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Search // data
Results 1-12 of 312 for ' data ' (1 seconds)
For the tenth consecutive year, silver has ranked as the most popular vehicle color in the world according to data from PPG Industries (NYSE:PPG), the world’s leading manufacturer of transportation coatings. In fact, silver’s popularity is the highest its been since 1990 when PPG began recording its data. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Tags // ppg  automotive  color  trend  show  car  coatings  consumer  multivu  4605 
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5258 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 2m50s | Views: 7457 | Comments: 0



camera for data store
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 6254 days ago by KarlErhartitsch
Runtime: 0m34s | Views: 6034 | Comments: 0



Nobody likes to sell themselves short in life and end up a data entry clerk. If you say your dream is to be an architect you don\'t want to end up tapping a keyboard while you cry out from the sheer mind-numbing boredom of it all.
Tags // westwood  college  marci  data  entry  diploma 
Categories // Miscellaneous  Comedy 
Added: 5701 days ago by christinacollins
Runtime: 0m52s | Views: 7423 | Comments: 2



California News on Ibogaine Treatment 20 Feb, 2004 - BAY AREA (KRON 4) - Drug addiction has been the plague of modern America. But that could now change forever. What started as a rumor may now actually be an incredible breakthrough in the battle against addictions of all kinds. Features Dr. Deborah Mash who says she is going to submit to FDA her data gathered in her St. Kitts clinic. Some addicts may have a long history of ADHD btw. The history of ADHD is often said to start with George Still 1902. Actually it starts already 1798 with George Crichton:
Added: 6464 days ago by CocaCola Jesus
Runtime: 9m21s | Views: 11563 | Comments: 1



Based on data provided by the California Solar Initiative (CSI), sales of new production homes with rooftop solar power systems nearly doubled from 2011 to 2012, signaling increasing home buyer demand to control monthly electricity costs using clean, renewable solar power. An estimated 4,000 new production solar homes were built in California last year, ten times the number built just seven years ago during the housing construction boom. SunPower estimates that strong growth in the sector will continue, with more than 20 percent of new production homes being solar powered this year. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4286 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m-0s | Views: 1134 | Comments: 1



L'arte di intrattenere con le giuste atmosfere i momenti di incontro e relax dei vostri ospiti e del divertimento nel ballo tutta la notte, è una questione di dettagli che vive nell'esperienza e di attimi. Non si raggiunge con una playlist uguale per tutte le occasioni. E' un lavoro artistico che necessita della giusta sensibilità e cultura musicale per rendere la vostra festa di matrimonio un evento che resterà nella memoria collettiva di tutti i presenti. Anche il crescendo della serata, l'arte di far urlare e cantare i ritornelli delle canzoni al cambio di mixaggio, è una caratteristica legata all'esperienza. Potrete indicarmi i vostri gusti musicali ed io su queste ed altre caratteristiche creerò come un sarto, la vostra serata. Indicatemi la vostra data, la location, il numero approssimativo di ospiti, sarò felice di aiutarvi ad organizzare un fantastico wedding party. La vostra serata. +393283334184 The art of entertaining with the right atmosphere the moments of meeting and relaxation of your guests and the fun in the dance all night, is a matter of details that lives in the experience and moments. You do not reach it with an equal playlist for all occasions. It’s an artistic work that needs the right sensitivity and musical culture to make your wedding party an event that will be remembered in the collective memory of everyone present. The growing of the evening, the art of making the chorus of the songs scream and sing at the change of mixing, is also a characteristic linked to the experience. You can tell me your musical tastes and I will create your evening as a tailor. Tell me your date, location, approximate number of guests, I will be happy to help you organize a fantastic wedding party. This is your night. #weddingdj #weddingdjitaly #bestweddingdj #weddingdjtuscany #wedding #weddingitaly #weddingvideo #weddingmusic #djforwedding #djservice #weddingdjrome #musicwedding #saxdj #weddingmusic #musicwedding #weddingitaly #weddingrome #weddinginitaly #weddingumbria #weddingsorrento #weddingnaples #WeddingDjGianpieroFatica #DjGianpieroFatica #djmobile #djservice #weddingaperitiv #70s #80s #80smusic #disco #funky #classicrock #ballades #irish #latinmusic #housemusic #edm #edmmusic #edmmix #feste40anni #feste50anni #feste60anni #festeprivate #festeprivateroma #privateparty #weddingceremony #weddingceremonymusic #djmatrimonio #djpermatrimonio #musicamatrimonio #djbodas #casamento #oldschool #Weddingdj #weddingdjrome #weddingdjitaly #weddingitalystyle #Weddingceremony #weddingreception #weddingparty #weddingitaly #weddingmusic #musicwedding #weddingdjs #weddingdjservice #weddinginrome #weddinginsorrento #weddingintuscany #djservice #Djmobile #70s #80s #90s #80smusic #disco #housemusic #latinmusic #jazzmusic #jazzdance #Djsax #djoldschool #djmobile #dj #djservice #djsong #djselection #djweddingstyle #djwedding #weddingdjflorence #romadjpianobar #djset #djoldschool #radiocontactitaly #funkydiscoradio #funkyhouse #funkyhousemusic #djentertainment #djvocalist #djpianobar #djanimatrice #djanimazione #bestweddingmusic #tuscanywedding #weddingintuscany #djs #weddinginflorence #luxurywedding #destinationwedding #gettingmarried #tuscanstyle #realwedding #tuscany #marriedintuscany #marriedinitaly #marriedinrome #sax #wedding #matrimonio #saxmatrimonio #weddingsax #luxuryevent #luxury #privateparty #saxo #sassofonista #saxophonist #livesax #vinyl #djviral #djanni70 #djanni80 #djanni90 #musicaanni70 #musicaanni80 #musicaanni90 #anni70 #anni80 #anni90
Categories // Music  Funny  Event and Party 
Added: 352 days ago by romadj
Runtime: 1m30s | Views: 382 | Comments: 1



