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Results 1-12 of 55 for ' flying ' (0 seconds)
The great animation Kiwi remixed with Mad World
Tags // kiwi  flying  mad  world  animation 
Categories // Cartoon 
Added: 6482 days ago by OĞUZ
Runtime: 1m2s | Views: 10530 | Comments: 3



E.T. phone home
Tags // et  bike  bicycle  scene  flying  air  moon  dark  forest  high  cliff  reeses  pieces  extra  terrestrial  elliot 
Categories // Funny  Comedy  Science and Technology 
Added: 5830 days ago by LexaProductions
Runtime: 1m16s | Views: 13937 | Comments: 1



A Flying Mattress on Russia Highway.
Tags // flying  mattress  russia  highway 
Added: 4682 days ago by Orthrus
Runtime: 0m46s | Views: 8186 | Comments: 2



Chris Hoy Become The Greatest British Olympian Ever. The Scottish Olympian won 3 Gold Medals In Beijng 2008.
Categories // Sport 
Added: 6039 days ago by StevanHogg
Runtime: 2m39s | Views: 10307 | Comments: 0



ZhuZhu Pets™, Sing-a-ma-jigs™ and Squinkies™ …the most talked-about toy hits from recent holidays, all successfully combined affordability (under $10), collectability, immediate fun and the intangible of combining classic play with subtle new technology. Industry experts agree FyrFlyz™ (#FyrFlyz) from i-Star Entertainment have all the ingredients to be among 2011’s top selling toys. This new spinning toy on a string performs amazing light shows and is flying off retailer shelves. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Tags // fyrflyz  light  shows  toys  zhuzhu  pets  sing  a  ma  jigs  squinkies  led  lights  spinning  tricks  kids  multivu  51761 
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 4920 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 1m12s | Views: 6070 | Comments: 1



Chris Brown featuring Keri Hilson - Superhuman Lyric :- Weak I have been crying and crying for weeks How'd I survive when I could barely speak Barely eat, on my knees But that's the moment you came to me I don't know what your love has done to me Think I'm invincible I see through the me I used to be You changed my whole life Don't know what you're doing to me with your love I'm feeling all superhuman you did that to me (ohh) A superhuman heart beats in me Nothing can stop me here with you Superhuman I feel so superhuman (superhuman) I feel so superhuman (superhuman) Strong Since I've been flying and righting the wrongs Feels almost like I had it all along I can see tomorrow For every problem is gone because I flew everywhere with love inside of me It's unbelievable to see How love can set me free You changed my whole life Don't know what you're doing to me with your love (to me, oh oh) I'm feeling all superhuman you did that to me A superhuman heart beats in me Nothing can stop me here with you Superhuman I feel so superhuman (superhuman) I feel so superhuman It's not a bird, not a plane It's my heart and it's going gone away My only weakness is you Only reason is you Every minute with you I feel like I can do anything Going going, I'm gone away in love You changed my whole life (oh) Don't know what you're doing to me with your love I'm feeling all superhuman you did that to me A superhuman heart beats in me Nothing can stop me here with you Superhuman Superhuman
Tags // lyric  music  video  english  song  chris  brown  keri  hilson 
Categories // Music 
Added: 6034 days ago by skycrew
Runtime: 3m37s | Views: 12119 | Comments: 0



us three flying kite
Tags // kite 
Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle 
Added: 4555 days ago by alibobo
Runtime: 1m22s | Views: 2525 | Comments: 0



Flying our kite in Littlehampton
Tags // kite  flying  beach  littlehampton 
Categories // Family  Games  Sport 
Added: 5393 days ago by Britman
Runtime: 1m30s | Views: 7505 | Comments: 2



Orbis, the international nonprofit that unites the world in the fight against blindness, is proud to land its new, state-of-the-art Flying Eye Hospital in Shenyang, China this week to commence its first training program, running from September 5 - 23. Six years in the making, the third-generation Flying Eye Hospital is the world’s only mobile ophthalmic teaching hospital on board an MD-10 aircraft, donated by FedEx. Hundreds of experts have come together to combine the latest in avionics, hospital engineering, technology and clinical expertise to make the new Flying Eye Hospital a reality. It features modular design, 3D technology and live broadcast capabilities, which enables Orbis and their expert Volunteer Faculty to train more doctors, nurses and healthcare professionals—ultimately treating more people and restoring their sight. “Today, I am incredibly proud that our Flying Eye Hospital can get to work on its first program,” Bob Ranck, Orbis CEO and President, said. “It is a testament to the hundreds of volunteers, global corporate partners, governments and other individuals who have worked tirelessly to make this unique aircraft a reality, and we thank them one and all. Our mission at Orbis is to bring the world together to fight blindness, and the Flying Eye Hospital is an important tool for achieving this. It is an equal-parts teacher, envoy and advocate for the right to sight. We are excited to start this new chapter in Orbis history here in Shenyang, China.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3100 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 5m11s | Views: 1044 | Comments: 0



Miadas comes to support Poplock against at least a wave of 15 Mobs in night battle in Minecraft. Arrows flying all over the place as duo fight for control against the evil horde. Daybreaks with duo achieving high Mob monster body count of 15 plus.
Tags // minecraft  defence  game  mob 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4293 days ago by poplock1
Runtime: 8m14s | Views: 1914 | Comments: 0



As fans across the country celebrate the start of another college football season, The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company will celebrate its own college football tradition —60 years of aerial broadcast coverage from the Goodyear Blimp. The Goodyear Blimp first provided stunning aerial views of the 1955 Rose Bowl, revolutionizing the way fans experience sporting events. In the years since, Goodyear’s iconic airship has covered some of the biggest matchups in college football history, offering its own unique perspective of the action on the ground. It has evolved into a football tradition of its own, with fans often correlating the magnitude of the game with the Goodyear Blimp flying overhead. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Sport  Business 
Added: 3471 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 1087 | Comments: 3



a magic carpet sends Iago flying into a wall LOL
Tags // aladdin  the  magic  carpet  jafar  sultan  bird  voiceover 
Categories // Funny  Comedy  Cartoon 
Added: 4309 days ago by InfiniteVoiceovers87
Runtime: 0m27s | Views: 1396 | Comments: 2



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