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AAAAAAAA1 Tom Jones Tribute Act AA TOM JONES TRIBUTE ACT aba act tom jones tribute act by John Prescott the NO 1 International Tom Jones Tribute Act and Celebrity Lookalike. Since appearing on Granada TV Stars in their eyes live tour John has become the biggest name Tom Jones Tribute Act in the World.He is also favorite Tom Jones Tribute act with Hilton Hotels, Best Western, Park Plaza, Marriot, Raddison, Warner and many more.John performs across the globe at Weddings, Birthdays and all major corporate events and Open Air concerts. He has also represented Wales for the second year at the Celtic music festival due to popularity.John is also the only Lookalike for Sir Tom Jones he has been used in film and Television Commercials like the 2009 Six Nations on BBC 1. He was also used on GMTV, ITV and S4C. John is the only Tom Jones Tribute act that is a true soundalike for Sir Tom Jones and indeed the only Soundalike that actually looks like Tom Jones. Checkout As quoted by thousands.
Tags // tom  jones  tribute  act  tom  jones  tributes  tom  jones  lookalike  google  maps 
Added: 5609 days ago by aaatomjonestribute
Runtime: 1m25s | Views: 8040 | Comments: 1



This puppy was lucky and is receiving medical treatments. There are thousands that are not so lucky. Please see her story
Tags // rescue  charity  fund  raiser  puppy  abused  dogs  pets  pit  bull 
Categories // Pets and Animals 
Added: 6221 days ago by DocWyatt
Runtime: 1m31s | Views: 17180 | Comments: 1



Wolf was an extraodrinary pomeranian that had the ability to speak in the human language. Wolf carried a Hospital Pass that allowed him to enter al the hospitals and to go into every ward to visit the children, the elderly and the staff. Many tens of thousands of people came to know and meet the Wolf during his life time. Your also invited to visit the Bear Cave System In any go bar, or in ANY search engine simply type in: pabear48
Tags // pabear48 
Categories // Pets and Animals  Funny  Comedy 
Added: 6033 days ago by pabear48
Runtime: 0m21s | Views: 7635 | Comments: 2



Thousands of fish exploding around the boat! Looks like the bottom of the ocean has a hole in it.
Tags // fish  fishing  ocean  funny  explosive  wild  unreal  coast  texas  crazy 
Added: 6241 days ago by sotv1
Runtime: 2m43s | Views: 19053 | Comments: 2



May you enjoy the talking adventures of WOLF! Wolf was an extraodrinary pomeranian that had the ability to speak in the human language. Wolf carried a Hospital Pass that allowed him to enter al the hospitals and to go into every ward to visit the children, the elderly and the staff. Many tens of thousands of people came to know and meet the Wolf during his life time. Your also invited to visit the Bear Cave System In any go bar, or in ANY search engine simply type in: pabear48
Tags // pabear48  Funny 
Categories // Pets and Animals  Funny  Family 
Added: 5786 days ago by pabear48
Runtime: 2m52s | Views: 8206 | Comments: 2



Stevan and Wazza explore and tour the great great town of Forfar. Meeting various local forfarians, visting famous landmarks. A Great Cyber tour experience of this Magnificent Angus Town. This video will attract thousands of new visitors to this ancient scottish town.
Categories // Comedy 
Added: 5562 days ago by StevanHogg
Runtime: 8m32s | Views: 10770 | Comments: 2



A really awesome light installation welcomes every visitor of the city of Bonn at the moment: On the outer surface of the Deutsche Post DHL headquarter building (more than 160 m height) top 7 skyscraper in Germany the type crawl 40 Jahre DHL consisting of thousands of little fairy lights appears every night. Totally huge! Well then: Happy Birthday DHL!
Categories // Street 
Added: 5572 days ago by OnlineMediathek
Runtime: 1m15s | Views: 6949 | Comments: 2



Never Know Never Know Never Know Never Know is the Official Scarlett Rabe Music Video and her first single from the Love Scars album. Shot mostly in her second hometown of New York City, this video was not filmed with a video camera. It was made by editing together thousands of individual photos.
Tags // scarlett  rabe  never  know  music  video 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4580 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 2m31s | Views: 54947 | Comments: 2



Promotion video for the team Red Rooster visit there website for more information . also take a look at our website for thousands of pulling pictures and hours of video .. enjoy
Categories // Cars and Vehicles  Sport 
Added: 6026 days ago by Artrapull
Runtime: 2m57s | Views: 10203 | Comments: 1



Web Site: First official video clip with the track Airport Tunnel from the Lp - DIDJ Dance All Beauty! Production and Storyboard by Oliver (Renato Oliveira) and Direction by Vitor Hugo. This is an animation work that took us long time to do and has thousands and thousands of single draws. It's dedicated to all buskers in the world who makes the street the perfect stage to do art.
Tags // olive  tree  dance 
Categories // Music 
Added: 3658 days ago by serde222
Runtime: 4m38s | Views: 1085 | Comments: 1



Scandal’s First Lady Mellie Grant won’t let anything get in the way of her ambition, but the actress behind Mellie, Bellamy Young, has a big soft spot for shelter pets. Young, her rescued cat, Sadie, and dog, Bean, are the stars of a new online video in the “Meet My Shelter Pet” series from The Shelter Pet Project. A campaign of The Ad Council, The Humane Society of the United States, and Maddie’s Fund®, The Shelter Pet Project showcases the unique bonds between shelter pets and their adoptive owners, and reminds viewers there are thousands of amazing shelter pets ready to meet them. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Pets and Animals 
Added: 3685 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m50s | Views: 1168 | Comments: 2



A Glow Glow Macro Interactive Media Arts Exhibition takes it to the streets. Movie superstar Andy Lau opened the exhibit. Hong Kong LED artist, Teddy Lo premiered PHAEODARIA and United Visual Artists from the U.K. launched their awarding winning VOLUME for the first time in Asia. Thousands turned out to watch this amazing multimedia art spectacle of sound, light and motion on the Avenue of Stars. More information can be found at and be sure to check out www.SO-U.TV to see more.
Categories // Event and Party 
Added: 6160 days ago by soutv
Runtime: 2m40s | Views: 12368 | Comments: 2



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