For more details, visit our Website at: App store link: Have
you ever wished you could have been included in that special shot, that
once in a life time picture? You're never part of the memories/photos
that you capture...well not anymore... With Snap2Pics, you
can take a two shots and combine them with our exclusive patent pending
Snap2Pics feature. The Snap2Pics feature allows for you to take a one
picture then the camera automatically switches to front facing mode and
allows you to take a pic of yourself meanwhile combining the two.
Awesome huh! In addition to combining the photos, you can
readjust the location of the thumbnail. Snap2Pics also offers the
ability to adjust the size of the thumbnail via the settings within the
app. Everyone has a creative mind..Snap2Pics will help
bring that creativity out in you, all with a fun, innovative and
beautiful memory every single time.
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4713 days ago by
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