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Search // exploring
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Tags // moon  baby  on  moon  funny  baby  babies  funny  video  news  space  exploring  space  shuttle  nasa  mars  venera  appolo 
Added: 5980 days ago by RENTO
Runtime: 0m31s | Views: 11206 | Comments: 0



The joy of sharing the wonders of the holidays can be no more stated than a Special Lights of Christmas Yard Display. May you enjoy peeking at ours. Your also invited to visit the Bear Cave System web sites...In any go bar, or in any search engine: Simply type in pabear48 Family safe and mind interesting...Have fun exploring!
Tags // pabear48 
Added: 5973 days ago by pabear48
Runtime: 7m0s | Views: 7252 | Comments: 1



Whether perfecting your favorite recipes or exploring new culinary horizons, a selection of new gadgets, colors and accessories from KitchenAid are sure to please the passionate home cook on any holiday gift list. Four of the most giftable new offerings include the iconic KitchenAid Stand Mixer in fresh and covetable new colors, a Vegetable Sheet Cutter attachment and Fresh Prep Slicer/Shredder attachment for the KitchenAid stand mixer, and premium wood and poly cutting boards. Further information about the products detailed below can be found at To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 2769 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m3s | Views: 680 | Comments: 2



An AMV of the Naruto anime exploring the troubled life of Obito Uchiha and his love for Rin.
Tags // anime 
Categories // Music 
Added: 1476 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 4m5s | Views: 816 | Comments: 0



Joy is going where the mood takes you. Versatile and functional, the BMW X1 is perfectly engineered for spontaneity. Discover more.
Tags // bmw  x1  tv  ad  video  skiing  golfing  surfing  exploring  adventure  summer  winter  sport 
Added: 5635 days ago by tweeker
Runtime: 0m33s | Views: 12809 | Comments: 2



Gujarat has a colorful profile. Gujarat tours are considered best routes for study of Indian heritage and the historic pages of Indian freedom struggle often mentions Gujarat from where Mahatma Gandhi initiated many of his revolts. takes you to the era of revolution; however from that age the city has come a long way and today Gujarat is believed to be one of the liveliest cities with multiplexes, amusement parks and several entertainment avenues.
Categories // Travel and Holiday 
Added: 4431 days ago by danielhuerta
Runtime: 1m47s | Views: 1836 | Comments: 0
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The Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities is pleased to announce the launch of an egyptian – international Project using non-invasive and non-destructive surveying techniques for the scanning of Egyptian Pyramids under the title “ScanPyramids” project. Just because a mystery is 4500 years old doesn’t mean it can’t be solved…” This could be the motto of the exceptional scientific mission launched October 25, 2015, under the authority of the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities, initiated, designed and coordinated by the Faculty of Engineering of Cairo and the French HIP.Institute (Heritage, Innovation and Preservation). Radiographic muons, aka cosmic particles, infrared thermography, photogrammetry, scanner and 3D reconstruction: the most innovative technologies will be used by researchers of international renown and three major universities: the Faculty of Engineering of Cairo University, Université Laval of Quebec and Nagoya University of Japan. Their goal: to probe the heart of the largest pyramids of Egypt, without drilling the slightest opening. Four millennia after their construction, these ancient giants are far from having yielded their secrets. The first mystery concerns their construction, especially Khufu, the last of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World still existing: it is still impossible to describe with certainty how this stone monument, the largest ever built by humans, was erected. The “ScanPyramids” project has already been approved by the permanent committee of the Ministry of Antiquities and has obtained all necessary permissions from concerned authorities. With a base of more than 5 hectares, its original height of almost 150 meters and a mass of 5 million tons, how was it possible to construct such a wonder in only 25 years? To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3438 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m6s | Views: 921 | Comments: 0
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Clip about Flanders´s Icon exploring the Flanders most exclusive acessories...
Tags // flanders  icon 
Added: 6048 days ago by soul-jhota
Runtime: 0m42s | Views: 6936 | Comments: 1
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A hilarious new tv program, presented by three hot, hetero, male asian-american hosts, exploring hong kong through sketch comedy and ridiculous stunts.
Categories // Funny  Comedy  Fashion and Lifestyle 
Added: 6005 days ago by soutv
Runtime: 1m12s | Views: 9953 | Comments: 3
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Gossip Girl. The Hills. NYC Prep. They've got nothing on Under the Arch. Nine friends in New York City - living, working, studying, playing & exploring the fashion, music, products & places that influence them the most. For a REAL NYC experience with REAL NYU students watch now.
Added: 5648 days ago by UnderTheArch
Runtime: 1m51s | Views: 6244 | Comments: 1
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Gossip Girl. The Hills. NYC Prep. They\'ve got nothing on Under the Arch. Nine friends in New York City - living, working, studying, playing & exploring the fashion, music, products & places that influence them the most. For a REAL NYC experience with REAL NYU students watch now. &
Tags // uta  sean  patrick  murray  madwood  under  the  arch  tv  underthearchtv  gossip  girl  gossip  gossip  girls  new  yo 
Added: 5621 days ago by UnderTheArch
Runtime: 2m13s | Views: 6692 | Comments: 1
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So many have gazed out on Lake superior with dreams of exploring it. A couple in their 60\'s are packing their bags for a journey. Mike Link and Kate Crowley\'s story together started on Lake Superior nearly 24 years ago.
Tags // lake  superior  hiking 
Added: 5458 days ago by TheAdmiral
Runtime: 2m18s | Views: 6354 | Comments: 0
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