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Search // boys
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The Crespo family of Detroit, Mich. was named winner of the third annual National Family PLUS Cook-off, which was hosted at Bradford’s on Bishop in Atlanta by Boys & Girls Clubs of America (BGCA) and Kimberly-Clark Corporation on Wednesday, Nov. 17. Families representing Boys & Girls Clubs from around the nation competed in regional events to qualify for the national cook-off. Finalists represented Clubs from Harbor City, Calif.; Pittsburgh, Pa.; Detroit, Mich.; Bluffton, S.C.; and Swink, Okla. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5216 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 4m18s | Views: 8063 | Comments: 0
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A fresh, funny debut novel with prep school appeal! It’s Violet’s junior year at the Westfield School. She thought she’d be focusing on getting straight A’s, editing the lit mag, and figuring out how to talk to boys without choking on her own saliva. Instead, she’s just trying to hold it together in the face of cutthroat academics, her crush’s new girlfriend, and the sense that things are going irreversibly wrong with her best friend, Katie. Learn more about this book and author: YA
Tags // john  green  chick  lit  teen  prep  school  coming  of  age  leila  sales  book  trailer  video 
Categories // Miscellaneous  Funny  Business 
Added: 5264 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m22s | Views: 5737 | Comments: 2
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Modern day beat makers such as Printz Board, musical director of the Black Eyed Peas, and Adam "Adrock" Horovitz of the Beastie Boys want to be able to make music wherever inspiration strikes them. That means having software on their computer that provides a studio-in-a-box, with everything they need to create and record and finish a new song. Propellerhead Software, an innovative Swedish company, has created such a product. It's called Reason. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Music  Fashion and Lifestyle 
Added: 5269 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m23s | Views: 7703 | Comments: 0



Rowntree's ®Randoms® and X Factor stars Jedward are back with the third round of the Foamy Gnome's adventures. This time Jedward receive another postcard from foamy gnome , who has taken Rowntree's Randoms to Birmingham. Foamy Gnome seems to have had a great time there. See what he got up to here, and watch the Jedward boys place Foamy's latest destination on their map. Shuttlecocks.
Categories // Funny  Comedy 
Added: 5295 days ago by christinacollins
Runtime: 0m55s | Views: 8035 | Comments: 1
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A mistaken King makes his decision after weeks of silence and anticipation. Witness the most heart pounding decision since man first chose one thing over another. Dan Bakkedahl interviews Seth Kirschner about his Decision.
Categories // Funny  Comedy  Sport 
Added: 5343 days ago by christinacollins
Runtime: 2m18s | Views: 11403 | Comments: 1
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Greetings from Johannesburg, South Africa. Join us as we catch up with two of the city’s rising young soccer stars, Nodia Mukari and Dylan Bufton. Both boys play for McDuling Motors, a Johannesburg based under thirteen side that is more commonly known as Robertsham Football Club. The team recently won the South African leg of the Volkswagen Junior Masters and as a result they will now be representing South Africa in the world finals, to be held in Madrid in May.
Categories // Sport 
Added: 5417 days ago by mhoch4
Runtime: 3m39s | Views: 7362 | Comments: 1
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When the Football World Cup begins in South Africa in June 2010, many thousands of boys aged between ten and twelve will have already finished competing in their own World Cup. The Volkswagen Junior World Masters is a worldwide tournament series which is held in Brazil, Mexico, the USA, Russia, South Africa and Germany, amongst other countries. In May, the winning teams will compete in a final tournament at the famous Bernabe� Stadium in Madrid.
Categories // Sport 
Added: 5418 days ago by mhoch4
Runtime: 2m43s | Views: 7550 | Comments: 1



Pole Dancing
Tags // pole  dancing  crazy  boys  dance 
Categories // Funny  People and Blog 
Added: 5436 days ago by yukafo
Runtime: 0m24s | Views: 12628 | Comments: 0



It’s been a decade since Ben (Duplass) and Andrew (Leonard) were the bad boys of their college campus. Ben has settled down and found a job, wife, and home. Andrew took the alternate route as a vagabond artist, skipping the globe from Chiapas to Cambodia. When Andrew shows up unannounced on Ben’s doorstep, they easily fall back into their old dynamic of macho one-upmanship. Late into the night at a wild party, the two find themselves locked in a mutual dare: to enter an amateur porn contest together. But what kind of boundary-breaking, envelope pushing porn can two straight dudes make? After the booze and “big talk” run out, only one idea remains - they will have sex together…on camera. It’s not gay; it’s beyond gay. It’s not porn; it’s art. But how exactly will it work? And more importantly, who will tell Anna (Delmore), Ben’s wife? Writer/director Lynn Shelton, director of My Effortless Brilliance and recipient of the “Someone to Watch Award” at the 2009 Independent Spirit Awards, expertly mines the biggest ironies of the male ego to hilarious effect. HUMPDAY is a buddy movie gone wild.
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 5609 days ago by moweenstar
Runtime: 2m0s | Views: 14414 | Comments: 1
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White Prison Gangs * * * Gang Identification Task Force * White Prison Gangs, i.e., Aryan Brotherhood, Nazi Low Riders NLR, PENI, Pagans MC, Outlaw Bikers, Peckerwoods, IGD/974 Insane Gangster Disciples, Simon City Royals, Chicago's Almighty Gaylords 712, Neo-Nazi Skinheads 1488, Hammerskins, Aryan Circle, Dirty White Boys, Aryan Knights, European Kindred, Thorndale JagOffs, Northsiders, Aryan Warriors, KKK, Saxon Knights, Caucasian Cartel
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 5611 days ago by prisongangs
Runtime: 2m17s | Views: 12287 | Comments: 1
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This is a tribute video to our customers who played at Diablo Venture Games Paintball for the past 1/4 century. It starts off with shots of some of our many volunteer ref\'s and paid managers. Diablo Venture Games was always proud of those ref\'s who represented our paintball games to the public. Our customers most often commented both in person, phone and email on how well our staff performed and serviced their needs, ensuring the safest paintball games in the San Francisco Bay Area. It\'s not surprising, giving the fact that we always attracted and accepted only those young people with the very best character traits. Most all my staff the past 1/4 century went on to college and are active and productive members our great nation. We count 15 eagle scouts among our ref\'s. Many went on to military carriers, taking what they learned on our paintball fields to the battle fields. Among my very proudest are 2 west Point, 3 Annapolis and 1 Air Force academy graduates, not to mention the many enlisted who worked their way up the enlisted ranks. Although there are some relevantly new customers represented in the video, most shots take you back the the mid eighties and continue into the early nineties. In my opinion, this was Venture Games golden years as well as paintball its self, before it went total commercial and corporate {Note} Diablo Venture Games Paintball Park opened on April 12th 1986, due to the property owner selling the land; it was forced to close down on January 31st 2009. It was home to the original Ironmen recreational paintball team from 1986 to 1988 before it switched to a tournament team. Home to the Lost Boys, Little Rascals, Wild Geese, Out of Shape, Team Taurus and countless others no one ever herd of but deserve mention in this world of the internet!
Categories // Sport 
Added: 5696 days ago by tacticalir
Runtime: 5m51s | Views: 5770 | Comments: 0
      El mejor beatbox visto en Internet. La verdad que el amigo se pasa!! Video extraido de
Tags // amigos  beat  box  boys  chat  conocer  free  friend  girsl  hispanic  latino  meet 
Categories // Funny 
Added: 5735 days ago by josudiguez
Runtime: 1m33s | Views: 11960 | Comments: 0
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