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Search // 60
Results 97-108 of 195 for ' 60 ' (0 seconds)
180 Klassiker der Baujahre bis 1993 sorgten bei der elften Sachsen Classic Rallye für einen Zuschaueransturm. Binnen drei Tagen nahm das Rollende Museum 610 Kilometer unter die Räder. Für Szenenapplaus sorgten die zwölf Fahrzeuge aus den norddeutschen Volkswagen Sammlungen. Auch die anderen Konzernmarken waren gebührend vertreten. Prominentester Copilot war zweifelsohne Ministerpräsident Stanislaw Tillich in einem Horch. Die Sachsen Classic zählt zu den gefragtesten Oldtimerrallyes in Deutschland. Lange Wartelisten zeugen vom zunehmenden Bewerberinteresse, was vor allem Streckenführung und Publikumsbegeisterung geschuldet ist. Das, was als Rollendes Museum schließlich auf die sächsischen Straßen gelangte, kann sich sehen lassen. Das gilt besonders für die Marken des Volkswagen Konzerns, die erneut prominent vertreten waren: Ein Drittel der insgesamt 180 Klassiker kam von den Konzern-Marken Audi, Bentley, Porsche, SKODA sowie Volkswagen Pkw und Volkswagen Nutzfahrzeuge. Der sächsische Ministerpräsident Stanislaw Tillich ließ es sich nicht nehmen, während der dritten Etappe als Copilot in einem Horch dabei zu sein. Die drei Rallyetage führten auf insgesamt 610 Kilometer über einige der schönsten Straßen des Freistaats. Highlights waren die „Steile Wand“ in Meerane, die am 22. August während der Sachsenring-Etappe gleich zweimal gemeistert wurde, das beschauliche Bad Elster während der Vogtland-Etappe sowie die Augustusburg während der abschließenden Erzgebirge-Etappe am 24. August. Fahrer der insgesamt 14 Autos von Audi, DKW, Horch, Wanderer und NSU sowie die 20 teilnehmenden Volkswagen Klassiker durften sich wie zu Hause fühlen: Die einst in Sachsen beheimateten Marken der Auto Union hatten Weltgeltung erlangt, zwei ihrer Standorte – Zwickau und Chemnitz – waren Eckpfeiler der Rallye. Heute ist hier Volkswagen überaus präsent; in Sachsen entstehen Golf, Passat und Phaeton sowie Drei- und Vierzylindermotoren. Sie sind noch zu jung, um an einer Oldtimerrallye teilnehmen zu dürfen. Die Fahrzeuge aus dem Bestand von Volkswagen Classic zählen dagegen zwischen 20 und 60 Jahre. Lieblinge des Publikums waren die hierzulande bislang unbekannten Karmann Ghia aus brasilianischer Fertigung, die sich in diversen Details von den in Osnabrück gebauten Autos unterscheiden, sowie der „DDR-Golf“ von 1977, von dem 10.000 Einheiten nach Ostdeutschland gelangten und als begehrte Traumwagen gehandelt wurden. Dass heute Golf Variant und Phaeton exklusiv in Sachsen gefertigt werden, rundet die Historie auf eine einmalige Weise ab.
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 4167 days ago by unitedpictures
Runtime: 3m32s | Views: 2160 | Comments: 4
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Flooding is the nation’s costliest and deadliest natural disaster with hurricane flooding topping the list. On October 29, 2012, Superstorm Sandy caused 72 U.S. deaths and $60 billion in damage, including more than $6.7 billion in flood insurance claims. As the most active part of hurricane season begins and the threat of flooding increases, the National Hurricane Center and Federal Alliance for Safe Homes (FLASH)® offer these five steps to take before floods strike. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 4177 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m0s | Views: 905 | Comments: 0
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Nearly six of ten Americans will develop kidney disease in their lifetime, according to a new analysis published in the American Journal of Kidney Diseases. In comparison, lifetime risk of diabetes, heart attack and invasive cancer is approximately four in ten. As a result of this and previous studies, the National Kidney Foundation is calling on healthcare professionals to screen patients in specific high-risk groups for kidney disease – those age 60 or older and those with high blood pressure or diabetes – by adding a simple urine albumin test for kidney damage to annual physical examinations. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 4191 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m53s | Views: 1890 | Comments: 0
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The Heroes With Hearing Loss program, sponsored by Hamilton CapTel®, introduces veterans with hearing loss to resources and solutions that best meet their individual and unique needs. According to Department of Defense statistics, hearing loss is the number one war-related injury affecting veterans from the battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan. An estimated 60 percent of veterans returning from Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) and Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) have some hearing damage, with 840,000 suffering from tinnitus and just over 700,000 suffering from hearing loss. More than 1.2 million veterans from every generation suffer from some form of hearing loss. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 4204 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m12s | Views: 2462 | Comments: 0
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60 GSM, Maroon Color, Woolly Paper, indian wedding card have a die casted symbol on it's front that can be customized. this landscape card have thin density with two inserts inside.
Tags // indian  wedding  cards 
Added: 4242 days ago by mariaedwards
Runtime: 0m53s | Views: 810 | Comments: 2
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Card adorned with blue turquoise color and made by wooly paper. one of the best card available in our assortment that have simplicity as well as beautiness.
