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The official video for Masked Intruder's single "Crime Spree"
Tags // rive  video  masked  intruder  crime  spree  punk 
Categories // Music 
Added: 3644 days ago by rivevideo
Runtime: 3m1s | Views: 811 | Comments: 0
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The official video for Eqo's single "I Only I"
Tags // rive  video  eqo  i  only  i  rock  alternative 
Categories // Music 
Added: 3644 days ago by rivevideo
Runtime: 4m24s | Views: 795 | Comments: 0



The official video for The Big Takeover's single "Dolphins"
Tags // rive  video  big  takeover  dolphins  reggae 
Categories // Music 
Added: 3644 days ago by rivevideo
Runtime: 4m21s | Views: 960 | Comments: 0



To celebrate the launch of Colgate® Optic White® Express White toothpaste, the brand has announced a first of its kind collaboration with two of YouTube’s brightest stars, Andrea Brooks of AndreasChoice and Blair Fowler of JuicyStar07. Together, these leading YouTube stylists will engage fans through a seven part online video series titled, “The Smile Show™.” Hosted via Colgate Optic White’s YouTube channel, these segments will feature exclusive tips and tricks on topics ranging from fashion to beauty and most importantly, how to make your smile your best accessory. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle 
Added: 3645 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 1134 | Comments: 2
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Video by : Alberto Restelli ( Music : Dr Cat & Dj Pony / James Copeland
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3649 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 0m59s | Views: 774 | Comments: 1
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Click: R.G. Dempster's new single, Blue Skies, Yellow Sun is the epitome of "Feel Good Music"! Check out the new Lyric Video and sing along!
Tags // dempster  blue  skies  yellow  sun 
Categories // Music 
Added: 3649 days ago by serde222
Runtime: 3m50s | Views: 934 | Comments: 1



Here is a great multi-camera video that was filmed, edited and produced for us on location in various areas of the South Bay of Los Angeles, CA by MacCee . With an HD Video, JAK FROST is a very creative, very much upward bound and hard hitting Hard rock/Metal band that is very ably helmed by Michael De Laurentiis the guitarist/ vocalist/founder. Mike Mohr is the bass player and Ian Michaels is the drummer. Both are very able and excellent musicians who bring their own wealth of experience, talent, and creativity with them. With a volatile mixture on many fronts going for them, many dimensions and many facets are brought to and explored in the furtherance of the hard rock genre as they understand it. Who's that guy in the monk outfit with those eyes in the opening and closing beach shot sequences? Why, that's Michael. Also, be on the lookout for the Goodyear blimp flying in the background of one of the beach shot chorus sequences featuring Michael, Michael's excellent acoustic guitar solo in another of the beach shot sequences, and for the Pelicans diving into the ocean in the closing beach shot sequence in the distance of that monk walking towards the water's edge. Be sure to check out our Website and our Facebook Page (which is found listed in the credits at the end of the video). OR or Video is Copyright © 2014 - Michael De Laurentiis.
Tags // jak  frost  celestial  forces 
Categories // Music 
Added: 3651 days ago by serde222
Runtime: 5m45s | Views: 970 | Comments: 1
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C'e' da Milano con FURORE un fan di Francesco Saverio Boni!
Categories // Music  Funny  Event and Party 
Added: 3652 days ago by Hulkenbestvideos
Runtime: 3m42s | Views: 1270 | Comments: 2



La campaña de milk life Somos Fuertes está reuniendo a los hispanos en todo el país y alentando a las familias de todas partes para que nos muestren "por qué necesitan fuerza" mediante nuestro concurso Somos Fuertes en La campaña también está donando $5,000 a la organización YMCA de Miami para ayudar a propiciar esta fuerza en la comunidad hispana. En nuestra búsqueda para encontrar nuestros "embajadores de la fuerza", milk life Lo Que Nos Hace Fuertes ha reunido al actor, piloto y padre chileno Cristian de la Fuente, a Giorgio Rapicavoli, ganador del programa Chopped y dueño del Eating House Miami, y al músico, escritor y padre Jorge Narvaez, entre otros, para congregar a los hispanos en un "rally" en el YMCA de Miami y alentarlos a que vivan fuertes este año con leche. Los defensores de la leche compartirán sus historias sobre cómo la leche, con sus 9 nutrientes esenciales entre los que se incluye proteína de alta calidad, ayuda a brindarles la fuerza que ellos necesitan para llevar a cabo sus actividades diarias, ¡y TÚ puedes ser el próximo embajador de la fuerza! Experimente aquí el comunicado de prensa multimedia:
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 3652 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m21s | Views: 906 | Comments: 1
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To coincide with the upcoming 50th anniversary of the Selma March (March 7–25, 1965), the Ad Council is leading an unprecedented group of historic brands to launch a new series of public service advertisements (PSAs) on behalf of their Love Has No Labels campaign. First announced in February, the digital–first campaign is designed to further understanding and acceptance of all communities regardless of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age and ability. The new television and online video PSAs encourage audiences to examine and challenge their own implicit bias. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3653 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m19s | Views: 864 | Comments: 0



Live Looping with an RC- 300, GR-20, Digitech Jamman, phase shifter, ambient reverb, tera echo, and a Boss Digital Delay. The RC - 300 is used to loop guitar all on separate loops/tracks, the pedals are used to create ambient and delayed sounds with the guitar. Video by HouseTwelve Media (
Tags // the  art  saving  falcons  live  looping 
Categories // Howto and DIY 
Added: 3653 days ago by serde222
Runtime: 4m57s | Views: 926 | Comments: 2
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WebMD Health Corp. (NASDAQ:WBMD), the leading source of health information, today announced the premiere of WebMD’s Future of Health with Robin Roberts, developed in collaboration with Good Morning America co-anchor Robin Roberts and her independent production company, Rock’n Robin Productions. Each Future of Health episode presents stories about cutting-edge medical breakthroughs, inspiring individuals working to improve people’s lives, and the people that are benefiting from their efforts. The five-part digital video series and related programming, which include feature stories, slideshows, quizzes and a host of video extras, are available at To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 3654 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m51s | Views: 1000 | Comments: 3
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