In this second installment of Melody Carlson’s engaging Boomer series, four fifty something women discover you really can go home again. But it’s not always easy. Learn more about the book here: and its author here: Christian, women’s fiction, Christian Romance, inspirational
As the hunt to find probably the best team talk has come to an end - it's only fair that we at Carlsberg have a go in delivering a team talk too. This is exactly what we have done in our new TV ad.
The advert features 16 English sporting legends, including 1966 World Cup winner Jack Charlton, five-time Olympic gold medallist Sir Steve Redgrave and 2003 Rugby World Cup winning coach Sir Clive Woodward.
Thank you for all of your passionate and inspirational team talks over the last 3 months! There's still a chance to submit a team talk at to help spur the lads on!
Ayia Napa Monastery, Cyprus, captured In pictures and film, accompanied by an inspirational classical piece of music, Mozart, Canon In D Major. Agia Napa Monastery is the best known landmark of the Agia Napa area. It has a charm and charisma that represents a time when Ayia Napa was just a sleepy fishing village. It seems that in ancient times, the location where the monastery and the village exists today, was covered with a thick forest, visited only by hunters from the neighbouring villages.
Major companies are helping to find a cure through donations, selling inspirational pink products and creating revolutionary breast scanning technology. Here are a few ways you can help.