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Search // walla
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Palestinian children aspire to death as Martyrs PA TV June 2002 Host: You described Shahada as something beautiful. Do you think it is beautiful? Walla age 11: Shahada (martyrdom) is a very, very beautiful thing. Everyone yearns for Shahada. What could be sweeter than going to paradise? Host: What is better, peace and full rights For the Palestinian people or Shahada? Walla: Shahada. I will achieve my rights after becoming a Shaid (martyr). Host: OK Yussra, would you agree with that? Yussra age 11: Of course Shahada is sweet. We don't want this world, we want the Afterlife. We benefit not from this life, but from the Afterlife. Host: Do you actually love death? Yussra: Death is not Shahada Host: No, I mean the absence after death Yussra: No child loves death. The children of Palestine adopted the concept that Shahada is very good. Every Palestinian child, say someone aged 12, says: O Lord, I would like to become a Shahid. Host: We've got a call, Sabrine from Ramallah. Sabrine: Ayyat Al-Akhras was 17 when she blew herself up. Host: Sabrine, are you for it or against it? Sabrine: Of course I support blowing up, it is our right. Host: Sabrine; now is it natural That Ayyat Al-Akhras blows herself up? Sabrine: Of course it's natural. (more)(
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5730 days ago by scinova
Runtime: 1m25s | Views: 13235 | Comments: 1
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Niños palestinos quieren morir como mártires PA TV Jun. 2002
Tags // walla  yousra 
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5728 days ago by scinova
Runtime: 1m23s | Views: 10324 | Comments: 0
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Enfants palestiniens aspirant à la mort en martyrs PATV, juin 2002 Animateur : tu décris la Shahada comme quelque chose de beau. Penses-tu que ce soit beau ? Walla, 11 ans : la Shahada (le martyre) est
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5730 days ago by scinova
Runtime: 1m23s | Views: 12178 | Comments: 0
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Moderator: Du beschreibst die Shahada als etwas Schönes. Glaubst du, es ist schön? Walla, 11 Jahre:Shahada (das Märtyrertum) ist etwas sehr sehr schönes. Jeder sehnt sich nach der Shahada. Was gibt es denn Schöneres, als ins Paradies zu kommen? Moderator: Was ist besser, Frieden und volle Rechte für das palästinensische Volk oder Shahada? Walla: Shahada. Ich werde meine Rechte erzielen, nachdem ich ein Shaid (Märtyrer) bin. Moderator: OK Yussra, bist du auch dieser Meinung? Yussra, 11 Jahre: Sicher, die Shahada ist süss. Wir wollen nicht diese Welt, wir wollen das Leben im Paradies. Moderator: Liebst du etwa den Tod? Yussra: Der Tod ist keine Shahada. Moderator: Nein, ich meine die Leere nach dem Tod. Yussra: Kein Kind liebt den Tod. Die Kinder von Palästina akzeptieren es, dass die Shahada etwas Gutes ist. Jedes palästinensische Kind, etwa ab 12, sagt: Oh Gott, ich möchte ein Shahid werden. Moderator: Wir haben einen Anrufer, Sabrine aus Ramallah. Sabrine: Ayyat Al-Akhras war 17 als sich sich in die Luft sprengte. Moderator: Sabrine, bist du dafür oder dagegen? Sabrine: Sicher bin ich für Anschläge, das ist unser gutes Recht. Moderator: Sabrine, findest du es natürlich, dass Ayyat Al-Akhras sich in die Luft sprengt? Sabrine: Sicher ist das natürlich.
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5728 days ago by scinova
Runtime: 1m25s | Views: 6073 | Comments: 0
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For two decades, Chateau Ste. Michelle’s Artist Series wines have celebrated the inspired collaboration between artisan winemaking and fine art. To commemorate the 20th vintage, Chateau Ste. Michelle is partnering with Dale Chihuly, the first artist to present artwork on the Artist Series label with the 1993 vintage. The 2012 Artist Series featuring Chihuly will release nationally in August with a suggested retail price of $65. The Artist Series red blend is a unique, collector’s wine that represents the highest quality and pedigree from Chateau Ste. Michelle. Each Artist Series vintage features the work of renowned artists on the label, from blown glass to bronze sculptures to paint on canvas. “I’m honored to have my artwork on the 20th vintage Artist Series label,” says Chihuly. “This piece is one-of-a-kind and very special to me. I couldn’t think of a better use than portraying it on this significant wine project.” For the 20th vintage label, Chihuly selected his Cast Silver Venetian. This unique sculpture was created by Chihuly, and then cast in sterling silver at the Walla Walla Foundry in Washington State. Inspired by Italian Art Deco, Chihuly started his Venetian series in 1988 with Italian glassblower Lino Tagliapietra. Chihuly is known for his artwork and ambitious architectural installations around the world in museums, historic cities and gardens. To view the multimedia release visit:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3515 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m24s | Views: 1057 | Comments: 0
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