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Last night, MGM Resorts International celebrated the milestone grand opening of its newest live entertainment venue on the Las Vegas Strip – Park Theater at Monte Carlo Resort and Casino. The dazzling theater came to life with inaugural performances by legendary singer-songwriter Stevie Nicks and renowned rock group The Pretenders. The evening began with an unforgettable performance by The Pretenders, wowing guests with rousing renditions of their most beloved songs including “I’ll Stand By You” and “Back On the Chain Gang.” Then, prior to taking the stage, Nicks was presented with an honorary key to the theater and commemorated the unveiling of the venue by autographing a backstage wall, starting a tradition for all Park Theater performers to come. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2996 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m23s | Views: 897 | Comments: 2
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As of this weekend, the City of Essen is officially the European Green Capital. The Lord Mayor of Essen Thomas Kufen launched the title year together with the EU Environment Commissioner Karmenu Vella during a creative orchestrated stage show. Other well-known guests included representatives from the EU, the Federal Government and the State of NRW, such as German Federal Minister for Environment Dr Barbara Hendricks and Minister for Environment for North Rhine-Westphalia Johannes Remmel. Many thousands of visitors came to the subsequent Culture and Families Festival in the Grugapark. The Lord Mayor of Essen Thomas Kufen emphasised: “Our motto for 2017 is to ‘experience your green miracle’. We would like to invite people from Europe and across the globe to visit us in 2017 and experience their own green miracle. Our city offers many surprises - the opening weekend proved this impressively.” The third greenest city in Germany showed what it was capable of during the Culture and Families Festival. The themes accompanying the City of Essen throughout the title year turned into life in the form of illuminations, dance, theatre, sound installation, light labyrinth, walking acts, exhibitions and much more. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2961 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 7m22s | Views: 696 | Comments: 0
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Institut Marquès presents the 1000th birth of its international embryo adoption programme. It is a baby girl called Georgina who, with 3,500 kg. of weight, was born in the town of Essex (UK) last February. Her mother decided to adopt an embryo at Institut Marquès, a clinic in Barcelona, after having performed several cycles of assisted reproduction without success in different centres. In June, an embryo that had been frozen for years was transferred; it came from the treatment of a couple who did not answer about the destination they wanted for their embryos and they were thus left under the custody of the clinic. Kerry Andersen, Georgina's mother, is a midwife. A 45-year-old single woman who believes that this treatment has given her "the best of my life, which was the hope of being a mother. I am thrilled to think that my precious daughter is here thanks to the embryo adoption programme as I feel it is a very special way to enjoy motherhood. When I got to know this program, I did not hesitate to adopt an embryo”. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2832 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m53s | Views: 728 | Comments: 0
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Sanofi Pasteur, the vaccines division of Sanofi (EURONEXT: SAN and NYSE: SNY), announced today that its first doses of the Fluzone® (Influenza Vaccine) portfolio for the 2017-2018 influenza (“flu”) season have been released by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Sanofi Pasteur has begun distributing initial shipments, representing the first of nearly 70 million total doses of seasonal influenza vaccine manufactured by the company for this upcoming influenza season. Widespread shipment of Fluzone Quadrivalent, Fluzone High-Dose and Fluzone Intradermal Quadrivalent vaccine to health care provider offices, pharmacies and other immunizers will begin in early August to support fall immunization campaigns. “As we enter the Swiftwater site’s 120th year, it reminds us of our innovation and growth as we came to understand the science of influenza and its impact on human health,” said David P. Greenberg, M.D., Associate Vice President and Regional Medical Head North America, Sanofi Pasteur. “Influenza can be especially severe for the most vulnerable populations, including the elderly, young children and those with compromised immune systems; however, it can also have a serious health impact on otherwise healthy individuals. Sanofi Pasteur is and always has been deeply committed to improving public health by continuously striving to develop new vaccines and on improving existing ones.” To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2785 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m27s | Views: 827 | Comments: 1
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Parents want to do the best for their children, especially when they’re not feeling well. That often means giving liquid, over-the-counter (OTC) medications when they have a cold, fever or the flu. But even the best intentions can go wrong when it comes to dosing children’s OTC medicines. OTC cough and cold medicines are safe and effective when used as directed – this includes always giving your child the precise, recommended dose. When it’s late at night and your child is sick, it may seem easier to reach for whatever is nearby, like a kitchen spoon, instead of taking the time to find the right dosing cup or syringe that came with the medicine. While 63 percent of parents surveyed say they prefer milliliter dosing devices to measure their children’s liquid medicine, 8 out of 10 parents* have given the wrong dose of liquid medicine to their child by accident. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2679 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 751 | Comments: 2
