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Das traditionelle GTI-Treffen am Wörthersee ist Kult und pure automobile Leidenschaft zugleich. Das wurde auch dieses Jahr wieder deutlich, als sich weit über 150.000 Motorbegeisterte zum größten GTI-Treffen der Welt trafen, das im österreichischen Reifnitz seine 32. Auflage erlebte. Als sich 1981erstmals knapp 100 VW GTI-Fahrer und ihre Freunde an Himmelfahrt zu einem Treffen am Wörthersee trafen, ahnte wohl keiner von ihnen, was sie da gerade anzettelten und das eines Tages „ihr
Tags // volkswagen  audi  seat  skoda 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 4302 days ago by unitedpictures
Runtime: 3m21s | Views: 1516 | Comments: 1
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Students who qualify will complete, in 32 weeks, the in-school portion of their apprenticeship training. An additional four weeks will be spent with a potential employer or performing other work-related activities.
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 4304 days ago by jasonw93
Runtime: 1m37s | Views: 2292 | Comments: 0



Las colillas de cigarrillo arrojadas en la vía pública son más que una mera molestia para los ojos. De acuerdo a los reportes de las agencias de limpieza ambiental, las colillas de cigarrillo con el objeto Nro. 1 que crea basura en los caminos de EE. UU. y el objeto Nro. 1 encontrado en playas y en cursos de agua a nivel mundial. Una nueva encuesta realizada por Legacy muestra que, si bien más del 88 por ciento de los Americanos encuestados piensa que las colillas de cigarrillo son una preocupación ambiental, más del 44 por ciento de los fumadores encuestados admitieron arrojar cigarrillos al piso y casi el 32 por ciento arrojaron un cigarrillo por la ventana de un auto. Para más, va a
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 4336 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m31s | Views: 1957 | Comments: 0
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Littered cigarette butts are more than just an eye sore. According to environmental clean-up reports, cigarette butts are the No. 1 littered item on U.S. roadways and the No. 1 item found on beaches and waterways worldwide. A new survey conducted by Legacy, shows that while more than 88 percent of Americans surveyed think that cigarette butts are an environmental concern, more than 44 percent of those polled who had ever smoked admit to having dropped a cigarette on the ground and nearly 32 percent have dropped a cigarette out of a car window. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 4336 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 2726 | Comments: 0
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Anytime Fitness, the world’s largest and fastest-growing co-ed fitness club chain, announced today the opening of its 2,000th club in The Netherlands. Founded in 2002, it took Anytime Fitness only 10 years to reach the 2,000-unit mark, less than half as long as other well-known franchises like Subway (23 years) and McDonald’s (32 years). “Some businesses focus on quick growth and others specialize in earning customer loyalty,” said Chuck Runyon, Anytime Fitness CEO and co-founder. “We take great pride in having achieved both of those accomplishments simultaneously. We’ve done so by focusing first on the needs of busy people who simply want to lead a healthier lifestyle and then by providing our franchisees with the practical tools, technology and educational support to help members achieve their goals.” To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle  Business 
Added: 4463 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m26s | Views: 1158 | Comments: 1
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King Cobra, America’s first cobra-themed, racing tube slide, today bares its venomous fangs at Six Flags Hurricane Harbor. King Cobra’s unique configuration enables two tubes to race through a circular path with twists, turns and surprises through enclosed and open sections of the slide at speeds up to 32 miles per hour. The ride’s finale features a sudden, 25-foot plunge at a 50-degree angle with riders racing until the heart-pounding finish as they appear to be swallowed by the massive jaws of the cobra. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Travel and Holiday 
Added: 4595 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 3m17s | Views: 8899 | Comments: 1



IF YOU TRULY SUPPORT MONEY MITCH/ BKMG SHARE THIS VIDEO & Tell your friends to like our page. we will keep you posted on the latest info on all the Black knight Records artists.
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Categories // Music 
Added: 4603 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 2m49s | Views: 4444 | Comments: 0
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Bello Nock, comedic daredevil and circus star, for the first time ever walked 32 stories above and 360 feet across Beau Rivage Resort & Casino in Biloxi, Mississippi today. The high wire walk kicks off Beau Rivage’s summer production show FATA MORGANA which will appear in the Beau Rivage Theatre June 26-August 19. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Tags // beau  rivage  fata  morgana  show  bello  nock  tight  rope  high  wire  walk  event  circus  resort  multivu  56744 
Categories // Event and Party  People and Blog 
Added: 4627 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m13s | Views: 5500 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated KDL32HX753 Sony Bravia's New 2012 32 inch model‎
Tags // kdl32hx753  32hx753  sony  bravia  32  led  tv  323dled 
Categories // Science and Technology 
Added: 4680 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m45s | Views: 4691 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated[EXTRACT] B.F.F. \
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4733 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 2m52s | Views: 9845 | Comments: 1
Not yet rated Remix of In Da Club (50 Cent). Why wait until your birthday for an excuse to celebrate life? Make your birthday everyday - and play this song while you do it.
Categories // Music 
Added: 4737 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m42s | Views: 8021 | Comments: 2



Six Flags Great Adventure, America’s largest regional theme park, today announced the addition of King Cobra, an intense and visually-stunning, racing tube slide, opening at Six Flags Hurricane Harbor in Summer 2012. King Cobra promises one of the most extreme riding experiences in the industry while also delivering great spectator appeal. Complete with bold orange, black and yellow scales to resemble a massive cobra on both the interior and exterior, this slide tower will be the first of its kind anywhere in the United States. King Cobra’s unique configuration enables two tubes to race through a circular path with twists, turns and surprises through enclosed and open sections of the slide at speeds up to 32 miles per hour. The ride’s finale features a sudden, 25-foot plunge at a 50-degree angle with riders racing until the heart-pounding finish as they appear to be swallowed by the massive mouth of the cobra. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Travel and Holiday 
Added: 4756 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m15s | Views: 7774 | Comments: 1
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