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Results 73-84 of 921 for ' them ' (0 seconds) MRE meals are what you want to have on hand in case an emergency strikes. You never know what is going to happen and you want to be prepared for anything that could go wrong. I wanted them because I live in an area that has lots of earthquakes and I don't want to be put into a bad situation if the big one finally strikes and the stores are all out of food. Being prepared is better than not being prepared and with the affordable price of the MREs, you just can't go wrong. Connect with MRE Giant: Web: Facebook: Twitter:
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Added: 2756 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 0m36s | Views: 656 | Comments: 1
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For those who enjoy an icy cup of cold brew coffee, the new KitchenAid Cold Brew Coffee Maker is the perfect gift to get them brewing at home. The thoughtful and streamlined design allows for easy home brewing in three simple steps: grind, brew and pour. The model’s no heat brewing method steeps coarsely ground coffee in cold water for 12-24 hours, resulting in a smooth and balanced flavor that can be enjoyed all day. Capable of making up to 28 ounces of concentrate at once (or approximately 14 average single servings), the resulting brew is best enjoyed by combining 2 ounces of coffee concentrate with ice and the option of milk and sweeteners. Designed with a modern glass brew jar and sleek stainless steel tap, the cold brew coffee maker serves as a stylish addition to any kitchen countertop, while the compact footprint provides an ideal fit for a refrigerator shelf or door for easy dispensing straight from the refrigerator. A reusable stainless steel steeper allows for custom beverage brewing, aided by a fill guideline that takes the guesswork out of the process. The easy to clean glass and stainless components help to preserve taste in combination with a fitted lid that ensures freshness of the coffee concentrate. The KitchenAid® Cold Brew Coffee Maker is available now in stainless steel at a suggested retail price of $129.99. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2758 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m48s | Views: 743 | Comments: 1
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Well here's the scoop on this poop ...... My Windows crashed on my main PC and I had lost all of my studio programs a few months back ..... I was focused on creating more pop orientated songs such as what I've been doing for 2017 but all of my vocal songs are still missing vital audio pluggins to continue on with them ..... I've now upgraded from FL 7 to FL 10 and I've got my studio program back but I'll need to work with it more to create new vocal material .... In the meantime, I'm composing new Electronic music with my FL 10 and I have a couple of monster size Electronic tunes created from my FL 7 but I'm still shying away from making videos for them and uploading them to here ...... So what I have here is a project that I was working on with my 7 version but it's also lacking the pluggins for me to go the full route with it ...... What inspired me to do this was after watching Youtube videos of rock songs being spliced together, most likely by university students with an engineering degree and I figured that I could probably do a better job with my old school methods ..... perseverance and a good hammer and nail ..... What I'd like to add to this description was that 4 months back, I had made this comment to a fellow MUSICIAN ??? ...... Youtuber who had just put together a mashup that took him a whole 5 hours to create ...... "A world's record from what I've seen around here" ...... My comment to him pretty much describes what I have here ..... "This sound's awesome bro ..... I'm involved in a similar project right now but with me it's always months of work ..... I'm doing the impossible right now of mashing up classic rock tunes with me accompanying them ..... I started off with Space Truckin .... The problem with this work is that they're not Electronic tunes and so they have no digital BPM .... I have to take my best guess as bands often speed up or slow down .... I added Smoke On The Water by speeding up the track and raising the pitch up 2 steps and then Strange Kind Of Woman which is in 3/4 timing and then Lazy over Space Trucking to Daft Punk's Robot Rock to Chicago's version of I'm A man to Alvin Lee's Going Home to Van Halen's I'm The One to the Stones Around and Around to Sympathy For The Devil mixed in with April Wine's Could Have Been A lady and now I'm gonna try to work in Aerosmith's guitar riff to Walk This Way to Could Have Been A lady ..... Boy ..... and people wonder why it takes me so long to upload a new song." ....... and his reply back was ...... "LOLOLOL Well with Projects like that, ... Do they know what you do??? ...and why put so much pressure on yourself... or is that just what you do? You're obviously talented, why don't you just simply make originals or covers? Oh, and Thank you!!! :-)" ......... ??? ...... Well "LOLOLOL dee DOH" on me ........ What the Hell is wrong with me anyway? ........ Spend over a day to create something special when all I need to do is to pick up my acoustic guitar and sing you all a song through my cell phone and come back to you tomorrow and the next day and then every day afterwards? ....... We'll that may be the Youtube way but it's not my way to all of you Frank Sanatra wannabies ........ You want to make something great? ..... you gotta work at it and spend more time composing than uploading ....... YEAH !!!!! ......... and you gotta wait for me when I feel it's time to sing because I'm the FAT LADY here and the fat lady want's to shine like a pair of dancing shoes and leave some kind of memorable musical poop stain on this planet before making her grand exit ...... Mr. POOPY LOLOLOL 5 hour PANTS !!!!!!