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“Someone special at St. Jude would like to say hello,” this is what Guests at Chili’s® Grill & Bar Highland Springs restaurant heard after choosing to donate to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital® during this year’s Create-A-Pepper campaign. It’s often difficult to connect how an add-on donation at the end of a meal or coloring a pepper while at Chili’s can have an impact on the kids at St. Jude, but over the past 15 years, each donation and pepper has added up to more than $64 million to support St. Jude’s mission of Finding cures. Saving children®. This year, Chili’s is showing how a little action can create a big impact by continuing to connect those who care with those in need of care. ChiliHeads at Highland Springs in Beaumont, Calif. surprised everyday Guests with a special thank you for their donation to St. Jude. Guests came in expecting a normal dining experience and got something completely different. After a donation, Guests received a video call from a St. Jude survivor who personally shared their story and the difference each donation makes in ensuring that no family ever receives a bill. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2658 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m21s | Views: 886 | Comments: 3
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Clayton, one of the largest home builders in America, is focused on providing affordable housing options that fit the needs and wants of millennials, who make up 35% of the company’s current customer base. As a demographic, millennials also share different obstacles to obtaining homeownership than those who came before them. For instance, according to the Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies (HJCHS), many first-time home buyers possess the household income to qualify for homeownership, but struggle to save money for a down payment due to lingering debts from student loans and other debts. This combined with a low supply of available, affordable houses and a high pool of active buyers is driving up prices and competition. As a result, more millennials are choosing to rent or live with their parents. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the share of millennials in 2015, or adults born between 1982 and 2000, is over 25 percent of the population. At 87 million strong, millennials are the largest generation in history according to HJCHS. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2642 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m27s | Views: 776 | Comments: 2
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Olive Oils from Spain, the promotional brand of the Spanish Olive Oil Interprofessional, in collaboration with the European Union, and guest of honor Seamus Mullen, an award-winning chef, cookbook author, and health & wellness expert, kicked off the U.S. campaign of the “Olive Oil World Tour” at the Cervantes Institute, last night. “We are thrilled to be in New York City for the North American launch of the ‘Olive Oil World Tour’ campaign with Seamus and dignitaries from the Spanish Government,” said Pedro Barato, President of the Spanish Olive Oil Interprofessional. “The ambitious three-year, multi-channel program was created to encourage wellness-minded individuals to be inspired by the pillar of the Mediterranean lifestyle, olive oil, and who better to exemplify a healthy way of living than Chef Seamus Mullen. Seamus recently came out with a new cook book, ‘Real Food Heals: Eat to Feel Younger + Stronger Every Day.’ In it he uses our beloved millenary juice, olive oil, as a key ingredient in many of his recipes.” To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2422 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m30s | Views: 905 | Comments: 1
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Epoch Everlasting Play (EEP) kicked off the holiday shopping season with a special pop-up experience to celebrate the retail launch of the globally popular Calico Critters new Town series. The series, first introduced in 1985, features beautiful, richly detailed animal figures that live like humans with a focus on “Nature, Family and Love.” The collection is now available at specialty stores nationwide and online at Amazon. The world of Calico Critters came to life at Stella’s Exclusive Town Tea at Lady Mendl’s Tea Salon in New York City. The dazzling interactive day of play featured life-size replicas of the playset fun including a chance to step inside Stella’s Designer Studio, taste testing at the Chocolate Lounge and Gelato stands and a first-ever look at the new Calico Critters animated series debuting on Netflix on November 1st in the U.S., Canada, the U.K., Australia, New Zealand, and Japan. Other countries in Europe and Asia will launch in their respective languages on December 1, 2018. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2330 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m48s | Views: 969 | Comments: 2
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Disney overtook Apple for the first time in MBLM’s Brand Intimacy 2019 Study, which is the largest study of brands based on emotions. The two were followed by Amazon, which came in third. The top 10 was also increasingly dominated by media & entertainment brands, comprising four out of the 10, up from three last year. The remaining brands in the top 10 were: Chevrolet, Netflix, Harley-Davidson, PlayStation, YouTube, Ford and Chick-fil-A. Brand Intimacy is defined as the emotional science that measures the bonds we form with the brands we use and love. To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2209 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m41s | Views: 802 | Comments: 0
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Shintai Ryu Ninjutsu is the art of the Ninja. It came out as a martial art for the public in 1993. In this video Soke Joshua Carr. is demonstrating some Shintai Ryy Ninjitsu tactics.
Categories // Sport 
Added: 2029 days ago by kalian
Runtime: 0m52s | Views: 1072 | Comments: 0
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From the Henan Shaolin Temple came the Shaolin Martial Arts. Shaolin Kungfu has many skills and weapons. This Staff form is called: Zhui Feng Gun 'Wind Chaser Staff' 追風棍 and is done by Jean Luc Grandjean from Apeldoorn city in the Netherlands.
Tags // kungfu  staff  zhui  feng  gun  shaolin  monks  karate  bo  stick  wushu  wind  chaser  staff  holland  apeldoorn  karate  kenpo  sword  qi 
Categories // Sport 
Added: 1698 days ago by kalian
Runtime: 2m39s | Views: 894 | Comments: 0
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