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Search // hr
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Was auch immer der Bundesrat im November zur Winterreifen-Pflicht entscheiden wird, eines ist klar: Für verantwortungsbewusste Autofahrer gibt es gar keine zwei Meinungen. Winterreifen sind ein absolutes Muss! Von O bis O – von Oktober bis Ostern gehören die weicheren Winter-Pneus aufs Auto. Bei niedrigen Temperaturen ist die Winter-Gummimischung griffiger. Nicht nur im Schnee, sondern auch auf trockener oder nasser Straße. Und letztere gibt’s nicht nur in den Bergen, sondern auch im flachen Land – und in der Stadt. Gummimischung und Profil sorgen für mehr Grip und kürzeren Bremsweg. Natürlich kostet ein Satz Winterreifen Geld. Aber ein Unfall durch falsche Bereifung ist immer teurer und kostet Zeit und Nerven. Darum sollte nicht an am falschen Ende gespart werden: Billige Asien-Importe tragen zwar oft das Symbol der Schneeflocke oder nennen sich sogar M+S, aber in allen Reifen-Tests sind diese Reifen durchgefallen. Verkehrssicherheitsexperten raten daher, sich im Fachhandel beraten zu lassen und Informationen aus den Reifen-Tests der einschlägigen Motor-Zeitschriften zu ziehen. Und noch ein Tipp: Lassen Sie die Winterreifen gleich auf eigene Felgen ziehen. Dann geht das Umrüsten zu Ostern um so schneller. Für die Räder, die nicht im Einsatz sind, gibt es im Zubehörhandel spezielle Ständer oder Wandhaken. Den Gummi aber nicht mit nacktem Beton in Berührung kommen lassen. Chemische Reaktionen zersetzen den Gummi. Haben Sie keinen Platz für den zweiten Räder-Satz, dann bieten Werkstätten und Reifenhandel gegen geringe Gebühr fachmännische Einlagerungsmöglichkeiten.
Tags // winter  reifen  schnee  eis 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 4166 days ago by unitedpictures
Runtime: 1m41s | Views: 1042 | Comments: 1



This video is a dedication to all my friends at IBS Mumbai who have created a great impact in my life. These two years have really been so special for all of Us. I'm sure we're all gonna miss our college days. Specially those who wont be going for further studies (FURTHER STUDIES!!!!!! INSANE!!!). This would be the last spice of college life they would get....... The video mainly is based of the photos of my close friend circle, particularly Section C. But its dedicated to the whole Batch of 2010... Pardon me if I have missed few faces.. Did this the night of FRM exam... Total time taken... 4hrs. 45 min... But I thought its the last chance. To say thanks.. For being so special!!!!
Categories // Event and Party 
Added: 5535 days ago by cowboyguy4u
Runtime: 10m-0s | Views: 9236 | Comments: 1



Herr Momsen ist ungefähr so, wie sein Name klingt: ein bisschen stur, ein bisschen altmodisch, und ganz schön frustriert. Am meisten nervt ihn dieses Internet-Gequatsche. Denn Herr Momsen führt sein Verlagshaus seit Menschengedenken mit Erfolg -- ohne einen Cent im Netz zu investieren. Trotzdem wacht Herr Momsen manchmal nachts auf, und hat Zukunftsängste. Ist dieses Internet vielleicht doch spannender, als er es sich vorstellen kann? Um das rauszufinden, macht Herr Momsen sich auf den Weg.
Categories // Funny 
Added: 6285 days ago by MRFCato
Runtime: 2m21s | Views: 11905 | Comments: 0



The all-new 2016 Honda Pilot SUV made its global premiere at the 2015 Chicago Auto Show. Reengineered and redesigned in America, the 2016 Honda Pilot delivers more family-friendly utility, more advanced technology and more premium attributes and amenities than ever before, boasting class-leading safety features, fuel efficiency and confident driving dynamics in a thoroughly modern, stylish and sophisticated new package. The all-new 2016 Pilot, launching at Honda dealerships nationwide this summer, is the third generation of Honda’s three-row midsize SUV to be designed, developed and manufactured in America. Reinforcing 2015 as the “Year of Honda,” Pilot further strengthens Honda’s SUV/CUV triple threat by joining the exceptionally well received 2015 CR-V (2015 Motor Trend SUV of the Year) and greatly anticipated new 2016 HR-V. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 3695 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m46s | Views: 1073 | Comments: 0



