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Amorous Alpacas
Tags // amorous  alpacas  tv  show 
Categories // Pets and Animals  Miscellaneous  Funny 
Added: 5102 days ago by Orthrus
Runtime: 1m41s | Views: 11690 | Comments: 3



AAAAAAAA1 Tom Jones Tribute Act AA TOM JONES TRIBUTE ACT aba act tom jones tribute act by John Prescott the NO 1 International Tom Jones Tribute Act and Celebrity Lookalike. Since appearing on Granada TV Stars in their eyes live tour John has become the biggest name Tom Jones Tribute Act in the World.He is also favorite Tom Jones Tribute act with Hilton Hotels, Best Western, Park Plaza, Marriot, Raddison, Warner and many more.John performs across the globe at Weddings, Birthdays and all major corporate events and Open Air concerts. He has also represented Wales for the second year at the Celtic music festival due to popularity.John is also the only Lookalike for Sir Tom Jones he has been used in film and Television Commercials like the 2009 Six Nations on BBC 1. He was also used on GMTV, ITV and S4C. John is the only Tom Jones Tribute act that is a true soundalike for Sir Tom Jones and indeed the only Soundalike that actually looks like Tom Jones. Checkout As quoted by thousands.
Tags // tom  jones  tribute  act  tom  jones  tributes  tom  jones  lookalike  google  maps 
Added: 5615 days ago by aaatomjonestribute
Runtime: 1m25s | Views: 8045 | Comments: 1



Funny animation
Tags // cat  pet  funny  animation  tv 
Categories // Pets and Animals  Funny  Cartoon 
Added: 5879 days ago by sanny
Runtime: 2m35s | Views: 12314 | Comments: 4



Per Hand malt eine Kuenstlerin die Entstehungsgeschichte eines Brotes in Mehl. Dabei entstehen magische, faszinierende Bilder in ungewoehnlicher Optik.
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 5500 days ago by tweeker
Runtime: 1m30s | Views: 14947 | Comments: 0



What is behind all the eggs and bunnies? What is Easter all about? Here is the real story. Watch the animated version on how Jesus sacrificed himself for our sins (we promise you no gore and blood like The Passion of Christ).www.SO-U.TV wishes you a happy Easter!
Categories // Funny  Comedy  Cartoon 
Added: 6199 days ago by soutv
Runtime: 3m4s | Views: 14924 | Comments: 2



What do you get when you cross four desperate girls who like wearing bikinis and kicking butt and pranking the city of New York? Sexy Kittens... thats what. The Sexy Kittens are here and ready to mess up your whole day. for more check out
Tags // sexy  kittens  girls  hot  prank  pranks  punkd  sex  bikini  new  york  city  nyc  funny  strip  tease  ass  tits  boobs 
Categories // Funny  Sexy 
Added: 6381 days ago by cellfish
Runtime: 1m56s | Views: 10550 | Comments: 2



