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Search // computer
Results 121-132 of 135 for ' computer ' (0 seconds)
Architectural 3D Walkthrough Animation India, 3D animation Company , Exterior and Interior 3D walkthroughs With great expertise Yantram gives Architectural Presentations & visualization in amazing 3D architectural walkthroughs, 3D & 2D Animations, Industrial Walkthroughs, 3D Animation, Architectural visualization , 3D Model Animation Designed By 3D Designers .Few of our best creations are 3d walk troughs, fly pasts , fly bys, computer 3d walkthrough Software Used in 3d Max, AutoCAD & More
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 4017 days ago by 3dwalkthrough
Runtime: 3m38s | Views: 1208 | Comments: 0
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Things defying gravity and floating away into the sky, people flying and unimaginable objects gliding around have all fascinated us forever. Our television and films have routinely offered us computer-generated treats that seem astonishingly real. While theatre and Live entertainment slowly regains our attention, There is a need to have this same magic of flight recreated on stage. Live. There’s a need to have dancers perform in thin air, of cars ‘driving’ up the sides of buildings, of a superstar ‘flying’ onto the stage in front of our very eyes. And there is a crying need for doing all this with utmost safety. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Event and Party  Business 
Added: 3967 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m49s | Views: 1043 | Comments: 1
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Watch this video for a helpful tip on how to remove dings from your wooden furniture. Rub a walnut over the damaged area and watch as the area begins to darken. Sometimes accidents happen at home, furniture and furnishings are damaged and equipment gets broken. NRMA Home and Contents Insurance is there to cover for you for life’s little accidents Home and Contents Insurance provides you with new for old replacement for items, such as whitegoods, furniture, TVs, computer equipment, clothing and more. Visit the website today for more information on what is covered.
Tags // home  and  contents  insurance 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3540 days ago by Australia10
Runtime: 0m14s | Views: 766 | Comments: 0
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Later this year, Hyundai will be the first mainstream automaker to launch an augmented reality owner's manual app. The Hyundai Virtual Guide app is the brand's modern take on the traditional owner's manual, allowing consumers to use their smartphone or tablet computer to get how-to information for repairs, maintenance and vehicle features. At launch, the Hyundai Virtual Guide is compatible with the 2015 Sonata model, and will soon become available for additional models. The new app recognizes more than 45 major features of the Sonata and is available for free download on the Apple App store and Google Play. Hyundai used quality consumer survey results to determine the top difficult-to-use features to incorporate into the Virtual Guide. The app also contains 82 how-to videos, six 3D overlay images that appear once users scan areas of their vehicle like the engine bay and more than 50 informational guides. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3400 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 6m30s | Views: 763 | Comments: 0
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Volvo Cars, the premium car maker, will work together with Microsoft, the leading platform and productivity company, to jointly develop next generation automotive technologies. The two companies today revealed how Microsoft HoloLens, the world’s first fully untethered holographic computer, might be used in future to redefine how customers first encounter and explore a car, as well as how cars might be bought and sold in future. Areas of future collaboration between the two companies could include autonomous driving technologies and the utilisation of data generated from connected cars to create new services. Today’s HoloLens demonstration was conducted at Microsoft’s global headquarters in Redmond, USA, and showed how mixed reality might be used by customers to configure cars in three dimensions. With HoloLens, a powerful, wearable computer, holograms are mixed into the physical world. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3391 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m36s | Views: 750 | Comments: 0
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More than 33 years after the popular American TV show Knight Rider showed David ‘The Hoff’ Hasselhoff talking to his car KITT, Volvo and Microsoft are launching a wearable-enabled voice control system. Volvo owners will be able to talk to their car via their Microsoft Band 2, allowing them to instruct their vehicle to perform tasks including, setting the navigation, starting the heater, locking the doors, flashing the lights or sounding the horn via Volvo’s mobile app Volvo on Call and the connected wearable device. In November 2015 Volvo and Microsoft announced their high-profile collaboration with the first automotive application of HoloLens technology. HoloLens is the world’s first fully untethered holographic computer, which could be used in future to redefine how customers first encounter, explore and even buy car. Now the two companies are delivering remote voice control for Volvo cars via the Microsoft Band 2 as another proof-point in their ambition to jointly develop next generation automotive technologies. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3345 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m7s | Views: 906 | Comments: 0
