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Search // goals
Results 73-84 of 98 for ' goals ' (0 seconds)
In Ellen Hopkins’s Perfect, the riveting companion to Impulse, four teens pursue their goals of perfection which are as different as the paths they take to get there. Everyone wants to be perfect. But what does that really mean? Only you can decide for you, what is perfect. Learn more about this book here, and here, and its author here, YA
Categories // Miscellaneous  Business 
Added: 4923 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 0m32s | Views: 5625 | Comments: 1
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Tomorrow is International Youth Day. In a year when youth unemployment in the United States has hit a record high at 24%, and globally at 45%, poor youth graduating from Children International’s Youth Program state they are more educated and possess job skills needed to get a job and have a better future. In a report released by the Kansas City-based humanitarian organization, the over 12,000 youth graduating from Children International’s Youth Program also report participation in the organization’s program is vital to their success in school, ability to remain healthy and motivation to reach their goals. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 4954 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m9s | Views: 8006 | Comments: 0
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The season’s picnics and back-yard barbecues can make it hard to eat right, but a healthy summer lifestyle doesn’t have to mean nibbling on bland fare. With strategic substitutions and smart snacking tips, you can still enjoy a helping of potato salad or a few campfire s’mores without compromising your nutritional goals. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog  Howto and DIY 
Added: 4979 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m29s | Views: 5997 | Comments: 1
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In celebration of Earth Month 2011, Contiki Holidays, the world's leading youth travel company, is excited to announce its partnership with environmentalist, adventurer and world explorer, Céline Cousteau. Céline is the granddaughter of world renowned Jacques Cousteau and the daughter of ocean explorer and filmmaker, Jean-Michel Cousteau. Contiki Holidays has joined with Cousteau to help further educate its travellers and staff about environmental issues, particularly those affecting marine ecosystems. United through common goals of sustainable conservation and ocean advocacy, Contiki will work with Céline's guidance to continue building upon the achievements of its current Conservation Foundation projects. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 5062 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m1s | Views: 6252 | Comments: 0
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April is National Financial Literacy Month, and it couldn’t have come at a better time. Between rapidly increasing prices in gas and food along with sluggish economic growth, consumers are feeling more pinched each week. In fact, according to a recent survey by Career Builder, 77 percent of American consumers are living paycheck to paycheck. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 5088 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m37s | Views: 5953 | Comments: 2
Not yet rated As you may know, my name is Greg Artz and this begins our journey to learning Internet Marketing Strategies that will help you surge forward in developing your online business and help you achieve your goals and dreams. But before we can begin, I want to share a little history with you about internet marketing. Today\'s economy has been quite the shaky one and more and more people have been looking to find other sources of income. There aren\'t a lot of choices for most of us and that is one of the reasons many people are turning to internet marketing. Internet Marketing Will Open Previously Closed Doors Not only people, but even large and small corporations have also been turning to internet marketing. This is because it becomes very easy and inexpensive for them to maintain a relationship with their client base. They can easily advertise their business to places all over the world and create sales that just would have been non-existent otherwise. Internet marketing has helped to create tons of self made millionaires because of it\'s flexibility to work with as many different companies, in as many different niches as you wish. You have the ability to share your knowledge with the world and make tons of money doing it. Internet marketing gives you the power to be your own boss and set your own schedule. Some of us just don\'t do well under the raps of working for someone else. This is the way I have always been. I like being independent and that\'s why I personally love internet marketing so much.
Categories // Howto and DIY 
Added: 5119 days ago by gartz5846
Runtime: 4m47s | Views: 5214 | Comments: 2
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Genworth Financial, Inc. (NYSE: GNW). Keeping their word. This is the number one reason Americans aim to keep a promise, according to the recent Genworth Promises Survey. The survey, designed to uncover why and to whom people make and keep promises, also revealed that people are highly motivated by family priorities. Sixty percent of U.S. adults reported they keep promises to satisfy a loved one, and 59 percent to show they care. When it came to delivering on their promises, more than half of those who have ever made a promise, 65 percent, gave themselves an “A” in keeping promises. The Genworth Promises Survey, which was conducted online by Harris Interactive® among 2,235 U.S. adults aged 18+ on behalf of Genworth Financial was released today. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5131 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 4m46s | Views: 6997 | Comments: 0
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As the New Year kicks off, keeping up with New Year’s resolutions to eat right is top of mind for many. According to a 2009 consumer survey, two out of the top three most popular New Year’s resolutions involve developing better living and eating habits, yet many fail to keep their resolutions past the first month. To help women keep their goals for improved eating habits, Tyson Foods and registered dietitian Tara Miller have teamed up to give women smart living tips using lean, recipe-ready ingredients, like Tyson® Grilled & Ready™ chicken. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5157 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 1m0s | Views: 7187 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated - Colocation America offers clients customized SEO Hosting plans to maximize their business goals. Our SEO hosting options allow you to host multiple domains on your server, each with a dedicated IP address. Benefits include a huge boost to your rankings and faster loading speeds.
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 5192 days ago by colocation
Runtime: 0m51s | Views: 8955 | Comments: 0
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Johnson & Johnson today announced the launch of Every Mother, Every Child, a comprehensive, five-year, private-sector effort to improve the health of women and children in developing countries. The initiative supports the United Nations’ April 2010 call for a renewed effort to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) of reducing mortality in women and children by 2015. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle  Business 
Added: 5287 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 5m11s | Views: 5255 | Comments: 2
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Johnson & Johnson today announced the launch of Every Mother, Every Child, a comprehensive, five-year, private-sector effort to improve the health of women and children in developing countries. The initiative supports the United Nations’ April 2010 call for a renewed effort to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) of reducing mortality in women and children by 2015. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 5287 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 5m12s | Views: 8941 | Comments: 1
Not yet rated Colocation America’s New Jersey location is a premier facility which offers technologically advanced dedicated servers, internet bandwidth, dynamic IPs and data storage options. Our SEO hosting plans can be customized to help you reach your marketing goals. Keeping our promise of 100% uptime year in and year out, your business is sure to thrive! Whether you prefer a Windows or Linux operating system, we’ve got you covered and supported by a team of professionals.
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 5293 days ago by colocation
Runtime: 0m52s | Views: 7396 | Comments: 1
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