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Search // creation
Results 85-89 of 89 for ' creation ' (0 seconds)
Do you remember Pickle? So-U.TV filmed him a couple of month ago after his rescue. He was in a dreadful state. Check for yourself: Our team went back to see him and what a transformation. Watch this fantastic before and after transformation at
Tags // para  site  art  space  parasite  hong  kong  art  graffiti  modern  art  contemporary  art  creation  creative  space  sheung  wan  art  g 
Categories // Pets and Animals 
Added: 6111 days ago by soutv
Runtime: 3m20s | Views: 8354 | Comments: 1



Have you ever heard of Para/site? No, we are not talking about lices, fleas or other nasty bug but about one of Hong Kong\\\'s most progressive contemporary art gallery. The So-U.TV team met up with Tobias Berger, the curator. Watch this latest episode of Creative Spaces at
Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle 
Added: 6112 days ago by soutv
Runtime: 4m14s | Views: 9267 | Comments: 1



Embassy is one of the most interesting of new galleries to open in Hong Kong. It is a incubator for new and emerging artists. Meet the founder, Gary Kramer and take a close look at this fascinating new creative space. Take a tour with us at
Categories // Event and Party 
Added: 6132 days ago by soutv
Runtime: 4m35s | Views: 11035 | Comments: 2



Visit for more New Age Videos, Articles and Discussion on Meditation, Yoga, Astrology, Accupuncture, Qi-Gong. Sound is a powerful, primitive force. For Centuries, healers have intuitively used the therepeautic powers of sound. In the native traditions of ancient cultures, examples of sound and vibration--as elemental in creation and to wholeness--abound. Many tools have been used since the beginning of time to create music, and to aid healing: planetary gongs and Tibetan bowls, didgeridoos, rattles and drums. Today, a growing number of modern practitioners are rediscovering sound as a tool for healing and realignment. More modern sound therapy tools are--tuning forks, chimes, resonator plates, sound discs, and sound tables. All play an important role in healing. Sound is that which is produced when some object is vibrating in a random or periodic repeated motion.
Added: 6151 days ago by ninjaking
Runtime: 2m5s | Views: 9739 | Comments: 1



Osage Gallery is one of Hong Kong's most respected art gallery. With locations on Hong Kong Island and Kwun Tong they provide a generous breadth of experience. The space in Kwun Tong, located in a revitalised industrial area, alternates between Art Foundation, not for profit exhibitions, and installations of spectacular commercial artists. The dramatic space is unique to Hong Kong that is used to precious little space. This enourmous warehouse style gallery has 14 foot tall ceilings and one wall that stretches 128 uninterrupted feet. Osage Gallery combines their installations with guest speaker and other educational activities to provide experienced and new art enthusiasts a well rounded and rich experience. For more information visit English with Chinese subtitles.
Categories // Event and Party 
Added: 6162 days ago by soutv
Runtime: 2m8s | Views: 8777 | Comments: 1



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