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Search // events
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Things defying gravity and floating away into the sky, people flying and unimaginable objects gliding around have all fascinated us forever. Our television and films have routinely offered us computer-generated treats that seem astonishingly real. While theatre and Live entertainment slowly regains our attention, There is a need to have this same magic of flight recreated on stage. Live. There’s a need to have dancers perform in thin air, of cars ‘driving’ up the sides of buildings, of a superstar ‘flying’ onto the stage in front of our very eyes. And there is a crying need for doing all this with utmost safety. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Event and Party  Business 
Added: 3968 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m49s | Views: 1044 | Comments: 1
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new program on
Tags // tipstr  tv  music  musik  restauants  events  berlin 
Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle 
Added: 3944 days ago by tipstrtv
Runtime: 2m48s | Views: 624 | Comments: 0
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get the scoop of whats happening in berlin exclusive on
Tags // tipstr  tv  music  musik  restauants  events  berlin 
Categories // Music 
Added: 3939 days ago by tipstrtv
Runtime: 0m22s | Views: 683 | Comments: 0
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homemade music video
Tags // conspiracy  news  current  events 
Categories // Music  Miscellaneous 
Added: 3566 days ago by issown
Runtime: 5m31s | Views: 481 | Comments: 0
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Francesco Saverio Boni dj-mc - Over The Peace
Added: 3188 days ago by Hulkenbestvideos
Runtime: 7m57s | Views: 937 | Comments: 3
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Top This Party Orange County and Top This Party Las Vegas follow the daily drama of elite party planners who throw elaborate, excessive soirees and events for extremely wealthy and colorful clients. Premieres Friday January 4th at 10pm and 10:30pm EST on Lifetime.
Added: 6274 days ago by lifetimepd
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 10387 | Comments: 2
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Try to find all the latest feeds. I found some on Hillary Clintons Laugh. Just some fun. News, blogs, video, photos and a whole lot more. Keep up to date with current events or do research for your blog. Thousands of uses. Try Now.
Tags // news  hillary  feeds  search  aggregator 
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 6212 days ago by exemltv
Runtime: 1m12s | Views: 6559 | Comments: 0
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For more astrology videos visit The story of an Astrologer lost within his own dream. Upon meditation he finds himself locked within a spellbinding trance. Overtaking his body and whisking him off to the Astral world. Confining him to his own dream world. Only to cross paths with archetypes of his own unconscious. Archetypes representing the symbols of Astrology. Defining his own identity as Apollo - The sun. Apollo's mission is outlined to free himself from the Astral world. Mimicking the events of his life preceding. The Astral world mirrors the theme of the Kung Fu film watched the night before. Upon his journeys, Apollo meets Jupiter - His saviour and teacher. Jupiter unlocks Apollo's potential guiding him to self realization. Unravelling his powers as a Martial Arts Master. Giving Apollo the strength and keys to survival in the Astral World. Jupiter reveals Apollo path is to bring harmony to the opposition with the malefics and benefics archetypes. As failure to his mission means being lost in the Astral world - forever confined in a state of insanity. Dubbed voices reminiscencent of 70's style Asian B movies. A unique mixture of comedy, kung fu action and parody. One of the first and few theatrical movies focusing on Astrology
Categories // Comedy 
Added: 6169 days ago by ninjaking
Runtime: 9m57s | Views: 6477 | Comments: 1
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For more astrology videos visit The story of an Astrologer lost within his own dream. Upon meditation he finds himself locked within a spellbinding trance. Overtaking his body and whisking him off to the Astral world. Confining him to his own dream world. Only to cross paths with archetypes of his own unconscious. Archetypes representing the symbols of Astrology. Defining his own identity as Apollo - The sun. Apollo's mission is outlined to free himself from the Astral world. Mimicking the events of his life preceding. The Astral world mirrors the theme of the Kung Fu film watched the night before. Upon his journeys, Apollo meets Jupiter - His saviour and teacher. Jupiter unlocks Apollo's potential guiding him to self realization. Unravelling his powers as a Martial Arts Master. Giving Apollo the strength and keys to survival in the Astral World. Jupiter reveals Apollo path is to bring harmony to the opposition with the malefics and benefics archetypes. As failure to his mission means being lost in the Astral world - forever confined in a state of insanity. Dubbed voices reminiscencent of 70's style Asian B movies. A unique mixture of comedy, kung fu action and parody. One of the first and few theatrical movies focusing on Astrology
Categories // Comedy 
Added: 6169 days ago by ninjaking
Runtime: 9m57s | Views: 7861 | Comments: 1
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For more astrology videos visit The story of an Astrologer lost within his own dream. Upon meditation he finds himself locked within a spellbinding trance. Overtaking his body and whisking him off to the Astral world. Confining him to his own dream world. Only to cross paths with archetypes of his own unconscious. Archetypes representing the symbols of Astrology. Defining his own identity as Apollo - The sun. Apollo's mission is outlined to free himself from the Astral world. Mimicking the events of his life preceding. The Astral world mirrors the theme of the Kung Fu film watched the night before. Upon his journeys, Apollo meets Jupiter - His saviour and teacher. Jupiter unlocks Apollo's potential guiding him to self realization. Unravelling his powers as a Martial Arts Master. Giving Apollo the strength and keys to survival in the Astral World. Jupiter reveals Apollo path is to bring harmony to the opposition with the malefics and benefics archetypes. As failure to his mission means being lost in the Astral world - forever confined in a state of insanity. Dubbed voices reminiscencent of 70's style Asian B movies. A unique mixture of comedy, kung fu action and parody. One of the first and few theatrical movies focusing on Astrology
Categories // Street 
Added: 6169 days ago by ninjaking
Runtime: 9m1s | Views: 7903 | Comments: 1
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For more astrology videos visit The story of an Astrologer lost within his own dream. Upon meditation he finds himself locked within a spellbinding trance. Overtaking his body and whisking him off to the Astral world. Confining him to his own dream world. Only to cross paths with archetypes of his own unconscious. Archetypes representing the symbols of Astrology. Defining his own identity as Apollo - The sun. Apollo's mission is outlined to free himself from the Astral world. Mimicking the events of his life preceding. The Astral world mirrors the theme of the Kung Fu film watched the night before. Upon his journeys, Apollo meets Jupiter - His saviour and teacher. Jupiter unlocks Apollo's potential guiding him to self realization. Unravelling his powers as a Martial Arts Master. Giving Apollo the strength and keys to survival in the Astral World. Jupiter reveals Apollo path is to bring harmony to the opposition with the malefics and benefics archetypes. As failure to his mission means being lost in the Astral world - forever confined in a state of insanity. Dubbed voices reminiscencent of 70's style Asian B movies. A unique mixture of comedy, kung fu action and parody. One of the first and few theatrical movies focusing on Astrology
Categories // Comedy 
Added: 6169 days ago by ninjaking
Runtime: 6m17s | Views: 8038 | Comments: 1
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The hottest designers, trendsetters and fashionistas have converged upon New York City to glimpse the unveiling of the season’s newest fashion lines and take a sneak peak at the latest trends emerging in the fashion industry. Join us as we go behind the scenes and give you VIP access to Fall 2008 Fashion Week in New York City. Tertiary Productions and, in partnership with Fashiontribes, have captured the hottest events and other exclusive Fashion Week content at this year’s festivities. Check out more Fashion Week Videos on
Added: 6136 days ago by jennyfrommoli
Runtime: 2m17s | Views: 7506 | Comments: 3
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