It's always a difficult and troubling time being a teenager, the mood swings, the coursework, the spots, the braces, the embarrassing parents! But for some teenagers these would be welcome distractions from their daily lives...
This is a song written by Kayla Riley and she wrote it about Michael Smiley and the lyrics are below:
Walking around school all sad and glum
Because last night you didn\'t get some
All you do is sit around and pout
Because your boyfriend never puts out
Little virgin man
No woman can stand
Forever alone
You\'ll never get boned
Little virgin man
No woman can stand
You might as well be gay
That\'s all I can say
Now your by yourself once again
All the years you\'ll be alone; lets count by ten
Your only lover is your hand
Sitting down or you can stand
Little virgin man
All short and stout
You\'ll get laid, yeah that\'s a doubt
Little virgin man
No woman in sight
You might as well put on some really tight tights
Looking around all lame and gay
To get a woman you\'ll have to pray
Always in your loose sweat pants
I know why...
It\'s easier to use your hand
Little virgin man
The time will pass
When you will finally get some ass
Not from a woman, not from a man
Only from yourself; you\'re your biggest fan
Little virgin man
You\'re filled with strife
Well welcome to Michael Smiley\'s life!
Every year visitors flock to Boot trade fair to escape their daily routines and enjoy a curious look at the luxury life led by the super-rich. Simply because here one can marvel at their large number more...of 100-metre-yachts. Those who do not have a few million in cash to spare to buy such a boat for themselves are welcome to at least get a first-hand impression of luxury life at sea.
Scott proposed to Betty Torrie last night. And he said YES. He has made her the happiest woman in the world. They are so so so in love. Thier marraige will be on the 3rd August at St Magarets Church in Fofar. And everyone is so so so welcome.
She is so happy, and they are going to have loads of babies.
Welcome to Dubai, a bustling seaport metropolis that is home to more than a
million people. The local finals of the Volkswagen Junior Masters recently took
place here. This unique soccer development showcase saw the best under
thirteen teams in the United Arab Emirates battling it out for a chance to play
in the world finals in Spain. Saif Mohammed Sultan Abdullah Sultan ASabaage
participated in the tournament.
This is a Hot Off The Press song and music video composed, produced, and performed by myself, Milton L. Delgado, about growing-up in The Bronx back in the 50s. I made this video
to share with cyber space, but most of all, for everyone who grew-up in the Bronx to enjoy and reminisce about those fabulous days. I welcome your positive feed-back. Thank you, enjoy, and God Bless.
Minecraft timelapse in one of our current cities. IP: Mineblown is a minecraft project and anyone is welcome to try out to become a builder. Our website is Server ip: