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http://www.themagicofchristmassong.comSong by 'Christian Holiday' (of course that's just his Christmas name) 'The Magic of Christmas' has a classic sound to it that captures everything good about Christmas and that special time of year.The Magic of Christmas' balances home family stuff with an underlying religious tone, in a happy and uplifting way & with it's jaunty melody, singing along comes quite naturally and is enjoyable and irresistible.
Tags // the  magic  of  christmas  christmas  song 
Categories // Music 
Added: 3821 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 5m14s | Views: 909 | Comments: 1
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Four best friends plus one weekly tradition equals a whole lot of fun. Meet the Sleepover Girls and gather together for crafts, fashion, cooking, and of course, girl talk. Find out more at Children’s
Categories // Miscellaneous  Family 
Added: 3840 days ago by cosproductions
Runtime: 1m0s | Views: 739 | Comments: 1
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For many sports fans, it’s “that” time of the year. College and professional football season equate to prime time tailgating season. Fans seem to be tailgating more than ever as Tailgater Magazine estimates that 50 million people tailgate annually in North America. Each year, tailgaters seem to try to compete for the biggest and best tailgates. Besides radios, blenders, and hot plates, it’s not uncommon to find big screen TVs, gaming systems, stereos, and of course, cell phone chargers at a typical tailgate this fall. All of this electronic equipment requires portable power to keep it running. Briggs & Stratton’s PowerSmart Series™ P3000 inverter generator takes tailgating to a whole new level for sports fans that require a quiet, lightweight, and fuel efficient portable generator to power all of their big game tailgating essentials. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 3844 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 2m30s | Views: 1115 | Comments: 0
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Horseshoe Casino Baltimore celebrated its grand opening in style with a star-studded celebration to welcome Baltimore’s most influential citizens to Charm City’s newest attraction. The opening night festivities began with a special gathering for dignitaries in the casino’s outdoor entertainment plaza and included remarks from Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley and the Mayor of Baltimore Stephanie Rawlings-Blake. Revelers were treated to awe-inspiring vertical dance performances by BANDALOOP, pyrotechnics and music as the evening’s festivities kicked-off. In a nod to Baltimore’s history, a series of banners depicting great moments in the city’s past were unfurled during the course of the opening ceremonies. A final banner proclaimed the evening as Baltimore’s lucky night, officially marking the opening of Horseshoe Casino Baltimore. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Added: 3846 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 5m34s | Views: 1110 | Comments: 0
Not yet rated We all want eccomerce success! Watch this video to find out what the top 5 sources for success are. You will find ways to to increase traffic to your site, build trust with your customers and of course make more money!
Tags // money  trust  traffic  business  eccomerce 
Categories // Business 
Added: 3867 days ago by gmsarticles
Runtime: 2m5s | Views: 788 | Comments: 0
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To find the best candidates for an exciting career in the Navy we set a challenge. See how engineering students turn a billboard into a fully functioning remote controlled vessel.Over the course of a weekend the students modelled the LHD (Landing Helicopter Dock) - a new Navy vessel entering the Australian Defence Force with one of the most capable and sophisticated air-land-sea amphibious deployment systems in the world.
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 3936 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 1m0s | Views: 1315 | Comments: 0
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Three-time U.S. Olympian Deena Kastor, 41, raced to a first place finish at the 11th Annual More Magazine/Fitness Magazine Women’s Half-Marathon in New York City’s Central Park on Sunday, April 13, 2014. Kastor shattered the previous course record time of 1:13:25.051 set in 2013, running a blazing 1:11:38, setting setting not only a new event record, but also a new U.S. Masters record. Local runners Tsehay Geisto of New York, NY, took second place in 1:15:07, while Aregash Gubae placed third in 1:18:35. To view the multimedia assets associated with this release, please click:
Added: 3981 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 0m54s | Views: 1169 | Comments: 3
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Click: iTunes: "I Love To Love You Too" by Sarantos Melogia Is A Classic Youtube Dance Video. This video shows a glimpse into the sarcastic and playful nature of Sarantos. Of course, anyone following Sarantos on Facebook or Twitter understands by now the true nature of his demeanor. With over 110K Facebook likes in the last 6 days, supporters are definitely expressing positive reviews for Sarantos latest song "I Love To Love You Too" as he prepare for his performance at the Canadian's Music Week in Toronto. The music video has now arrived on Youtube. Internationally, the buzz has continued to spread and Sarantos music has received over 500K radio airplays. His fan list continues to grow exponentially. Sarantos has a strong motivation with his musical passion to raise money for charity. 33% of any music-related sales profits are going straight to charity. Facebook: and Twitter:
Tags // sarantos  melogia  i  love  to  love  you  too 
Categories // Music 
Added: 3981 days ago by drdocus
Runtime: 4m50s | Views: 1677 | Comments: 0



Official Web Site: Buy On iTunes: The 3rd music video is now released worldwide. Sarantos now awaits his fans' reactions to this hysterical video. This video shows a glimpse into the sarcastic and playful nature of Sarantos. Of course, anyone following Sarantos on Facebook or Twitter understands by now the true nature of his demeanor. With tremendous support and positive feedback on his previous music videos 'Not Where I Wanna Be' and 'Nothing To Hide,' Sarantos is thrilled to see what his fans think of the video. This one is quite different.
Tags // sarantos  back  and  forth 
Categories // Music 
Added: 4014 days ago by drdocus
Runtime: 4m20s | Views: 2121 | Comments: 0
     Sacred Mountains with Ryan Pyle is a television series that will follow adventure traveler and award winning photographer Ryan Pyle to the far corners of the planet in the name of natural and cultural exploration, and of course some brilliant photography.
Tags // celebrity 
Categories // Miscellaneous 
Added: 4061 days ago by johngeltkn
Runtime: 3m24s | Views: 834 | Comments: 0
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Simple elegance, an exhilarating driving experience, state-of-the-art and easy-to-use technology and beautifully crafted, the all-new 2015 Chrysler 200 charts a new course for mid-size sedan customers who have earned a little luxury in their life, but demand value for their money. To view the Multimedia News Release, go to
Tags // 2015  chrysler  200c  mid  size  sedan  naias  detroit  auto  show  cars  vehicles  multivu  64653 
Categories // Cars and Vehicles 
Added: 4070 days ago by MultiVuVideos
Runtime: 4m16s | Views: 2011 | Comments: 2
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Next time you get the feeling that the floor is falling out from beneath your feet, it might just be an ESP Detection Floor that comes to your aid. Developed in the Netherlands, the ESP Detection Floor system uses electronic flooring underlay panels to monitor rooms by detecting human movement. The panels detect if someone has fallen over and automatically notify an emergency control center.. Of course, when it comes to flooring, aesthetic design is just as important as functionality. Which is why DOMOTEX 2014 will explore trends in flooring functionality and design. The rug designer Jürgen Dahlmanns and the internationally renowned architect Jürgen Mayer H. have given a preview of their contributions to DOMOTEX 2014.
Tags // domotex  fair  floor  rug  trend  esp  detection  floor  hanover 
Added: 4076 days ago by mhoch4
Runtime: 2m19s | Views: 1694 | Comments: 1
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