. For when you see me, you are seeing the one who sent me. I have come is the light to shine in this dark world, so that all who would put their trust in me will no longer wander in the darkness. If anyone hears me and doesn't obey me, I am not his judge -- for I have come to save the world and not to judge it. For all who reject me and my message will be judged at the day of judgment by the truths I have spoken. For these are not my own ideas, but I have told you what the father told me to tell you. And I know his instructions lead to eternal life; so whatever he tells me to say, I say.
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 5570 days ago by thewordofgod21
Runtime: 7m32s | Views: 4685 | Comments: 0
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Stage-Prop Lunar Modules Were Used in The Nevada Fake Moon Bay. This Video As You See & Hear it, From NASA's Public Domain Movies: Apollo 14: Mission to Fra Mauro (1971) Apollo 12: Pinpoint for Science (1970) Apollo 14 Video Library Journal Text: 118:35:50 Classical music in this video is copyright free public domain, available to download and use from: Beethoven: Symphony No. 5 in C Minor, Op. 67 - I. Allegro con brio NASA did redacted editing & cleaning up of the text, to cover what they really said in the written records of the Astronaut's conversations. NASA VIDEO IS PUBLIC DOMAIN.
Categories // Funny  Comedy  News and Politics 
Added: 5568 days ago by ArcAngel4Myke
Runtime: 1m20s | Views: 6284 | Comments: 1
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Study International Hotel, Tourism and/or Events Management in Switzerland, 12 minutes from Luzern, which was voted Switzerland\\\'s nicest city in 2009. We are not an ordinary school, we never intend to become one. Check this latest signature movie from one of the most innovative hotel management schools in the world. More at
Added: 5547 days ago by imi_luzern
Runtime: 3m21s | Views: 5821 | Comments: 3
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IMI University Centre . study hospitality, tourism and events at one of the words most beautiful places at lake lucerne, just 12 minutes away from luzern city, check for more on
Categories // People and Blog  Webcam  Business 
Added: 5532 days ago by imi_luzern
Runtime: 1m57s | Views: 6414 | Comments: 5
Not yet rated Visit us at AmeriSchools are a tuition-free Arizona Charter School System for grade levels K-12 in Phoenix, Tucson, and Yuma.
Tags // arizona  charter  schools 
Categories // Family 
Added: 5398 days ago by kt11363
Runtime: 3m35s | Views: 7171 | Comments: 0
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In presence of Russia\'s President Dimitri Medvedev the official ceremony for the laying of the Nord Stream pipeline took place in the Russian town of Vyborg. Roughly two 1220 km pipelines will be laid on the bed of the Baltic Sea between the Russian town of Vyborg and the German town of Lubmin. More than 200.000 single pipes need to be welded together, each of the 12 m long pipes has a diameter of 1,4 m and weighs about 24 tons. With start of the heating season 2011 the first gas will flow through the pipeline.
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5396 days ago by mhoch4
Runtime: 2m11s | Views: 6179 | Comments: 2
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Required: Quests: Death Plateau and Troll Stronghold. Skills: Level 28 Agility, must be able to defeat a level 171 Troll. Items: One yew or maple log, rope, iron bar, cake tin, insect repellent or Bucket of wax, swamp tar, climbing boots or 12 gp, food I am working in this website!
Categories // Games 
Added: 5388 days ago by tianqi01
Runtime: 8m20s | Views: 9364 | Comments: 2
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