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Search // quickly
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Last-minute tax filers often fall victim to common tax errors either by overpaying a preparer, missing credits/deductions, or making math errors. With the tax filing deadline less than a week away, one of the best ways for eligible tax filers to save money, maximize their refunds and get their refunds quickly is to file for free with MyFreeTaxes. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // People and Blog  Howto and DIY 
Added: 3984 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 4m59s | Views: 873 | Comments: 3
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The artisan quickly inter-twines or braids the 2 threads. It is in this step that care must be taken to ensure that the alphabets are straight, same size and rightly aligned.
Categories // Funny  Fashion and Lifestyle  Business 
Added: 3992 days ago by Janemarshal55
Runtime: 1m3s | Views: 611 | Comments: 2
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Anyone who's ever survived a severe weather storm or natural disaster knows that the damage to home and property can be overwhelming, emotionally and financially. Although it is impossible to know exactly when a disaster will strike, State Farm® wants you to be prepared and quickly recover from the unexpected. Your ability to weather the storm may depend on the measures you take today. As the largest property insurer in the nation, State Farm has been helping families manage the risks of everyday life since 1922. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Howto and DIY 
Added: 4021 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m30s | Views: 1551 | Comments: 2
Not yet rated shows how to get rid of razor burn really quickly. Razor burn can be an annoying problem but there will be no more razor burn once you've visited the website above so click there now.
Tags // rid  of  razor  burn  to  get  rid  of  razor  burn  getting  rid  of  razor  burn 
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 4116 days ago by bussiiness
Runtime: 1m5s | Views: 1715 | Comments: 1
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Process plants and pipelines generate thousands of alarms from their automation systems every day — many of which are not serious. Control room operators must then quickly distinguish between routine process alarms and critical alarms that warn of operating problems or safety issues. Honeywell (NYSE:HON) today unveiled its new DynAMo™ Alarm Suite, an advanced alarm management software that reduces the overall number of alarms while helping operators focus and respond to those most critical. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business  Science and Technology 
Added: 4124 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m9s | Views: 2155 | Comments: 1
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Easily create & share stunning diagrams, mindmaps and presentations with Conojo – The 5-In-1 Collaborative Whiteboard App. Gone are the days of scribbling illegibly on clunky whiteboards, awkwardly passing markers from person to person in order to “work together”. With Conojo, collaborative planning & whiteboarding has never been easier, or quite as much fun. Conojo’s expansive and versatile toolset has everything you need for sketching, planning, problem solving and teaching. Utilise the intuitive range of drawing tools & pre-made blueprints to quickly visualize and express ideas. Share these brilliant ideas through in-app video recording, or work collaboratively in real time via Bluetooth & Wi-Fi. Feature List: * Real-Time Collaborative Whiteboarding * Easy-to- use Drawing Tools & Shapes * Huge Variety of Templates Incl. Charts, Graphs, Fishbone diagrams, Flowcharts * Powerful Bluetooth Integration and Collaboration * 36 In-built Training Videos for Advanced Features * 25 Backgrounds and Many Formatting Options * 100+ Stylish Fonts * Express Ideas Visually * Import Any Type of File Seamlessly via Photo Roll, Dropbox, WebDav or more * Drag and Drop Objects * Advanced Tools For Dynamic Creations * Easy Export via Email, Facebook, Twitter, Evernote or more Conojo is both easy to use, and sufficiently feature-rich. Users Enjoy simple but flexible drawing tools, including but not limited to the pencil, pen, marker, highlighter, and eraser. Create fluid brush strokes in multiple widths and unlimited colours. Once you’ve got the basics covered; take advantage of the 36 in-built training videos to expand your creative range. Easily collaborate with friends, family or colleagues using Conojo’s powerful sharing capabilities. Join up with fellow Conojo users to narrate whiteboard sessions and share your ideas visually. Alternatively, record and your brainstorming sessions in-app, and export in seconds to YouTube, Social Networks or E-mail. Conojo is a must have for creative thinkers and compulsive planners alike. Ditch the whiteboard, download Conojo today.
Tags // conojo  whiteboard  app  ipad 
Categories // Business 
Added: 4129 days ago by paul_anderson
Runtime: 1m12s | Views: 1375 | Comments: 0
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ScrapNShare is a digital scrapbook app for iOS devices including the iPad. With ScrapNShare you can quickly and easily create beautiful digital scrapbook designs that you can share with your friends, family or everyone.
Categories // Howto and DIY 
Added: 4257 days ago by taton
Runtime: 2m6s | Views: 703 | Comments: 1
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Blu® Homes, Inc. (“Blu”), the leading builder of beautiful, precision-engineered, green prefab homes, announced today that Woody Bell has been named senior vice president of operations. In his new role, Bell will oversee manufacturing at Blu’s Vallejo, California factory, a state-of-the-art 250,000 square-foot facility located in a former naval shipyard. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business 
Added: 4267 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m6s | Views: 1272 | Comments: 2
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Kids grow up so quickly, but they still make us proud. Thanks to for putting this sentimental video together. Music by:
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 4298 days ago by eliasradie3
Runtime: 2m8s | Views: 1535 | Comments: 0
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Paragon is an advisory consulting and systems integration solutions firm that specializes in enterprise information management to help clients achieve better business results. We have been providing Fortune 1000 financial services, insurance, life sciences and communications organizations with end-to-end business and technology solutions for over thirty years. Our talented, forward-thinking associates have deep industry experience—men and women who understand industry challenges and goals... so we’re able to provide industry specific advisory consulting and systems integration solutions using our proprietary methodologies and frameworks. We offer the ideal blend of the big name consulting firms’ capabilities... with the nimbleness and value of the smaller boutique firms... implementing practical strategies quickly with proven results. Learn how Paragon can deliver value for your company. Watch our latest video now.
Tags // business 
Categories // Business 
Added: 4350 days ago by ellahilda96
Runtime: 1m29s | Views: 6883 | Comments: 1
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AmLactin® Alpha-Hydroxy Skin Care is proud to announce the introduction of AmLactin® Cerapeutic™ Restoring Body Lotion, formulated with skin care’s newest “power couple”— alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs) and essential ceramides. Making its retail debut at select Wal-Mart and Walgreens stores, AmLactin® Cerapeutic™ contains the intensely hydrating, patented ULTRAPLEX® formula to gently exfoliate, and three skin identical ceramides that work together to quickly strengthen skin’s protective moisture barrier for noticeably softer, more resilient skin. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Fashion and Lifestyle 
Added: 4363 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m59s | Views: 4198 | Comments: 0
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Crosstex International, a subsidiary of Cantel Medical Corp. (NYSE:CMN), and Prestige Ameritech, the only two major U.S.-based medical mask manufacturers have joined forces to bring attention to a glaring void in public health research and policy – that, if addressed, has the potential to more quickly provide a simple, effective tool to mitigate the spread of influenza and other respiratory borne viruses. The awareness campaign comes in response to a new study, “ Exposure to Influenza Virus Aerosols During Routine Patient Care,” published in The Journal of Infectious Diseases, showing that influenza viruses may spread as far as six feet from a person coughing or sneezing, and that some people, referred to as “super spreaders,” may be more likely to spread the virus. The study, supported by the Department of Health and Human Services with a $600,000 research grant, pointed specifically to concerns for healthcare workers being exposed to coughs from sick patients. Yet government research and policy continues to overlook face masks as a feasible protection measure for both the healthcare industry and the general public. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 4377 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m41s | Views: 1976 | Comments: 1
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