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Search // era
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Michael Jackson Memorial Tribute (1958-2009). Michael Joseph Jackson (August 29, 1958 June 25, 2009) was an American recording artist, entertainer, and businessman. The seventh child of the Jackson family, he debuted on the professional music scene at the age of 11 as a member of The Jackson 5 and began a solo career in 1971 while still a member of the group. Referred to as the "King of Pop" in subsequent years, five of his solo studio albums are among the world's best-selling records: Off the Wall (1979), Thriller (1982), Bad (1987), Dangerous (1991) and HIStory (1995). In the early 1980s, he became a dominant figure in popular music and the first African-American entertainer to amass a strong crossover following on MTV. The popularity of his music videos airing on MTV, such as "Beat It", "Billie Jean" and Thriller�credited for transforming the music video into an art form and a promotional tool�helped bring the relatively new channel to fame. Videos such as "Black or White" and "Scream" made Jackson an enduring staple on MTV in the 1990s. With stage performances and music videos, Jackson popularized a number of physically complicated dance techniques, such as the robot and the moonwalk. His distinctive musical sound and vocal style influenced many hip hop, pop and contemporary R&B artists. One of the few artists to have been inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame twice, his other achievements include multiple Guinness World Records�including one for "Most Successful Entertainer of All Time"�13 Grammy Awards, 13 number one singles in his solo career�more than any other male artist in the Hot 100 era�and the sales of over 750 million albums worldwide. Cited as one of the world's most famous men, Jackson's highly publicized personal life, coupled with his successful career, made him a part of popular culture for almost four decades. On the morning of June 25, 2009, Jackson reportedly collapsed at a home he was renting in west Los Angeles. Los Angeles Fire Department paramedics responded to a 911 call at 12:21 pm local (Pacific) time and arrived at 12:30 pm. Jackson was reportedly not breathing and CPR was quickly performed. He fell into a coma and died shortly after being rushed to UCLA Medical Center. The cause of death is reported to be cardiac arrest. Jackson was pronounced dead at about 2:26 pm local time.
Tags // michael  jackson  memorial  tribute  king  of  pop 
Categories // Music 
Added: 5740 days ago by michaelj
Runtime: 3m53s | Views: 9897 | Comments: 1



Mister K.I.D. Lyrics: High Noon HOOK: Just when you thought it was safe to play outside, here comes the new kid on his big red bike poppin wheelies ackin all silly, billy, i think this kid's lookin for a fight (wild wild west)and the noon is high Verse1: Please for the sake of safety remember the alias I am the epitomy of what you think that crazy is while you're the equivalent of pussy a mercedes gets 20 on it, call me on it, on this table(place your bets) I am not an arguer so you should probably save your breath you are gonna need it when you're runnin like a lazy pet see, i told you that next time you'll listen but there's not a next imagine that no one takes the minutes to find out that i am a cool cat (i second that opinion)hey,jay(what)(shut up your ass) they will never get it so i force it like abortion on a poor kid who's family just knows they can't afford it to live in this society with rovers and porches their pinto's on 10s, wheels hot as 10 torches to some it's a sin, to some it's life choices truth is(dum dum) keep your minds open (open up wide) and listen to the veteran life is shorter than my attention when I'm in netherlands blowing hella dough on hella weed and hella hashish man i feel like this is a holloween party for candy man (i see dead people) I see, i see dead people it's always a big honor when i talk to real people instead of haters, fakers, occassional pansy ass today marks a brand new era, my people raise up your glass in the air(air) taste it like the bread at mass I'm a lighter give a fuck who is a match they on fire as soon as i get a chance firefighters are like...'nope, i ain't touchin that' i approach ever future like, what's a past? if you ain't learn from your mistakes? (here's a common task) take a rake scrape it across your face and you'll know what it's like for hell's gates to slam on your ass Hook)/
Categories // Music 
Added: 5749 days ago by m2team
Runtime: 5m34s | Views: 11772 | Comments: 1



Am optat sa impresariez si eu acest artist pentru polivalenta sa, dar mai ales pentru inestimabila sa valoare componistica si interpretativa, ne-a declarat Eugen Ungureanu, prezentandu-ne in continuare cateva date biografice ale lui Marius Dragomir: s-a nascut la Brasov pe 19 aprilie 1969 in Zodia Berbecului. Incepe activitatea artistica de cand era copil, iar Festivalul Lira de Aur, avea sa ii aduca primul premiu, cu Balada lui Ciprian Porumbescu interpretata la vioara. Parintii l-au sustinut, si pe parcursul timpului Marius Gelu Dragomir, cu ambitia si talentul pe care i le daduse Dumnezeu, reuseste ca in toamna anului 1989 la Festivalul National de interpretare si creatie Mamaia, sa obtina locul intai !
Categories // Music  People and Blog 
Added: 5828 days ago by dragomir
Runtime: 3m19s | Views: 8284 | Comments: 0



Am optat sa impresariez si eu acest artist pentru polivalenta sa, dar mai ales pentru inestimabila sa valoare componistica si interpretativa, ne-a declarat Eugen Ungureanu, prezentandu-ne in continuare cateva date biografice ale lui Marius Dragomir: s-a nascut la Brasov pe 19 aprilie 1969 in Zodia Berbecului. Incepe activitatea artistica de cand era copil, iar Festivalul Lira de Aur, avea sa ii aduca primul premiu, cu Balada lui Ciprian Porumbescu interpretata la vioara. Parintii l-au sustinut, si pe parcursul timpului Marius Gelu Dragomir, cu ambitia si talentul pe care i le daduse Dumnezeu, reuseste ca in toamna anului 1989 la Festivalul National de interpretare si creatie Mamaia, sa obtina locul intai !
Categories // Music  People and Blog 
Added: 5829 days ago by dragomir
Runtime: 3m32s | Views: 7813 | Comments: 0



www.thespiritconnect for more videos, audio on Astrology, Palmistry, Numerology, Tarot. Astrology is a group of systems, traditions, and beliefs in which knowledge of the apparent relative positions of celestial bodies and related details is held to be useful in understanding, interpreting, and organizing information about personality, human affairs, and other terrestrial matters. A practitioner of astrology is called an astrologer, or, rarely, an astrologist. Numerous traditions and applications employing astrological concepts have arisen since its earliest recorded beginnings in the 3rd millennium BC.[1][2] It has played a role in the shaping of culture, early astronomy, and other disciplines throughout history. Astrology and astronomy were often indistinguishable before the modern era, with the desire for predictive and divinatory knowledge one of the primary motivating factors for astronomical observation. Astronomy began to diverge from astrology after a period of gradual separation from the Renaissance up until the 18th century. Eventually, astronomy distinguished itself as the scientific study of astronomical objects and phenomena without regard to the astrological speculation of these phenomena.
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 6118 days ago by ninjaking
Runtime: 5m39s | Views: 8674 | Comments: 0
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