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Chris Crocker - Mind In The Gutter Lyric :- Its Chris Crocker (itschriscrocker) Forgive Me Father, for I have sinned. Theres just something inside of me that I cant hold back any longer. Maybe the rumors are true. Maybe I am crazy. I got you thinking all them bad things. I got you reaching for them bodyparts. Im bout to make you do the walk of shame. You never thought you would (something) Time is ticking. Halters skipping. Ready to move. Feel like my logics lifting. Head is spinning out of control! You’ve got my body twitching. Thirst is quenching, ready to go. Crocker’s off his rocker baby this is my show. You got my mind in the gutter, when we touchin’ on each other. Rollin round undercovers, blowin’ kisses like were lovers. I like the way that you taste, when your all up in my face. Body’s touchin’. Minds corrupting. My mind is in the gutter. Chris Crocker’s on the loose are you scared yet? I heard the freaks come out at midnight. Ive got you working up an appetite. Now are you sure that you should take a bite? Once you do then you are mine. Tired of waiting blood is racing out of control. I feel like chasing you to date me is a race of its own. You are my property now baby now so comfort your bone. I’m the crock inside your rock baby I’m in control. You got my mind in the gutter, when we touchin’ on each other. Rollin round undercovers, blowin’ kisses like were lovers. I like the way that you taste, when your all up in my face. Body’s touchin’. Minds corrupting. My mind is in the gutter. I hear your body say it wants more. But your scared you’ll be addicted boy. Now make the move before you lose the choice. Ive got something that you might enjoy. You’ve got my mind in the gutter baby You’ve got me so damn twisted baby. Ive lost my (something) to another baby. Ive got my mind.. mind in the gutter
Tags // lyric  music  video  english  song  chris  crocker 
Categories // Music 
Added: 6029 days ago by skycrew
Runtime: 3m33s | Views: 14829 | Comments: 1



Friday Night Music Club doing our version of Say Something by A Great Big World. We hope you like it enough to Share, subscribe, comment, follow and introduce yourself.... Come say hello (Say Something :) We love to hear from new listeners. Let us share our original music as well as a few covers with you.
Categories // Music 
Added: 4089 days ago by taton
Runtime: 4m1s | Views: 1896 | Comments: 0



A nice simple one with a message that we can all understand, appreciate and aspire to. It's been said so many times before in so many ways in song but we can always find the time to hear it again and again until one day when we all get it down right.
Categories // Music 
Added: 3941 days ago by Herfortz
Runtime: 3m31s | Views: 3130 | Comments: 3



I've decided to drop Electronic instrumentals for the time being to work on a few vocal songs. Some people like to hear me sing for a reason that's beyond me so "ahem"....."Do Re Me Fa So La ♫ La ♫ La ♫"
Categories // Music 
Added: 3729 days ago by Herfortz
Runtime: 2m53s | Views: 1227 | Comments: 4



These deaf people's reaction when they hear for the first time is priceless
Added: 3582 days ago by StevanHogg
Runtime: 2m32s | Views: 1013 | Comments: 4



ADHD HistoryADHD History ADHD History The history of ADHD starts early.. The general idea out there is that ADD and ADHD are caused by social problems. Very often, people hear their family members or neighbours telling them that Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is caused by: video games, TV, music videos, single parent families, parents who work too much, computers, inexperienced teachers, etc.. and that's just bull. The history of ADHD
Added: 5960 days ago by adhd
Runtime: 1m18s | Views: 21855 | Comments: 0



If let your imagination go, you can hear the whistle blow, for a trip, through the Great, Magnificent, Ease West corridor, on a Highway in the sky. A Highway in the sky!
Tags // forhimforever 
Added: 181 days ago by forhimforever
Runtime: 0m18s | Views: 228 | Comments: 1



The Redneck Royalty Playmates will be appearing at other venues and will be putting together a calendar for 2009 so keep up with us. Please stop by our profile at RedneckCommunity and give us a message or comment our pictures. We would love to hear from you.
Tags // redneck 
Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle 
Added: 6157 days ago by redneckcom
Runtime: 4m22s | Views: 5720 | Comments: 1



The Dalai Lama travels the world and spreads his message of peace, compassion and interdependence. Don't miss this great once in a lifetime chance to see and hear him in person.
Tags // one  voice  dalai  lama  message  of  peace 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4484 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m30s | Views: 1713 | Comments: 0



I've had the idea for this song since the day of the terrorist attacks in Paris but I couldn't find the time to actually work on it until recently as I've limited my amount of video watching here temporarily on Youtube. It was the only way for me to get this done. I wanted to have this song and video uploaded well before Christmas and so I had to rush this composition more so than with any other previous song I've ever written. I haven't even tested it out in my friend's car to hear it through his stereo as my main concern is always in the vocal quality here. The instrumental sections were very complex and I was making up those parts as I was going and they all seem to be fine as far as composition goes. I wish to especially thank Bethany Ann Meyer who gave me that little extra incentive that I needed to get this song finished. She's a gifted singer and a real sweetheart. You can check out her channel "Melody Meyer" at this link LYRICS: Live in peace. Share the Land. All good brothers, take my hand. Come good shepherd, heed my call. Peace on Earth, Goodwill to all. Star above. Star so bright. Guard us safely through the night. Father's love. Brother's hand, guiding peace throughout this land.
Categories // Music 
Added: 3396 days ago by Herfortz
Runtime: 3m39s | Views: 1151 | Comments: 2



I've been told that some of my songs in the past have a David Bowie quality to them and so I started thinking 2005 when I first started practicing how to sing sing. I would practice at the factory where I used to work at as no one could hear me with all the stamping presses running. That was until one day when I was practicing in a quieter welding area and not knowing that the idiot maintenance electrician was doing something on my welder until then popped his head out and uttered "Don't quit your daytime job." ..... Very original line ..... Well, I didn't exactly quit my job but the doors did close down there and since that time, I've been working hard to make this my daytime job. As always, hopefully this song will catch on and I'll acquire an audience who will just appreciate this song without asking for something in return ..... A guy can dream can't he? ... Maybe David can help me out on this one.
Categories // Music 
Added: 3334 days ago by Herfortz
Runtime: 4m50s | Views: 2004 | Comments: 1



Meet orphaned animals that found happy homes!From cats and dogs to pigs and sheep, the amazing animals featured in 125 Pet Rescues have had awesome adventures. Their heartwarming true tales are sure to inspire the next generation of animal caretakers. Hear from canine adoptee Bob Barker and get a peek inside the book in this video! Buy the book at:NG Store:…Amazon: animals and kids
Tags // 125  pet  rescues  dog  rescue  cat  rescue  pets  national  geographic  book  trailer 
Added: 2836 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 925 | Comments: 2



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