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Unilever, one of the world’s largest consumer goods companies, has created the first mobile app to capture the real-time social elements of Facebook, Twitter and mobile phone activity to produce a record of unforgettable nights out. The Lynx Stream, developed for deodorant brand Lynx / AXE and launched today in the UK, collects every video, picture, text, tweet, check-in and status update a group of friends makes to produce an automatic Stream of the night and highlight video, which can be watched online and shared through social networks. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 5072 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m42s | Views: 6587 | Comments: 2
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The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is celebrating exceptional care for Veterans this week, May 2 – 6 as part of the nationally recognized Research Week. This year’s theme, “Discovery and Collaboration for Exceptional Health Care,” celebrates two crucial elements of VA research: dedicated follow-through on important research findings to optimize medical therapies for Veterans and others; and vital research and care collaborations between VA and academic institutions, other government agencies, and health-related industry. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5077 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 6m5s | Views: 6420 | Comments: 0
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Students, families and staff from Manor View Elementary located in Fort Meade, along with Target® (NYSE:TGT), The Heart of America Foundation® and Sabrina Soto, HGTV Designer and Target Home Style Expert, will celebrate the unveiling of the school’s newly renovated library and Teachers’ Resource Room. The transformation is part of the Target School Library Makeovers program and includes 2,000 new books, new design elements, technology upgrades – including 50 audio books donated by Playaway – and customized wall art. In addition, each student and his or her sibling/s will receive seven new books to take home and add to their at-home collection. In honor of Veterans Day, a celebration will be shared on Nov. 11 with the military families from the post, as well as deployed military parents overseas via live video chat. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // News and Politics 
Added: 5258 days ago by MultiVuVideo
Runtime: 0m23s | Views: 6545 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated As a result, drinking acai berry green teas gives you the double the antioxidants, double the power, double the fat misplaced, double the deliciousness, and so forth. Green tea also has antibacterial properties that may help tremendously in combating tooth decay. Now, 1 phrase of caution about this wonderful combination--do not confuse it with acai berry black tea. Black teas is created by fermenting the tea leaves, which results in a drastic reduction in particular well being advantages and a total elimination of other people. Acai berry green tea is the product you want, not acai berry black teas. Additionally, acai berry inexperienced teas consists of particular benefits of elements in green teas that the acai berry (however super of a superfood it may be) doesn
Tags // acai  berry  and  green  tea  acai  berry  green  tea  diet  acai  berry  white  tea  gnc  green  tea  oprah  green  tea 
Categories // People and Blog 
Added: 5277 days ago by frankwyatt77
Runtime: 1m25s | Views: 9772 | Comments: 0
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Air, Water, Earth, Fire. Four nations tied by destiny when the Fire. Nation launches a brutal war against the others. A century has passed with no hope in sight to change the path of this destruction. Caught between combat and courage, Aang (Noah Ringer) discovers he is the lone Avatar with the power to manipulate all four elements. Aang teams with Katara (Nicola Peltz), a Waterbender, and her brother, Sokka (Jackson Rathbone), to restore balance to their war-torn world.
Categories // Miscellaneous  Family 
Added: 5386 days ago by akhikashyup
Runtime: 1m49s | Views: 5896 | Comments: 0
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Ektron Inc. today, at Enterprise 2.0 in Boston, announced the release of eIntranet™, a ‘total solution' for intranets, that integrates elements of Ektron's core technology and gives businesses a powerful and trusted intranet solution. Combining social software and web content management in one enterprise application, the familiar interface and Ektron's advanced web content management functionality raises the daily value of the intranet for businesses. Activity streams, a gallery of widgets, mobile engagement and in-context analytic tools ensure that eIntranet is easy to deploy, use and extend – on-premise, hosted or in the cloud. To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Categories // Business  Science and Technology 
Added: 5398 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 1m10s | Views: 6975 | Comments: 2
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The American Lung Association launched its first nationwide public service advertising (PSA) brand campaign in more than a decade today in an effort to raise awareness and engage people in the mission of the century-old public health charity. The campaign includes television, radio, print and out-of-home elements, all of which emphasize the American Lung Association’s brand platform and tagline, “Fighting for Air.” To view Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 5432 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m30s | Views: 7420 | Comments: 1
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In this episode of "Who Needs the Gym", Sarina visits Amy Dixon to learn the elements of her fusion workout, "Full Circle". Using only your body, get the power of boot camp with the strength & grace of yoga in this do anywhere routine. For more fitness and wellness videos, visit which helps YOU take control of your well-being, body, mind and soul. Be Healthalicious!
Tags // amy  angeles  beyoutv  boot  camp  circle  diet  dixon  exercise  full  gym  jain  los  modern  new  out  sarina  work 
Categories // Howto and DIY 
Added: 6022 days ago by kushtv
Runtime: 2m26s | Views: 9923 | Comments: 2



Butta Verses, a Bronx-bred rapper who now calls Fort Lauderdale, Florida home, made his debut appearance on De La Soul’s 2004 release The Grind Date spitting back to back with Posdonus on the song “No.” Butta’s name was bestowed upon him by fellow MCs at local ciphers but once his mixtape reached the ears of DJ Maseo from De La Soul, his rhymes started reaching neighborhoods around the world. Maseo signed Butta to his Bear Mountain Entertainment label and he began touring with De La Soul to promote The Grind Date. Butta released several mixtapes while playing over 200 shows on De La Soul’s international tour and began recording with his crew GCD (Glee Club Detention) as well as Seattle’s Vitamin D and Bean One for his Bear Mountain debut, Brand Spankin. Having completed his term with Bear Mountain, Butta focused on live performances, sharing the stage with such veterans as Wu Tang Clan, KRS-One, Boot Camp Click and many others. Though no longer signed with Maseo, Butta was heard in late 2006 on De La Soul’s old-school flavored track, “You Got It” from Impossible Mission. All along, Butta has seen a great deal of his catalog licensed for television (NBC’s Saturday Night Live and A&E’s Dog The Bounty Hunter, to name a couple) and ringtones through his partnership with NYC-based licensing company, Beats and Rhymes. Today, Butta is wrapping up his follow-up album, Six Minutes To Ten, with such guests as CL Smooth, and A-Butta of Natural Elements with production help from The Mighty V.I.C. and Tzarizm among others. March of 2007 will see the release of an exclusive Butta V track produced by Marco Polo on hip-hop upstart label Audio Clutch. The label's debut release will be available in record stores and online everywhere. Expect more from this rising star in 2007. Courtesy of Butta Verses on
Categories // Music  People and Blog 
Added: 6159 days ago by jennyfrommoli
Runtime: 3m2s | Views: 8931 | Comments: 1



Urban motorway with hydraulic elements for energy production.
Tags // energy  hydraulic  urban  motorway 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 6187 days ago by KarlErhartitsch
Runtime: 3m38s | Views: 6912 | Comments: 2
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