Tags // indian  wedding  cards 
Added: 4242 days ago by mariaedwards
Runtime: 0m45s | Views: 715 | Comments: 2
Not yet rated Binary options (or Digital options) is the new thing in the online trading field. With this trading you can make up to 85% return on investment (ROI) sometimes only in 60 seconds! If you have the right finance knowledge about this field you can make fast money and nice profit (it's depend on your investment amount) There are many different types of binary options trading: 60 seconds, 60 minutes, one touch trading and more -- you can trade on commodities, stocks, indices or currencies just choose and start to earn money. This movie will show you how to trade binary options and how binary options system works?
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4262 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 4m9s | Views: 1410 | Comments: 0
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Begleiten Sie uns auf eine aufregende Reise durch die unterschiedlichen Krimi-Epochen der Geschichte. Vom Mord im Treppenhaus der 30 er Jahre, über den hinterhältigen Mord in der Familie Decapo in den 60 er, bis zum Hund von Cala Figuera in der Gegenwart.
Tags // crimedinner  mallorca  decapo 
Categories // Comedy 
Added: 4269 days ago by Crimedinnermallorca
Runtime: 0m26s | Views: 776 | Comments: 1
Not yet rated Looking for a work from home online job? Like booty shaking? Ever thought of webcam/stripper modeling? All you have to do is sign up. No background check, and no work history or references to submit. If you can afford to get the necessary equipment to webcam chat you\'re good to go. You can get a good webcam for as little as $60 bucks. Lighting can also be purchased for pretty cheap if you need it. You can be a cam girl or guy, it doesn\'t matter. Adult modeling can bring in weekly paychecks of up to $2000. Model and strip from the comfort of your own home. No need for bouncers or security guards. You\'re safe from stalkers and other crazies. All you have to do is put in a minimum of 20 hours a week and you\'ll be successful. If you want to you can also cam with someone as a couple or whatever. Want to block you\'re profile from being seen in certain states and/or countries? No problem. You\'ll set your own hours and post your schedule for your customers to see. Some of the benefits you\'ll receive are: - Earn from $1.00/minute for private shows weekly with no minimums. - Be seen on the highest traffic webcam network with plenty of paying customers. - Advanced HD streaming technology with the best video and audio quality available. - The ability to work any hours you choose from any location with high speed Internet. - Models can block visitors by Country, City, and State to protect their identity. - No background check or prior work experience required. - This is the highest paying internet modeling agency on the net. -  As a webcam model, you will be seen on over 200+ different adult sites simultaneously. Want an idea of how much money you could make?  Well, let\'s say you have 10 customers taking you into private chat ( from the 200+ cam sites you\'ll be seen on simultaneously ); at $1.00/minute per customer that\'s $10 dollars a minute!  The job requirements are simple:  -You will need a desktop pc, or laptop (Mac will also work). -an HD webcam and a high speed internet connection with an upload speed above .65 MB/s. You can test your speed at . We recommend an HD webcam capable of streaming in 720P. The Logitech c910 is a great webcam for this. There are openings for: - Straight Female Webcam Models - Lesbian Webcam Models - Straight Male Webcam Models - Gay Male Webcam Models - Crossdressing Male Webcam Models - Transgender Webcam Models         - Plus Size Female Webcam Models - Over 40 Female Webcam Models  - Over 40 Male Webcam Models - Fetish Webcam Models (both female and male)                                 - Couples (both straight and gay) - Groups 3 or more (both straight and gay)
Tags // webcam  modeling  models  wanted  booty  modeling  work  from  home  cam  girl  guy  online  job  webcam  chat  stripper 
Categories // Howto and DIY 
Added: 4272 days ago by dgtracksmil
Runtime: 0m52s | Views: 2066 | Comments: 2
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both of these 60's legends never get old when it comes to having a laugh
Tags // albert  einstein  marilyn  monroe  funny  1965  funny  1933 
Categories // Funny  Comedy  Sexy 
Added: 4280 days ago by InfiniteVoiceovers87
Runtime: 1m13s | Views: 774 | Comments: 3
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NFL PLAY 60, the National Football League’s youth health and fitness campaign, is the new “Official Champion of Play” at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital®, the global leader in finding cures and saving children with cancer and other deadly diseases. To commemorate this new milestone in the ongoing partnership between the NFL and St. Jude, a St. Jude patient will join NFL commissioner Roger Goodell on stage to announce a pick during the first round of the 2013 NFL Draft. The NFL Network and ESPN will televise live coverage of the NFL Draft beginning at 8 p.m. EST on Thursday, April 25. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Tags // st  jude  childrens  research  hospital  nfl  play  60  kids  cancer  child  life  health  multivu  58566 
Categories // People and Blog  Sport 
Added: 4291 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 851 | Comments: 0



¿Qué puede ser mejor que un William Levy? ¡Qué tal seis! La seducción comienza hoy mientras Pepsi NEXT®, la única bebida que brinda todo el gran sabor de Pepsi con 60% menos azúcar, y Levy se unen para el debut de la “Rueda de Levy,” la más reciente misión de la marca para lograr que los Estados Unidos lo Pruebe para Creerlo. El actor flexiona sus músculos de actuación para presentar seis personajes versátiles con una meta en común – convencer a los Estados Unidos a probar una Pepsi NEXT – gratis. Simplemente visita para girar la “Rueda de Levy”, escoge tu Levy favorito y regístrate para la oportunidad de recibir una Pepsi NEXT de dos litros, gratis. Y no te preocupes—hay un Levy para todos. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Tags // pepsi  next  william  levy  menos  azucar  bebida  sed  cola  dos  litros  gratis  multivu  61403 
Added: 4292 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m48s | Views: 2340 | Comments: 2
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