AAAAAAAAA1 Tom Jones Tribute Act AAA TOM JONES TRIBUTE ACT a1 aba ace act tom jones tribute act by IAN SCOTT the NO 1 International Tom Jones Tribute Act and Celebrity Impersonator. Since appearing on THE OFFICIAL Granada TV Stars in their eyes live THEATRE tour Ian has become the WORLDS NO.1 Most Popular Fly-Back Tom Jones Tribute Show. He is also the favorite Tom Jones Tribute act with DUBAI & BAHRAIN Hotels, MILLENNIUM STADIUM, ALL THE MAJOR FOOTBALL AND RUGBY STADIUMS, CRUISE SHIPS ( Caribbean & Mediterranean), VILLAGE - McDONALD - AND ALL THE VERY EXCLUSIVE LUXURY HOTELS SUCH AS THE SHANGRI-LA HOTEL - DUBAI, MAYFAIR HOTEL LONDON, ST. DAVIDS HOTEL - CARDIFF, HILTON HOTEL - SWANSEA, CARDIFF INTERNATIONAL HOTEL and many many more. Ian performs across the globe at Weddings, Birthdays and all major corporate events and Open Air concerts. He is also the most booked Tom Jones Tribute in Wales being on the books of 13 Welsh Tribute Agencies. Ian has played all the clubs around Pontypridd where Tom Jones performed with his band THE SENATORS in the early 60's!!!! Ian is also the only Soundalike/Lookalike who has that VOCAL POWER & ABILITY & DELIVERY to do Sir Tom Jones justice in this age of weak voices trying to emulate him!! Ian is used extensively by the TV companies and radio when they want a TOM JONES TRIBUTE ACT who can REALLY sing. Ian has been used on GMTV with the LEGEND Keith Chegwin, BBC, SKT TV ( Hull Kingston Rovers - 20,000 Super League crowd ), CHANNEL 5 ( Christmas Advert)and GRANADA TV ( London Marathon Charity Event and You've Been Framed). Ian is the only Tom Jones Tribute act that is a true soundalike for Sir Tom Jones and indeed the only Soundalike that actually has that wonderful powerful,warm vocals that set him apart from all other TRIBUTE Acts. Checkout As quoted by all the discerning and leading clients, venues and agencies...THE VOICE and still....THE VERY BEST!!! SEEN HERE SINGING CLIPS FROM HIS TOM JONES TRIBUTE SHOW ON BOARD THE OCEAN VILLAGE CRUISE SHIP IN THE CARIBBEAN FOR JLP EVENTS WITH RESIDENT BAND THE JETSETS ON CLIPMOON PREMIUM. JUST TURN UP THE VOLUME AND STAND BACK. IAN IS THE NO.1 FOR TOM JONES 90's PERIOD WHEN HE MADE HIS COMEBACK WITH THE HIT SINGLE
Tags // tom  jones  tribute  act  tom  jones  tributes  tom  jones  lookalike  google  maps  viva  las  vegas  advert  news 
Added: 5614 days ago by TOMJONESTRIBUTE
Runtime: 9m59s | Views: 9551 | Comments: 2



This week we bring you the tale of a less fortunate ending. Monty was a cute and lively dog that led a hard and difficult life. Recently Hong Kong Dog Rescue saved him from his abuse. But even with all the love and care he received from them his days were short lived. Sally Andersen, of Hong Kong Dog Rescue, reminds of us that we may not be able to save every troubled animal, but we should find it in our hearts to try.
Categories // Pets and Animals 
Added: 6110 days ago by soutv
Runtime: 2m46s | Views: 13366 | Comments: 3



Frau rastet aus
Tags // car  fun  tv  man  woman  crazy  lustig  sexy  accident  cool  commercial  carmondo 
Categories // Miscellaneous  Funny 
Added: 6431 days ago by autofan23
Runtime: 0m43s | Views: 13030 | Comments: 1



The vikings have nothing better to do than unleashing high octane phone racing upon us !
Tags // phone  racing  vibration  ikea  funny  tv  ad 
Categories // Funny  Science and Technology 
Added: 6095 days ago by mcmentalninja
Runtime: 1m16s | Views: 7655 | Comments: 1



Jill Robinson, internationally renowned champion of Asia's Moon Bears tells a tragic tale of pain and abuse. These bears are kept caged for most of their life in inhumane conditions only for the farming of their bile. Through love and education Animals Asia is making a difference by saving these bears one by one and educating the world on the pointlessness and cruelty of this activity. Changes in the attitude of government and cultural will bring change over time. But it is the action of the individual that will be most immediate.
Added: 6143 days ago by soutv
Runtime: 7m11s | Views: 13085 | Comments: 1



Do you remember Pickle? So-U.TV filmed him a couple of month ago after his rescue. He was in a dreadful state. Check for yourself: Our team went back to see him and what a transformation. Watch this fantastic before and after transformation at
Tags // para  site  art  space  parasite  hong  kong  art  graffiti  modern  art  contemporary  art  creation  creative  space  sheung  wan  art  g 
Categories // Pets and Animals 
Added: 6108 days ago by soutv
Runtime: 3m20s | Views: 8353 | Comments: 1



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