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Knoodle, the enterprise social learning company, today announces a newly expanded set of capabilities that give companies more ways than ever to deploy collaborative learning and continuous knowledge sharing programs leveraging the Google Apps ecosystem. Along with basic integrated user management and single sign-on through Google Apps, Knoodle provides additional built-in functionality for: 1. Importing presentations, images, audio and video from Google Docs and YouTube into Knoodle, providing direct access to content stored on Google and more seamless ways to build learning modules and courses on Knoodle. 2. Direct, one-click publishing of Knoodle presentations to Google Docs and YouTube, extending the reach to share Knoodle presentations privately throughout the organization or publicly across the world. 3. Access via the Chrome Web Store, providing additional reach and availability, as well as full native Chrome and Google Cloud Print support. 4. True end-to-end mobile learning capabilities with full functionality on Google Chromebooks and Android enabled devices. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business  Science and Technology 
Added: 4685 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 2m19s | Views: 4082 | Comments: 1
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