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Search // krieg
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Skydiving in mission beach (4.11.09)... der mega hammeeeeer!!!!!! Leuteeeee.. ich kanns noch immer nicht fassen, dass ich aus ueber 4 km hoehe einfach aus nem flugzeug gesprungen bin, ..ueber den wolken... ahhhhh.... sooooo crazy... verrueckteste aktion ever!!!! Leute, geniesst das video... ich liebe es!!! Das ist soo geil geworden! ich habs mir schon mindestens 20 mal reingezogen und krieg jedes mal immer wieder herzklopfen, nasse haende und bin am strahlen und am schreien wenn ich es sehe!!!!! zu geeeeeeil... :D viel spass meine suessen.. eure crazy suenooooooooooooooo:)
Tags // sueno  fliegt  sueno  skydive 
Categories // Travel and Holiday 
Added: 5620 days ago by sueno511
Runtime: 6m57s | Views: 4754 | Comments: 0



Wir leiden noch immer unter dieser bedrückenden Besetzung und wir hoffen, sie hat mit Allahs Hilfe bald ein Ende. Wir befinden uns auf diesem gesegneten Land in einem Ribat (heiligen Krieg). Wir sind die Eigentümer dieses heiligen Landes. Allah hat uns eine grosse Ehre erwiesen, indem er uns in die Kette der Ribat eingereiht hat, die bis zur Auferstehung reicht.
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5726 days ago by scinova
Runtime: 0m25s | Views: 7813 | Comments: 0
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With more than 50 million kids heading back to school this fall, the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children® (NCMEC) and Honeywell (NYSE:HON) are urging parents, guardians and educators to start conversations about safety now. The KidSmartz™ program, a joint effort between NCMEC and Honeywell, is making those conversations easier with new animated videos to help elementary school students understand and remember the “Four Rules of Safety” “A nine-year analysis by NCMEC of more than 9,000 attempted abductions revealed important patterns, including the fact that many attempts happen on the way to and from school,” said Linda Krieg, NCMEC acting CEO. “Safety is a year-round concern, but the analysis tells us that this time of year is a critical time to prepare our kids for potential dangers. KidSmartz equips teachers and parents with tools they need to help kids make smarter and safer decisions.” NCMEC’s attempted abduction analysis revealed not only the tricks used by people trying to abduct kids but also the ways kids can get away. KidSmartz, which launched last year as part of more than ten years of partnership between NCMEC and Honeywell, uses classroom activities, role-playing, animated videos and a “Safety Dance” song and dance to teach children in grades K-5 the “Four Rules of Safety.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3478 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m55s | Views: 1065 | Comments: 0
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