Identify your skills, interests and abilities. Perhaps this will enable you to find a new career or direction. Get more lifestyle news, business reviews, breaking news, daily news highlights, Caribbean business news and more online media services from Jamaica’s All Media Services Limited.
Added: 5659 days ago by businesscontentja
Runtime: 3m13s | Views: 7354 | Comments: 3
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Getting ready to meet with a prospective employer? Leave your cat suit, pajamas and crazy hat at home. In a recent survey, OfficeTeam asked human resources (HR) managers to recount the strangest interview outfits they had heard of or seen. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 5270 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m42s | Views: 5284 | Comments: 2
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ADP®, a leading provider of human resources outsourcing, payroll services, benefits administration and integrated computing solutions for vehicle dealers, today introduced ADP Vantage HCMSM, the industry’s first complete employee lifecycle solution for large organizations. ADP Vantage HCM is the culmination of an 18-month research and development effort by ADP to create a unified, fully-integrated platform combining the pillars of human capital management: HR, payroll, benefits, talent management and time & attendance. The company unveiled the much anticipated system at the 14th Annual HR Technology® Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada today. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 4922 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 1m46s | Views: 5817 | Comments: 1
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When the designers for the Scion C-HR Concept began their research, they were told by young urban creative customers, “Polarizing is ok. Boring is not.” That sentiment was evident today as the Scion C-HR Concept had its World Debut at the Los Angeles Auto Show. With an iconic design that also incorporates functionality and sporty performance, the Scion C-HR Concept is much like Scion’s customer in that it strives to stand out from the crowd. “Scion is known for doing things differently, and maybe even being a little weird,” said Scion Vice President Andrew Gilleland. “This C-HR Concept embraces that idea and wears it like a badge of honor. We couldn’t be more excited to add the production version to our line-up.” The C-HR Concept is named for its Compact size and High Ride height. With four doors and a hatch for supreme functionality, it’s the perfect vehicle for “yuccies,” the young urban creatives who inspired the design. To view the multimedia release go to:
Tags // car  auto  los  angeles  show  scion  prototypes  consumers  c  hr  urban  sporty  multivu  7697651 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3412 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m30s | Views: 724 | Comments: 1
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Terracotta. Official Website : email :,, BB pin : 28AF6765 082-479-5528, 087-513-5725 ; Introducing
Tags // mp3  40km  mv  sammy  karaoke  surprise  40  km  hr  thai  band  gmm  terracotta  song  acoustic  pop  soul  live  valentine  sammy  fat  i 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4634 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m51s | Views: 4504 | Comments: 0
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ADP®, a leading provider of employee healthcare benefits administration services and human capital management (HCM) services, today announced the findings of an ADP Research InstituteSM study based on actual, real-world data for approximately one million employees and more than two million covered lives. The ADP 2012 Study of Large Employer Health Benefits found that part-time workers eligible for health care benefits at large companies in the United States elect coverage at a significantly lower rate than full-time employees. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business 
Added: 4434 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m40s | Views: 1512 | Comments: 1
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In the days when “tweets” were bird sounds and a “text” was a book, workplace blunders had a limited audience. Now, however, these missteps can receive broad exposure -- with unhappy consequences: Three out of four (76 percent) human resources (HR) managers polled by Robert Half said technology etiquette breaches can affect a person’s career prospects. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5152 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 0m34s | Views: 7451 | Comments: 0
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ADP®, a leading provider of human resource outsourcing, payroll services, benefits administration and integrated computing solutions for vehicle dealers, today added another tool to empower employee productivity: the ADP Mobile Solutions application, a free, easy-to-use app that gives employees access to their vital HR, Payroll and Benefits information via a mobile device. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business 
Added: 5001 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m53s | Views: 5654 | Comments: 1
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