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Handheld Group, a leading manufacturer of rugged mobile computers, today announced the new Nautiz X2 enterprise handheld which integrates a high-quality scanner, camera and mobile phone while offering the most compact and ergonomic form factor on the market. The Nautiz X2 gives enterprise users an all-in-one mobile computer that can handle all the tasks of a day’s work, with built-in ruggedness that allows it to be used anywhere from a warehouse to challenging outdoor environments with moisture, dust, extreme high or low temperatures and potential drops. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3155 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m6s | Views: 846 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated It’s common knowledge that your computer can be hacked, but are you aware of the bevy of devices, items and industries that are also at risk of attack? In this new world of the Internet of Things, everyday life is made easier, but also more vulnerable. Here are 14 things you probably didn’t know could be hacked.
Added: 3121 days ago by gmsarticles
Runtime: 3m30s | Views: 778 | Comments: 2
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Spending 30 minutes on a treadmill or an elliptical machine a few times each week is not the key to a healthy lifestyle. What’s more important is getting out of your chair, or off the couch, and moving throughout the day – preferably at least once an hour. That’s the logic behind Anytime Fitness’ new “Every Step Counts” campaign – which features reserved parking spots for its members as far away as possible from the gym, in the far corners of the parking lot. “We care what you do outside the gym every bit as much as when you’re inside one of our facilities,” said Chuck Runyon, CEO and co-founder of Anytime Fitness. “Three hours of rigorous exercise a week is great. But what you do during the other 165 hours each week will really determine whether you’re healthy or not. If you sit in a chair and stare at a computer screen for eight hours a day, without moving every hour or so, then research* shows you’re much more likely to develop a long list of preventable chronic diseases. Sitting too much is the new smoking.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3015 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m24s | Views: 746 | Comments: 0
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For the second straight year, Accenture (NYSE: ACN) is collaborating with to support Hour of Code, a global educational movement that reaches tens of millions of students through a one-hour introduction to computer science and computer programming. As part of Accenture’s commitment to inspire and expand the opportunities for students to learn coding and computer science skills, Accenture employees in more than 200 cities across 55 countries have pledged to complete more than 10,000 Hours of Code during Computer Science Education Week December 5-11. This includes more than 2,000 hours pledged by Accenture employees to lead local events or volunteer at schools in their communities by working with teachers and to help students learn the basics of coding through online tutorials that inspire students to continue learning. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3010 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 4m48s | Views: 658 | Comments: 0
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For the second straight year, Accenture (NYSE: ACN) is collaborating with to support Hour of Code, a global educational movement that reaches tens of millions of students through a one-hour introduction to computer science and computer programming. As part of Accenture’s commitment to inspire and expand the opportunities for students to learn coding and computer science skills, Accenture employees in more than 200 cities across 55 countries have pledged to complete more than 10,000 Hours of Code during Computer Science Education Week December 5-11. This includes more than 2,000 hours pledged by Accenture employees to lead local events or volunteer at schools in their communities by working with teachers and to help students learn the basics of coding through online tutorials that inspire students to continue learning. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3010 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m19s | Views: 791 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated Paysagiste West Island Landscaping Designer and Landscaper presents a video of a West island customer project. We do all kinds of computer assisted presentations for our customers. Come and see us at: Présentation video de notre Designer d'un Paysagiste West Island. Présentation assisté par ordinateur de travaux pour un de nos clients.
Tags // west  island  landscaping 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2902 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m41s | Views: 739 | Comments: 0
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