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Added: 2766 days ago by Herfortz
Runtime: 7m46s | Views: 1045 | Comments: 6
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Today, HHS’ Administration for Children and Families (ACF), along with the National Responsible Fatherhood Clearinghouse, has launched a new series of public service advertisements (PSAs) recognizing the critical role fathers play in the lives of their children. The public service campaign created by the non-profit Ad Council coincides with Tell a Joke Day and centers on the popularity and growing trend of telling “Dad” jokes. Through sharing dad jokes, the PSAs aim to communicate to fathers that the smallest moments spent with their children can make the biggest difference in their children’s lives. The ads direct fathers to where users will find helpful tips, tools, information and jokes to help them get more involved with their kids. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2766 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m0s | Views: 773 | Comments: 1
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“A broad river is in waves, the rice flowers are sweet smelling over the banks…” On August 1, Chinese Army Day, an eye-catching ‘Flash Mob’ took place at Ginza Square, Tokyo, three Chinese young men, with deep affection, performing a ‘Red Song’ My Motherland, one of the classic songs written in praise of the Communist Party of China. As they said, to fulfill their shared promise made five years ago, these three youngsters travelled a long distance from Nanchang, ‘the City of Heroes’ of China, gathering in Japan to express their patriotism and affection for their home country in the form of singing red song chorus. Accompanying their singing was an official promo of Nanchang displayed on the huge screen at the back of them. As images of Nanchang’s unique landmarks like the Monument of Nanchang Uprising, Tengwang Pavilion and the Twin Tower flittered one by one, their melody brought passersby, especially overseas Chinese back to that heroic city which, 90 years ago, once gave birth to the first authentic people’ army led by the Communist Party of China. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2774 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 4m8s | Views: 841 | Comments: 2
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Mouse was found hiding in the shadows. From the looks of him it was clear most of his 10 years had been very hard, but under the dirt and matted fur was a huge heart ready to give love. Thankfully, after a grooming Mouse quickly found his forever family, and was named America’s top shelter dog makeover in the 2016 Dirty Dogs Contest. His story stands as proof that a good bath can transform a dog’s life in more ways than one. The sad truth, however, is that less than half of the three million dogs entering shelters each year are getting the necessary grooming they need. That’s why Wahl has teamed up with to donate funds and grooming supplies to shelters nationwide. The goal: Transform more than 20,000 dogs this year to get them ready for adoption. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2775 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m22s | Views: 796 | Comments: 2
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The amazing table olives have been the favorites of the towns that surround the Mediterranean Sea for more than 2,000 years. It is also the sea that unites three continents, Europe, Asia and Africa, which has made it possible for a tradition like the Mediterranean Diet to continue today. Everything that surrounds table olives of Spain, world leader in production and quality, is amazing. It is their way of picking the fruits of the olive grove, with great care not to damage them and that it reaches the consumer round and shiny. It is also the huge range of varieties throughout the Spanish olive grove, the largest in the world. Amazing for its diversity of presentations, whole, boned, sliced or being stuffed in over 140 different ways. It is finally possible to enjoy the best of the Mediterranean pantry in the US by merely approaching your usual point of sale and choosing between the Queen, Manzanilla or Hojiblanca to take home the essence of a gastronomy that continues to seduce foodies around the world in the same way that it convinces the experts of nutrition. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2779 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m42s | Views: 779 | Comments: 1
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Future cars are Electric - Renault ZOE is one of them I love the future and electric cars..
Added: 2807 days ago by gogreen
Runtime: 2m42s | Views: 773 | Comments: 3
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Millions of children in the United States don’t have health coverage. As a result, it may be difficult or impossible for them to get the routine preventive care that keeps them healthy or access to the care they need if they get sick or injured. But, the majority of the nation’s uninsured children are eligible for free or low-cost health coverage through their state Medicaid or Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). They can apply for the comprehensive benefits these programs provide at any time, and now the enrollment process is faster. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2808 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m37s | Views: 779 | Comments: 1
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Jockey International, Inc. (Jockey), a 140-year-old brand recognized around the world for its premium underwear and apparel, today announced an addition to its inspiring brand campaign “Show ’Em What’s Underneath, Show ’Em Your Jockey.” The newest hero to be featured is former Navy SEAL and actor, Remi Adeleke, who shows people that with resilience, you can accomplish anything. The #ShowEm campaign introduces Remi proudly wearing Jockey in a personal, intimate video and series of portraits illustrating what’s underneath, both literally and figuratively. #ShowEm honors everyday heroes who embody the spirit and values of Jockey and the characteristics that make them unique, including resilience, perseverance, courage, family and hope. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2829 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m34s | Views: 784 | Comments: 1
Not yet rated Official Website : Try one of the most interesting Never Have I ever questions with your friends and discover the truth in the cool way! Download Never Have I Ever, a popular party drinking or family get together game of all time. Perfect for the ones searching for I’ve never games. We have the new HOT, CRAZY, FUNNY and FRESH questions. You’ll adored them!
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Added: 2829 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 0m41s | Views: 797 | Comments: 1
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Blink Health, America’s leading prescription drug savings platform, today launched a program to help #TreatType2 diabetes by committing to give away $10 million worth of medication to patients with type-2 diabetes. People living with diabetes who create an account on Blink Health’s website or free mobile app, starting today, will receive a free, one-year supply of the three most commonly prescribed generic medications for type-2 diabetes: metformin, glipizide and pioglitazone. The program will also cover these three medications for existing Blink Health patients who use them. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 2836 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m15s | Views: 555 | Comments: 0
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