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Sanofi Pasteur, the vaccines division of Sanofi (EURONEXT: SAN and NYSE: SNY), announced today that its first doses of Fluzone® (Influenza Vaccine) for the 2016-2017 influenza (“flu”) season have been released by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for shipment. This represents the first of more than 65 million total doses of seasonal influenza vaccine manufactured by Sanofi Pasteur that will be delivered to U.S. health care providers and pharmacies beginning in July and continuing throughout the remainder of the year. Sanofi Pasteur plans to increase its supply to respond to the shifting pediatric public health needs. Seasonal influenza activity typically occurs between October and May and peaks between December and February. However, influenza activity peaked noticeably late last season occurring in early March 2016.1 Influenza seasons are always unpredictable as new influenza strains emerge and strain activity fluctuates throughout the year, making timely vaccination even more important to help protect against the virus, especially for seniors, young children and infants six months of age and older. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 3148 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 4m50s | Views: 1002 | Comments: 0
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As a leader in the senior living industry, Brookdale has released “Creating Enduring Value: 2016 Sustainability Report,” the first in what will be an annual summary of progress in making a positive impact on people, places and performance. The sustainability report comes after the company established the Brookdale Sustainability Leadership Council and developed a three-year roadmap for achieving its sustainability goals. “The core of our business approach is simple, which is that Brookdale cares,” said Andy Smith, Brookdale’s president and chief executive officer. “The sustainability practices that we have developed are an extension of our mission of caring, and they reflect our efforts to create enduring value for our stakeholders. These practices will have a significant direct impact on our residents and their families, our associates and the environment, not just now, but for generations to come. As a leader in the industry and the first operator to establish this kind of initiative, we hope to offer a model for others to follow.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3149 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m29s | Views: 921 | Comments: 0
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Millennials have replaced Boomers as America’s most populous and most influential generation, with more than 75.4 million in the US alone. Ranging from 21-34, some of our country’s most important technological, creative, and economic advancements can be directly attributed to this age group. Yet the very people who are changing the face of the nation are ineligible to hold the nation’s highest political office. Today, Captain Morgan announced a petition for Article II, Section I of the United States Constitution to be changed, which states that “neither shall any person be eligible to [the office of President] who shall not have attained to the age of thirty-five years.” True to its namesake’s pioneering and adventurous spirit, the Captain Morgan brand will unite everyone to bring a new voice to the election, in an attempt to pave a way for Under 35s to be President of the United States. More than half (52%) of 21-34 year olds say lowering the presidential age requirement would be beneficial for the country, and a clear majority of those polled – 56% - say they would be willing to act on this idea by supporting an amendment to lower the age requirement.* To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 3155 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m27s | Views: 881 | Comments: 0
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With 830 women dying every day from preventable causes related to pregnancy and childbirth, and over 16,000 children under age five dying daily, Bayer and the White Ribbon Alliance today released critical policy recommendations and launched community programs to support the reduction and prevention of maternal, newborn and child mortality in two developing countries.1,2 Established through a three-year $1.3 million commitment from Bayer, these programs will expand work conducted by White Ribbon Alliance in Bangladesh and Zimbabwe to support the United Nations Secretary General’s Every Woman Every Child movement. This announcement comes at the one-year anniversary of the Bayer/White Ribbon Alliance commitment in support of the Every Woman Every Child movement and will contribute to the success of the Sustainable Development Goals. To view the multimedia release go to:
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Added: 3155 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m42s | Views: 951 | Comments: 0
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Zelda was found filthy, hungry and matted. Barely recognizable as a dog, her rescuers cleaned her up to reveal a tiny Shih Tzu. Unfortunately, Zelda’s story is similar to the nearly 8 million other animals entering shelters each year. That’s why Wahl has teamed up with to donate funds and grooming supplies to shelters nationwide. The goal: Transform more than 20,000 dogs this year and get them ready for adoption. “Due to lack of resources, less than half of dogs entering shelters are getting the grooming they desperately need,” says Shay Moeller, pet product manager for Wahl. “First impressions are crucial, and without proper grooming, many of these dogs are perceived to be ‘damaged goods.’ By providing shelters with much-needed grooming supplies, we can transform these dogs into the healthy, fun loving pets they really are.” To view the multimedia release go to:
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3155 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m22s | Views: 986 | Comments: 0
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As America takes steps to improve our energy security, home-grown fuel sources are more important that ever. One of the fuel sources of the future is algae, small aquatic organisms that convert sunlight into energy and store it in the form of oil. Scientists and engineers at the Energy Department and its national laboratories are researching the best strains of algae and developing the most efficient farming practices. This edition of Energy 101 shows how oil is extracted from algae and refined into sustainable biofuels. For more information on biofuels visit
Added: 3157 days ago by gogreen
Runtime: 2m34s | Views: 912 | Comments: 1
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Solar photovoltaic (PV) systems can generate clean, cost-effective power anywhere the sun shines. This video shows how a PV panel converts the energy of the sun into renewable electricity to power homes and businesses. Source: U.S. Department of Energy
Added: 3158 days ago by gogreen
Runtime: 2m1s | Views: 661 | Comments: 1
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In this video you can see, why you should change your vehicle to CNG ? It's all about the money.
Added: 3158 days ago by gogreen
Runtime: 0m58s | Views: 674 | Comments: 1
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In this video you will see the reasons why you should use E15.
Added: 3158 days ago by gogreen
Runtime: 1m36s | Views: 640 | Comments: 1
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This video explains the reasons why you should change to natural gas. The US is the Middle East of natural gas.
Added: 3158 days ago by gogreen
Runtime: 1m50s | Views: 585 | Comments: 1
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In this video you can see the reasons to convert your car to natural gas. That will your contribution for 30% lower greenhouse emissions and for saving over 1 billion $ each day for oil imports to the US.
Added: 3158 days ago by gogreen
Runtime: 1m0s | Views: 633 | Comments: 1
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In this video you can see how you can save 1500$ each year by driving 7 times cheaper with natural gas.
Added: 3158 days ago by gogreen
Runtime: 2m45s | Views: 576 | Comments: 1
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