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Expert hostage negotiator Phoebe McNamara juggles her career with raising her young daughter and contending with her agoraphobic mother. When Phoebe is assaulted by an unknown assailant in her precinct, she can’t help but be deeply shaken. She later receives a series of mysterious threatening messages, and discovers she is the target of a psychopath out to destroy her personally and professionally. High Noon premieres Saturday April 4th at 9pm|8c on Lifetime.
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 5814 days ago by lifetimepd
Runtime: 0m31s | Views: 10420 | Comments: 0



PUBBLICITA' PROGRESSO CON Hulke, MESSAGGI'S UTILI TIME (from OLD videos section from hulkenetworks)
Added: 6143 days ago by Hulkenbestvideos
Runtime: 0m42s | Views: 9069 | Comments: 2



LG Mobile Phones announced today that award-winning actress Jane Lynch is bringing her iconic humor and unique talent to the LG Text Ed program, a comprehensive educational campaign for parents that addresses teen mobile phone misuse, and provides parents with valuable resources so they can teach responsible phone use to their children. Lynch the newest member of the LG Text Ed council is featured in a series of comedic vignettes which can be viewed on Lynch, a new mom herself, masterfully employs her artistic abilities and the result is a video series that is both humorous and thought-provoking.
Tags // lg  text  jane  lynch  parents  teens  kids  text  messages  texting  consumer  multivu  45912 
Categories // Business 
Added: 5302 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m37s | Views: 7174 | Comments: 2



There’s a fine line between fandom and obsession… Told through tweets, direct messages, and police transcripts, this thriller for the online generation will keep you guessing right up to the shocking end. Find out more at or Thriller/YA
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Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2523 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m2s | Views: 676 | Comments: 4
     presents: Flirty Text Messages. Discover How To Become A Chick Magnet Using Your Cell. Learn The 3 Secret Texts That Will Turn Her On And Get Her Out.
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4687 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 0m29s | Views: 3877 | Comments: 0
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Vlingo Corporation, the world’s leading provider of intelligent voice applications that turn your words into action, today announced “Vlingo InCar,” a new beta feature for AndroidTM users that allows consumers to receive and send text messages without taking their hands off the wheel or their eyes off the road. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5259 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 2m37s | Views: 10002 | Comments: 0
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The NFC-empowered Momento Pearl™ from Galatea: Jewelry by Artist is the first cultured pearl to contain near field communication technology, allowing a user to create a tailored voice message that can be played when the pearl is tapped against a compatible mobile device. Taking smart jewelry to a completely new, emotional level, the patent-pending Momento Pearl (U.S. Patent No. 14/517.827 and Trademark 86/434,536) can also store a variety of digital content including images, messages and videos. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle 
Added: 3735 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m36s | Views: 866 | Comments: 0
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ou can watch this video and use this program to recover deleted SMS from iPhone.
Tags // recover  deleted  sms  from  iphone  recover  iphone  text  messages 
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 4419 days ago by acasa1
Runtime: 1m11s | Views: 1157 | Comments: 0
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**WARNING* Some views maybe affected by this video Song: Understanding by Evanescence Featuring: Sam Owen (played by Louis Tamone) Andy Holt (played by Warren Brown) Dannii Carbone (played by Christina Baily) Russ Owen (played by Stuart Manning) Sophie Burton (played by Connie Powney) Mel Burton (played by Cassie Powney) Louise Summers (played by Roxanne McKee) Crossing the line: Lee Hunter held his presidential party, where both Sam and Andy attended as the pair were feeling the highs from last nights triumph adventure. Andy asked out fellow student Dannii Carbone at the party but she turned him down, as she was seeing Sam's brother Russ. Andys true colours soon emerged and Andy spiked Danniis drink with a GHB drug and then later on went on to rape her, wearing a condom (apparently because he 'cares') as he attacks her unconscious body. No going back: Andy Holt meets up with Sophie and Mel Burton who have come home early from a family holiday. The 3 start drinking together and Andy drugs Mel and Sophie's drinks with the date rape drug GHB. He then takes them back to their house which is empty, then brings his mate Sam Owen over, as he knows Sam fancies Sophie. He tells Sam that he's left Sophie as a present for him and leaves him alone with Sophie whilst he rapes Mel in Darlene's bed. But Sam doesn't want to rape Sophie and leaves her on the sofa. The following morning the twins wake up and realise what has happened so they call the police and get tested but they can't remember that it was Andy who they were drinking with. Mel's test comes up positive for rape whilst Sophies comes up negative. Louise Summers finds out what happened to them and tells them about how she was almost raped. She also tells them another person, Dannii Carbone, was also a victim like them and it was Andy who raped her. Back from the dead: Andy Holt appears and seduces Sam and Russ's younger sister Nicole Owen into going away with him to a seaside town. While there he sends a series of messages to the brothers who realise that Andy is alive when he send them a photo over the phone of him and Nicole on a funfair ride. Russ wants to call the police but Sam insists otherwise and they turn up at the warehouse. They don't see Andy and run in to Nicole unarmed, Andy attacks them with a metal pole breaking Russ's leg and badly injuring Sam. Andy then offers Sam his mobile telling him to call the police, Sam refuses shocking his siblings. Andy reveals that he isn't the only one that has used GHB and raped girls. Nicole and Russ are horrified as Sam admits to it and that he almost raped Sophie Burton his now girlfriend. andy then threatens to rape Nicole but Mel enters in time and knocks him unconsicious. She then forces him to take the GHB drug and ties him to a chair. While they waitfor the ambulance Andy spins a story of regret to Mel who relents until sees Andy laughing at how easily he will get off in court if he can make even one of his victims feel sorry for him. Mel is distracted and Andy tries to run away but disorientated by the drugs and still tied up he stumbles down to the basement. Sophie gives chase only to enter a room to find that Andy in the darkness has run straight into a metal spike part of the machinery. As he dies Sophie shouts insults at him.
Tags // hollyoaks  andy  date  rape 
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 5742 days ago by Ice1103
Runtime: 8m28s | Views: 27866 | Comments: 0
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Israelis send messages of love and caring to the people of the Gaza Strip
Tags // the  human  voice  love  israelis  gaza  children  of  abraham 
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 5701 days ago by scinova
Runtime: 2m35s | Views: 10518 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated See the Trouble that our Free Smileys are getting into because they're not being used by you.. Save smileys lives by using free smileys in all your messages ..Free animated smileys for MSN, AIM, Yahoo messenger, Windows Mail, Outlook, Incredimail, Internet Explorer, Firefox and so much more.
Tags // free  smileys  animated  smileys  smiley  faces  msn  smileys 
Categories // Music  Funny 
Added: 5494 days ago by vwfcom1
Runtime: 1m29s | Views: 5892 | Comments: 1
Not yet rated Get rid of All the Old Boring Smileys and get your FREE animated smileys. Save smileys lives by using free smileys in all your messages ..Free animated smileys for MSN, AIM, Yahoo messenger, Windows Mail, Outlook, Incredimail, Internet Explorer, Firefox and so much more.
Tags // free  smileys  animated  smileys  smiley  faces  msn  smileys 
Categories // Music  Funny 
Added: 5494 days ago by vwfcom1
Runtime: 1m29s | Views: 5776 | Comments: 0
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