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Crazy Woman Loses It With Her Car
Categories // Comedy 
Added: 6048 days ago by arcoxia
Runtime: 0m42s | Views: 8418 | Comments: 2



Barrie J Davies exhibits a drawing in a starbucks toilet as part of his public art series in places in cardiff
Tags // barrie  j  davies  exhibits  a  drawing  in  a  starbucks  toilet  as  part  of  his  public  art  series  in  places  in  cardiff 
Categories // Comedy  Event and Party 
Added: 6048 days ago by barriejdavies
Runtime: 0m28s | Views: 9201 | Comments: 2
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Lots of action clips from the new wing chun kung fu for the complete beginner series,made in the U.K. by Sifu John Agar who is one of the U.K. longest serving wing chun kung fu instructors ( 35 years )teaching experience .
Categories // Miscellaneous  Sport  Howto and DIY 
Added: 6051 days ago by johnagar
Runtime: 3m50s | Views: 8541 | Comments: 1
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Clips from wing chun kung fu for the complete beginner series avilable now to download straight to your home computer ,
Categories // People and Blog  Sport  Howto and DIY 
Added: 6051 days ago by johnagar
Runtime: 1m22s | Views: 8861 | Comments: 1



In the next chapter of the \"Ruga Stories\" webisode series, take a rare glimpse behind the broadcast booth as the world renowned DJ Kay Slay & co. interview Rell in connection with the release of \"Black Mask Black Gloves.\" Rell talks Dipset, the South and its supposed regional \"unity\" & sheds some light on the business side of hip-hop music and culture.
Tags // hell  rell  dipset  ruga  stories  black  mask  black  gloves  babygrande 
Categories // Music 
Added: 6061 days ago by benown
Runtime: 6m25s | Views: 6181 | Comments: 1



This TV series has a charity angle, but the high entertainment value appeals to a wide audience. Lovers of music and celebrities will be drawn to the show as much as concerned activists. We’ve got rock stars and the United Nations together in a way that is turning heads. Each episode features an influential musical icon of our times. We honor their life and their work, interviewing other musicians and celebs, and doing a brief retrospective on their career. The all star cast of musicians who come out to honor the featured artist will also join him on stage! These are musical performances that have never been heard or seen before, as supergroups are formed for One Night Only, jamming on the pivotal sounds of our times. Connected to a United Nations effort, our featured guest will also get the chance to spotlight a charity that they believe in. The UN has made goals to improve our planet by 2015. Each episode and charity will represent one of these goals, like Education, Poverty and Women’s Rights
Tags // concert  cutting  room  new  york  united  nations  garth  hudson  paul  shafer  jimmy  vivino  mdgs 
Categories // Music  Family  Event and Party 
Added: 6068 days ago by onenightonly
Runtime: 4m43s | Views: 10355 | Comments: 3
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Watch out for Bedazzle Kitchen this weekend on www.SO-U.TV . A series of videos presented by local favorite drag queens Coco Pop & Karolina Lista. They paired up with AIDs Concern to bring you food for thought and for tummy. This episode we will talk about Hepatitis- Who would have guessed that Hepatitis is also a form of STD? Coco turns the nasty disease into pastry without a flinch, this is how brave and daring she is! Now everyone in town is trying to get a piece of Coco in her French maid costume.
Categories // Sexy 
Added: 6075 days ago by soutv
Runtime: 6m52s | Views: 10688 | Comments: 1
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Watch out for Beddazzle Kitchen this weekend on www.SO-U.TV . A series of videos presented by local favorite drag queens Coco Pop & Karolina Lista. They paired up with AIDs Concern to bring you food for thought and for tummy. This episode we will talk about Syphilis- Our Japanese-style Coco is having her best posture and cooking this time. Watch how she turns cooking into art and work her magic dymistifying STDs. She is sure setting a trend for Kimonos.
Categories // Funny 
Added: 6081 days ago by soutv
Runtime: 6m13s | Views: 10501 | Comments: 0



To continue with our series, Hong Kong Heroes, So-U.TV\\\\\\\'s tribute to the great spirits of Hong Kong, will introduce Tsang Siu Keung. This young and fast runner is a real winner! Always in the top three of the local races, he is now tackling the major international races. In the video, Tsang shares with us how he get started and how he fell in love with the sport. Catch it all at
Tags // tsang  siu  keung  run  runners  sport  fitness  award  race  gobi  king  of  the  hills  china  hong  kong  blog  blogger  sport  sports  so 
Categories // Sport 
Added: 6095 days ago by soutv
Runtime: 5m12s | Views: 8482 | Comments: 1
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A new series of videos from the pages of VidLit\\\\\\\'s upcoming book , What was I Thinking?!, that wittily examines that moment in a relationship when a woman realizes, This is NOT gonna work out!. True survival stories! What was YOUR moment? This episode:The Training Wheels Of Love, by Mimi Pond.
Categories // Funny 
Added: 6116 days ago by vidlit
Runtime: 1m53s | Views: 11722 | Comments: 0



A new series of videos from the pages of VidLit\'s upcoming book,What was I Thinking?!,that wittily examines that moment in a relationship when a woman realizes,This is NOT gonna work out!.True survival stories! What was YOUR moment? This episode:Norm Crosby Syndrome,by Lynn Snowden Pickett.
Tags // vidlit  relationship  book  woman  love  syndrome 
Categories // Funny 
Added: 6116 days ago by vidlit
Runtime: 2m59s | Views: 11537 | Comments: 0
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Hong Kong Heroes, our tribute to the great spirits of Hong Kong brings you the second in a series of champions. This week we will introduce you to Jocelyn Chow and Vance Lin. They shared with us the ups and downs of their Gobi Desert crossing race. Listen their tales of challenges and triumph at
Categories // Sport 
Added: 6130 days ago by soutv
Runtime: 4m30s | Views: 8075 | Comments: 0
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