How would you feel if Data Snatchers high jacked your profile on a social networking site, started putting up photos of themselves out partying, befriending people you didn't know, and used it as their own? Watch this brand new trick from street magician Dynamo…
Tags // dynamo  data  snatchers  avg  facebook  magic 
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 5614 days ago by christinacollins
Runtime: 2m12s | Views: 9449 | Comments: 0



Having your laptop nicked can be a pain in the ass. All that personal data you’ve got on there, your music, videos, your whole life! If only you had a gizmo like this then you could annihilate the thief at the push of a button. Boom.
Added: 5743 days ago by mcmentalninja
Runtime: 0m23s | Views: 10562 | Comments: 3



New data revealed that nearly 100 percent (99%) of 200 U.S. primary care physicians surveyed agree that heart disease and stroke are the number one cause of death and disability among type 2 diabetes patients; however, almost 40 percent (36%) of these physicians underestimate the number of patients who die from cardiovascular disease. Furthermore, while people with diabetes are two to four times more likely to have heart disease than people without diabetes, the survey, conducted by Harris Interactive and supported by Merck, found only one out of five (21%) patients (n=664) listed heart attack or heart failure as their biggest worry regarding diabetes complications, and even fewer patients (7%) listed stroke. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 4995 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 2m18s | Views: 7665 | Comments: 1



The 2014 Brand Image Award winners, based on annual new-car buyer perception data, are announced today by Kelley Blue Book,, the leading provider of new and used car information. The Kelley Blue Book® Brand Image Awards recognize automakers’ outstanding achievements in creating and maintaining brand attributes that capture the attention and enthusiasm of the new-vehicle buying public. Award categories are calculated among luxury, non-luxury and truck shoppers. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 3978 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m30s | Views: 978 | Comments: 1



Be afraid, all those private details you think are safe, well think again. Data Snatchers can steal your data even from websites you think are safe. Before you know it they'll have your credit card details, private files and your identity.
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 5639 days ago by christinacollins
Runtime: 2m6s | Views: 10244 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated - Colocation America has 22 premier data centers located in San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York, New Jersey, and Chicago. Our data centers feature the best server hosting environment, providing our industry leading colocation and dedicated server hosting services. Our data centers are located in optimal areas, maximizing data transfer rates. Our blend of 16 tier-one providers and private peering arrangements worldwide provides over 55% peering, resulting in the ultimate premium bandwidth.
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 4923 days ago by colocation
Runtime: 2m54s | Views: 7415 | Comments: 0
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