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Miral, Abu Dhabi’s leading creator of destinations, announced today that Warner Bros. World Abu Dhabi will feature six immersive worlds: Metropolis and Gotham City, inspired by the universe of DC Super Heroes and Super-Villains; Cartoon Junction, Bedrock, and Dynamite Gulch, themed after iconic animated brands such as Looney Tunes and Hanna-Barbera; and Warner Bros. Plaza, reminiscent of old Hollywood, where these seminal characters and stories were originally brought to life. Warner Bros. World Abu Dhabi, which is located on Yas Island and set to open in 2018, will be a one-of-a-kind, world-class destination home to state-of-the-art thrill rides, interactive family friendly attractions, and unique live entertainment. From the action and adventure of DC to the wacky and wonderful world of Looney Tunes, this immersive and interactive new indoor experience brings some of the world’s most popular stories and characters under one roof. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2870 days ago by MultiVuVideos
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