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Belfast is set to mark the 100th anniversary of the launch of one of the city’s most famous creations – RMS Titanic. On May 31st 1911, Titanic was launched into Belfast Lough by Harland & Wolff – then the largest shipyard in the world. It took three years to build and just 62 seconds to complete the launch. To mark the occasion, there will be a special slipway event attended by the Lord Mayor of Belfast, dignitaries of Cherbourg and Titanic societies to reflect Belfast’s maritime heritage. There will also be a flare set-off to mark the moment exactly 100 years ago when the Titanic was launched. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Event and Party  People and Blog 
Added: 5014 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m44s | Views: 5859 | Comments: 0
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AXE Shower and COMEDY CENTRAL Digital have teamed up to develop the AXE Dirtcathlon – a four-part Web series pitting coed teams against one another other in crazy challenges designed to get them as messy as possible within 90 seconds. The series, hosted by actor/comedian Rob Riggle, will launch today on The AXE Dirtcathlon will be showcased on COMEDY CENTRAL’s website and will also be featured on,,, and other Viacom-owned properties. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Funny  Comedy  People and Blog 
Added: 5042 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m34s | Views: 7176 | Comments: 1
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Every 26 seconds in America, a student drops out of high school. State Farm today announced the launch of a campaign to address this startling statistic and engage those who can most directly affect change – young people themselves. The campaign titled “26 Seconds,” will use interests – like music, sports and video – to engage youth. It will provide an online venue for youth to express feelings on the issue and creatively share thoughts and talents – encouraging them and their peers to make graduation a priority so they become more than a statistic. The program’s tagline “BMOR” underscores this call to action. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5082 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 2m33s | Views: 8342 | Comments: 0
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Six Flags Magic Mountain, in partnership with Warner Bros. Consumer Products and DC Entertainment, today launched their next generation of thrills with the debut of the new ride experience, SUPERMAN: Escape from Krypton. Taking the record-breaking 100-mph-in-seven-seconds feature and elevating it to the next level of extreme by reversing the direction of the vehicles and sending riders shooting backwards up 41-stories into the sky, SUPERMAN: Escape from Krypton leaves riders hanging for several seconds of weightlessness before they plummet back to earth … face first! To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 5089 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 9m7s | Views: 6255 | Comments: 1
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Affinia Dumont, a fitness hotel in New York City’s Murray Hill neighborhood, is encouraging guests to get their blood flowing with a push up challenge to bring down their rate. With the Push Up, Push Down challenge, at check-in guests have 30 seconds to perform as many push ups as possible (up to 40) and push down the rate on their first night’s stay. Each push up is worth one dollar, so guests can save up to $40. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Event and Party  Business 
Added: 5096 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m1s | Views: 8818 | Comments: 3
Not yet rated To perform optimally,Creatine Ultimate. The body offers the power required in scenarios requiring immediate, high-intensity actions as in exercise, in the form of ATP, or adenosine triphosphate. Because the physique has merely a limited provide of ATP, usually to last only a few seconds of extreme exercise, ATP is constantly produced to supply power so as for that muscle tissues to function. The burst of power is created by the breakdown of ATP when one phosphate group is launched, which packs substantial metabolic energy. The body makes use of creatine phosphate to rapidly replenish ATP.
Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle 
Added: 5241 days ago by frankwyatt77
Runtime: 0m44s | Views: 4958 | Comments: 0
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SpeechTrans TM is a Speech to Speech translator with bi-directional speech recognition and translation, there is no limit to what you can say. Never be at a loss for words on your next trip abroad. With voice recognition provided by Nuance, the best in its class, you will be amazed at how easy it is to speak new languages within seconds! No need to spend countless hours on Rossetta stone when you have SpeechTrans TM and can speak instantly, clearly and accurately.
Added: 5248 days ago by paul_anderson
Runtime: 1m53s | Views: 5215 | Comments: 0



Jameson is once again calling all wannabe Steven Spielbergs to enter the annual amateur filmmaker competition Done in 60 Seconds, which forms a cornerstone of the star-studded Jameson Empire Awards ceremony, taking place in London in March 2011. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 5259 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m35s | Views: 6356 | Comments: 1
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How To Improve Your Home Security - By Jason Harris It has been reported that a burglary now happens every 15 seconds. As such, the chances of your own home actually being at risk from a break in are greatly increased, and it does not matter where you live. However, when people think of a break in, they think of someone gaining entry in to their home through breaking some glass or smashing down doors. Yet there are certain things which could actually extend an invitation to those unwanted intruders to make an attempt at getting into your home. There are many places which are vulnerable to attack from an intruder to your home, and therefore you must set up a routine which will then provide them with less opportunities of attempting to break in. Below, we look at what are considered to be some of the weak areas in your home security routine which could help to prevent any kind of break in from occurring.
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 5433 days ago by InternetCoachFrance
Runtime: 3m14s | Views: 6147 | Comments: 0
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M@Xoood khan® The Excellent Designer™
Categories // Music  Miscellaneous  Street 
Added: 5646 days ago by Maxoood
Runtime: 0m57s | Views: 12809 | Comments: 2



The Israeli Experience See what it's like to meet a missile up close 15 Seconds to Outrun a Hamas Missile
Tags // hamas  missile  gaza  southern  israel  rocket  qassam  kassam 
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5697 days ago by scinova
Runtime: 1m51s | Views: 9547 | Comments: 0
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This is a video of the paladin Spherica using two immunity shields during a single fight, within 15 seconds of each other. I believe this takes advantage of the Forbearance ability, which seems not to buff when Divine shield is used. THe video starts with Spherica using Divine SHield (You can see the Immune hits, and the icon under the name for two seconds) and then the other paladin shield within 15 seconds of Divine Shield.
Tags // pally 
Categories // Games 
Added: 5711 days ago by Devilsheagle
Runtime: 0m44s | Views: 4082 | Comments: 1



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