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Search // approach
Results 97-108 of 145 for ' approach ' (0 seconds)
MGM Resorts International has taken an innovative approach to team building for its 62,000 employees. Working together to build a better workplace, a better community and a better world, “Inspiring Our World” – an empowering Vegas-style production created for employees, by employees – was performed this week with the goal of advancing the company’s vision and commitment to diversity and corporate social responsibility. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Music  Event and Party  Business 
Added: 4461 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m30s | Views: 2626 | Comments: 1
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WHY OUTSOURCE TO AICOM? AICOM Solutions prides itself with the following axioms: - World-class Talent & Skills - Flexible and Cost-effective Solutions: Hourly & Full-time - Right Matching of Requirements & Resources - Organically adapting to client’s processes and procedures - Superior quality processes, measurements and analysis - Fully equipped world-class infrastructure and Redundant Sites for 100% up time and coverage Our approach to outsourcing revolves around the fundamental elements of People, Process and Technology. By clearly defining, improving, and sustaining success metrics at each stage of a project, AICOM Solutions is able to replicate, scale, and repeat excellent projects time and again.
Tags // reliable  virtual  assistant 
Added: 4465 days ago by AicomVas
Runtime: 4m22s | Views: 222400 | Comments: 24



GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Consumer Healthcare today announced the launch of, a total quit-smoking online resource to help smokers quit their cigarette addictions and stay smoke-free. Every smoker is different; therefore every smoker’s approach to quitting may need to be different. houses personalized tools in a central, online location to help smokers navigate quitting smoking, no matter where they may be in their quit journey. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4471 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m1s | Views: 3655 | Comments: 0
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Did you witness a movement that spread across European capital cities? Did you relate to this unprecedented protest against the approaching rainy autumn? Are you now dying to know the origins of the Movement for More Summer? It was born in the streets, relayed by the Internet and raced across social networks with dazzling speed, generating reactions and sharing of experience by over 20 000 Internet users, notably on Facebook and Twitter. The Moroccan National Tourist Office originated this movement in an attempt to make Europeans, who are getting depressed at the idea of being stuck at work during endless working days, smile again. The MNTO has decided to launch a widespread, humorous and unexpected campaign through the whole of Europe to protest against the end of summer and defeat “back to work” gloominess. The Movement was thus launched in September using various phases in the approach, combining digital and event initiatives. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Travel and Holiday 
Added: 4520 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m19s | Views: 3864 | Comments: 1



The Yankee Candle Company, Inc., the world’s largest manufacturer of premium scented candles, today announced the launch of three new fragrances for the holidays. Inspired by nostalgic family recipes, these new holiday scents reflect the traditional colors of the holiday season with a fresh approach: moss green, rich red and icy white. The new holiday fragrances are available for purchase now at Yankee Candle’s more than 550 retail stores, and select specialty retailers and gift shops. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4541 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m4s | Views: 2756 | Comments: 2
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WebMD Health Corp. (NASDAQ: WBMD), the leading source of health information, today announced its new WebMD Pain Coach™ for iPhone, a unique free mobile application for consumers and patients living with chronic pain. As the leader in mobile health, WebMD provides trusted health information anytime and anywhere with its mobile web and applications for consumers and physicians. The new WebMD Pain Coach™ app builds on WebMD’s market-leading mobile applications through a holistic approach that helps users create a balanced lifestyle. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 4555 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m45s | Views: 2374 | Comments: 0
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citiwide business services from australia - financial services, financial marketing services, australia strong financial fundamentals and so-called conventional financial approach helped the country come strong through the world-wide crisis. Financial services, being the back bone of any economy, entail various segments of the industry in its perview.It includes banking, insurance, broking, mutual funds and stock markets..
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 4588 days ago by johnluisaiden
Runtime: 1m11s | Views: 21461 | Comments: 0
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When we live consciously, universal motifs, archetypes, and timeless patterns emerge through which we discover not only who we are but also why we are deeply connected to all others. Mystic Journey uses a multi faith approach to reveal the path of the soul. Find out more here, Religion and Spirituality
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4601 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m0s | Views: 3082 | Comments: 0
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The Kiran Infertility Centre- KIC is a Super Specialty Facility dealing in Infertility Treatments & Surrogacy. An ISO 9001- 2008 Company, KIC with its cutting-edge technology, world-renowned experts and a patient-centric approach, has been a dominant player in the area of Fertility Treatments and is one of the oldest facilities in India offering Infertility Treatment. Dr Sekhar Samit
Added: 4618 days ago by kiranivfgenetic
Runtime: 5m1s | Views: 2995 | Comments: 2
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The Kiran Infertility Centre- KIC is a Super Specialty Facility dealing in Infertility Treatments & Surrogacy. An ISO 9001- 2008 Company, KIC with its cutting-edge technology, world-renowned experts and a patient-centric approach, has been a dominant player in the area of Fertility Treatments and is one of the oldest facilities in India offering Infertility Treatment. Dr Samit Sekhar
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 4618 days ago by kiranivfgenetic
Runtime: 4m53s | Views: 3028 | Comments: 0
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The Kiran Infertility Centre- KIC is a Super Specialty Facility dealing in Infertility Treatments & Surrogacy. An ISO 9001- 2008 Company, KIC with its cutting-edge technology, world-renowned experts and a patient-centric approach, has been a dominant player in the area of Fertility Treatments and is one of the oldest facilities in India offering Infertility Treatment. Dr Pratima Grover
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 4618 days ago by kiranivfgenetic
Runtime: 6m10s | Views: 2832 | Comments: 0
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Some of us process sensory input more effectively through visual means, others through auditory stimuli, and others through a kinesthetic (a touch or feel) approach. Here\\\'s a very simple way to begin to contemplate which way your genius accesses information. Imagine for a moment that you are buying a new item of clothing for an important meeting. Would you be most influenced to buy primarily for a) the color and style of the outfit; b) the benefits the salesperson tells you about the clothing; c) the texture and feel of the fabric. If you chose \\\
Added: 4628 days ago by patrickdoer
Runtime: 4m7s | Views: 2724 | Comments: 2
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