Corporates today are on the lookout of new and novel ways to use their CSR funds effectively. A genuine step towards improving the quality of education in urban and especially rural areas would definitely interest them. And to make this possible, STEM Learning Pvt Ltd has launched Mini Science Centres (MSC) to promote experiential learning. STEM Learning is a pioneer in installing Mini Science Centres at schools in India. So far, they have installed over 40 Mega Science Centres and 250+ Mini Science Centres in Maharashtra, Gujarat, Chhattisgarh, Goa, Karnataka and Rajasthan. Their aim is to reach one million students from rural as well as urban areas of the country.
The Mini Science Project is an innovative concept developed by STEM Learning and consists of 60+ table-top models that are designed as per the syllabus of SSC, CBSC and ICSE Boards. These models come with a two-year warranty and maintenance. STEM learning also provides training to teachers to improve the effectiveness of these models in English and other vernacular languages.
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The First Graduation Ceremony of Nazarbayev University (NU) took place on June 15, 2015. The President of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev addressed the Class of 2015.
Nazarbayev University, created on the initiative of the President of Kazakhstan in 2010, is fast becoming a leading research university in Kazakhstan and the region. The first cohort of graduating students consists of 446 undergraduate and graduate students. Of the 365 bachelor degree holders, 115 have been accepted to Masters and PhD programs in leading universities of the world, some 90 graduates plan to continue their studies at Nazarbayev University; more than 80 received job offers from leading national and international companies, and another 50 are interviewing with prospective employers.
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The IV Eurasian Higher Education Leaders Forum (EHELF) took place at Nazarbayev University, Astana, Kazakhstan, June 10-12. Each year, more than 300 attendees, industry leaders, from different parts of the world participate in discussions and panel sessions at EHELF.
The theme of this year’s Forum was “Graduate Employability in the 21st Century: key competencies and modern labor market.” “Nazarbayev University took the initiative and created EHELF, a platform for discussing pressing issues in higher education in Kazakhstan as well as globally. Our Steering Committee researches and chooses the most relevant topics for the Forum each year. The topic of EHELF-2015, employability of graduates, employment and labor market, is relevant for us,” - says Shigeo Katsu, the President of Nazarbayev University. “Nazarbayev University is a unique university established in partnerships with some of the world’s best universities. And this year, we are graduating our first cohort of 446 undergraduate and graduate students. And, as the majority of our students will hit the job market, it is very important for us to understand whether our students meet the demands of industry and business, and how we should reflect these demands in our programs” – concluded Katsu.
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The winners of the Natural Light - International Design Competition have now been chosen from the 172 impressive Natural Light Lamp designs submitted from 65 countries around the world. The winners are two very talented Argentinian Industrial Design students, Ms. Mariana Arando and Mr. Luca Fondello, both from the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. The production phase of the winning design for the Natural Light Lamp will begin shortly, followed next year by shipment of the lamps to three African countries without access to electricity.
Last year, the VELUX Group and Little Sun joined forces to launch the Natural Light – International Design Competition, which challenged design students around the world to create a design for a solar lamp which would help to bring clean, reliable, affordable light to some of the 1.2 billion people worldwide living without electricity. Now the jury has voted and decided on the winning solar lamp design by two Industrial Design students from the University of Buenos Aires in Argentina.
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The winners of the Natural Light - International Design Competition have now been chosen from the 172 impressive Natural Light Lamp designs submitted from 65 countries around the world. The winners are two very talented Argentinian Industrial Design students, Ms. Mariana Arando and Mr. Luca Fondello, both from the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. The production phase of the winning design for the Natural Light Lamp will begin shortly, followed next year by shipment of the lamps to three African countries without access to electricity.
Last year, the VELUX Group and Little Sun joined forces to launch the Natural Light – International Design Competition, which challenged design students around the world to create a design for a solar lamp which would help to bring clean, reliable, affordable light to some of the 1.2 billion people worldwide living without electricity. Now the jury has voted and decided on the winning solar lamp design by two Industrial Design students from the University of Buenos Aires in Argentina.
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Six Flags New England today launched the first hybrid coaster to hit the East Coast – the Wicked Cyclone. The Coaster Capital of New England is proud to bring the latest in ride technology and innovation to Massachusetts. The Wicked Cyclone offers the ultimate in thrills and adrenaline by combining the extreme characteristics of both steel and wood. Meteorology students from Western Connecticut State University and celebrity storm chaser Reed Timmer from Discovery Channel’s “Storm Chasers” are among the inaugural riders.
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New data from a school asthma management program, “Building Bridges for Asthma Care,” presented today at the American Thoracic Society 2015 International Conference, show a significant decrease in school absenteeism among children with asthma from inner-city schools who were enrolled in the program. Absences dropped 11.75 percent among children enrolled in Building Bridges, compared to an increase of 8.48 percent in children with asthma not in the program.
“Building Bridges for Asthma Care” is a school-based program designed to empower nurses in participating elementary schools to ensure that asthmatic children are identified and provided care according to the National Institute of Health’s clinical treatment guidelines. The objectives of the program are addressing the risk of health disparities and asthma-related absenteeism, as well as its related impact on academic achievement for inner city students.
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After years of analyzing attempted abductions, the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children® has identified the tricks used by abductors, and the most successful escape strategies for children. NCMEC and Honeywell (NYSE:HON) are working together to deliver this insight nationwide through KidSmartz™, the premier abduction prevention program that equips teachers and parents with tools to help protect children.
A key component of the program is the KidSmartz “Safety Dance” Video Contest. From January through March, elementary schools were asked to submit videos of their students dancing to the new KidSmartz “Safety Dance,” a reimagining of a popular 1980’s song with new lyrics designed to give kids the knowledge and confidence to avoid abduction.
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The RCS Engineers Rocketry Team from Russellville, Ala., beat out 100 competitors to claim first place at the National Finals of the 2015 Team America Rocketry Challenge (TARC). After months of rocketry design, test flights and qualification launches, hundreds of students from across the country traveled to Great Meadow in the Plains, Va., to vie for the title of champion of the largest rocketry competition in the world.
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Enrollment is open for online summer school at International Connections Academy (iNaCA), the accredited virtual private school serving students in grades K-12 in the United States and across the globe. Families are invited to attend an information session to learn more about the benefits of the program.
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Contests may come and go, but there’s one that has stood the test of time thanks to some real “sticking” power...the Duck® brand Stuck at Prom® Scholarship Contest. Since its inception in 2001, the challenge, which tasks students to create unique prom attire from Duck Tape®, has attracted more than 6,000 students from across the United States and Canada and has awarded $300,000 in scholarship money to students and schools.
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One in four children has an undetected vision problem, and ten million American students have vision conditions that can impact learning. An annual comprehensive eye exam can ensure that correctable visual problems don’t become permanent. What if your vision insurance helped more people see? VSP® Vision Care, the largest not-for-profit vision benefits and services company in the U.S., is doing just that by launching #EyeGiveBack. Now through June 30, 2015, when a VSP Direct™ individual vision insurance plan is purchased through, VSP will donate an eye exam and glasses to a child in need – up to a retail value of $1 million. Learn more at