If you are drinking just plain water, you are wasting a great health opportunity. Since most people have acid bodies and are prone to illness, it is to their benefit to drinking their water with fresh lemon juice in it. The major health benefit you achieve is to change your body from acid to more alkaline. This can be done slowly by drinking fresh lemon juice, no sugar or honey, all day long instead of tasteless, plain water.
The first steps you need to take to stop constipation are outlined so that you can start right away to eliminate constipation. Reducing or eliminating constipation is important in gaining great health.
So many people have constipation and in the colon is where many illnesses begin. It doesn’t matter how old you are, maintaining colon health is a priority.
Many people have an inflamed body and don’t know it. They are surprised when they develop arthritis, muscle pain, acid reflux, hiatus hernia, or gout. So how did they get to this point? All disease takes time to develop and gout is no different.
Hi there, I’m Rudy here to give you some information and tips on anemia. Just remember that you may be iron deficient and not know it. To find out, if you are, you will have to get a blood test. So, see your doctor if you feel you are deficient. Now let’s get started.
Do you have a desire to live a healthier life? I'm sure the answer is yes! In the world we live in today, there are so many stressors that can wreak havoc on our life, and cause our health to rapidly decline, therefore it is vital that we try to maintain our health.If you are looking for real ways to improve your Health and Fitness, what you need is a proven selection of reliable, health and fitness solutions. Start your good health experience with us today!
Are you constantly plagued by digestive conditions, such as acid reflux, stomach bloating, constant burping, or hiatus hernia? In 2018, statistics showed that over 50% of people in the U.S. had digestive type symptoms. Because these were symptoms, people had other hidden illnesses.
Rudy Silva, natural nutritionist. I want to give you some information to help you minimize or eliminate these digestive conditions. So, if you’re ready, let’s do it.
People who don’t have diabetes think that they are ok. But the way so many people eat, they put themselves at risk for this disease. Eating a diet high in processed foods, high sugar, and simple carbohydrates increase your chances of Type II Diabetes and especially if you are overweight. Other risk factors for Type II Diabetes are elevated triglyceride, low HDL, and high blood pressure.
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In this video we give examples of mercury in retrograde meaning. What are we afraid of? Should we change our plans for mercury in retrograde? What is the meaning?
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